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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    Yep, definitely up for some proper NTSC matches - whenever I join a game with NTSCers it seems that they all immediately switch to the opposing team, mind...


      Meh I was just getting into this and then everyone went twice (as one went down then we switched then the other). I was shouting stuff out now and again but everyone else was silent so I felt abit of an idiot so stopped. Im always very chatty normally with what I find on these games and would normally shout out position of mobs and I was saying Im off to x base at first but as I said I went quiet in the end and I still think I was the last one to say owt (and yes that northern monkey is me).

      Ive really got into the Warhawks today, I was terrible up till about 7pm then something clicked and on one level I was in one for about 10mins. I still need to force myself not to go all out at someone though or sit and hover and fire as thats a death sentence. I just cant help seeing ENM and flying full pelt at em I think once you learn where stuff is you reliase the good players arent super human in flying, they just know where the best missiles are and health and know what zones not to fly in (as AA will kill you in one hit) and when to go low past them.

      Im in a real bad mood now though, all ranked servers are full or broke and cant get in, tried for half an hour. I want to play more but its impossible with them being USA servers and hitting their peak time so its forced me to go eat and watch 24


        was a fun game had my headset on just people where asleep in my house so needed to be quiet but christ they not as comfortable as the 360 headset


          Fired this online for the first time tonight with some random games and gameplay wise its a blast. Some issues around being able to actually join a game and the stat tracking but when you get it together it is immesne fun.

          Well up for some NTSC locked down games so get my clan inivite in and I will be on each night this week.

          On foot Warhawk takedown with the RPG FTW


            Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
            Meh I was just getting into this and then everyone went twice (as one went down then we switched then the other). I was shouting stuff out now and again but everyone else was silent so I felt abit of an idiot so stopped. Im always very chatty normally with what I find on these games and would normally shout out position of mobs and I was saying Im off to x base at first but as I said I went quiet in the end and I still think I was the last one to say owt (and yes that northern monkey is me).

            Ive really got into the Warhawks today, I was terrible up till about 7pm then something clicked and on one level I was in one for about 10mins. I still need to force myself not to go all out at someone though or sit and hover and fire as thats a death sentence. I just cant help seeing ENM and flying full pelt at em I think once you learn where stuff is you reliase the good players arent super human in flying, they just know where the best missiles are and health and know what zones not to fly in (as AA will kill you in one hit) and when to go low past them.

            Im in a real bad mood now though, all ranked servers are full or broke and cant get in, tried for half an hour. I want to play more but its impossible with them being USA servers and hitting their peak time so its forced me to go eat and watch 24
            Something clicked and you started shooting me out of the sky every 30 seconds lol
            Sorry I had to drop out of hosting, I was shouting into my headset too odd maybe there is a fualt will get a wired one tomorrow and can host 8 again if anyone wants a game tomorrow.
            Also how the hell do you lock on ??
            Last edited by dvdmike; 02-09-2007, 23:53.


              so what usb wired headset do people use bt one is uncomfortable plus playing with jebus and others form the clan tonight was fun cause i could actually get on a server


                The SOCOM one is pretty good, I may stop this hosting DUKE as you all come into my house and show me how bad i am lol


                  Will be getting Warhawk today now that i've sourced a Headset. A clan invite would be appreicated.

                  Talizker - Talizker - Voice coming in the next few days!


                    I just had a quick game last night, and the server was soon filled with people, including some from NTSC-uk I think. I had only thought of running a public server for a test, but it lasted until 23.30 my time... Jebus Nailed me constantly!

                    12 players seemed to work fine, the pings for UK peeps were 100-140 and I didn't hear any problems with lag.

                    Anyway, Monday is my online gaming night. I'm up for hosting a game, but the turn out has been really crap so far, so I'm in two minds of just playing public again. I'll try one more time I guess.


                    Server: NTSC-uk
                    Password: norway

                    Please sign up here, so we can see if there is enough interest to make a private server.

                    1. CapcomSuicide


                      I'm up for this CS asuming I have no DL and installation issues although i'll be voiceless for a few more days. As usual it will be about 9pm for me...


                        Originally posted by talizker View Post
                        I'm up for this CS asuming I have no DL and installation issues although i'll be voiceless for a few more days. As usual it will be about 9pm for me...
                        1. CapcomSuicide - Voice Enabled
                        2. Tali (from 9PM)


                          I might be able to get on but it'll only be for an hour if I do. Back at work tomorrow (been on holiday last week) so I need an early night for a 4am alarm call.

                          The guys saying they were talking but nobody do know you have to press and hold L3 to transmit right?


                            Im on from 9 CS so sign me up and get me a clan invite in the post

                            No voice at the moment but I will be sorting that out this week.


                              Can't do tonight I'm afraid but I'll try and get back on this at some point - COD4 just kinda nailed it last night and Everybodys Golf 5 turned up this morning but if a decent private game with chat is happening I'm in any other night.


                                i`ll be on from 7.30, save us a space.

