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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    It is ntsc-uk (lower case if it makes a difference). Have another player in so should work ok.


      I just left it a while and it's let me in now, so if someone could sort out a clan invite I'd appreciate it.


        Kept getting that Network Timeout myself last night. Think it was caused by the firmware update somehow.

        I rebooted my machine and ran a Connection Test from the XMB. That sorted it.


          Good game that time!!! Only came online to test my new headset though.

          I'd like to know who was dropping bloody mines everywhere though lol. I think they got me about 3 times.


            Yeah, I actually got a few kills!


              I know you got me a couple of times!

              It was just the right number of people for that map, I've tried a full scale dogfight before and it was non stop "missile alerts" one after the other. As soon as you escaped one another was locked onto you...


                That actually worked out quite well, though you guys couldn't hear me (BT headset) - I have a wired one on the way.

                Definitely some things that need sorting though. The option to enable game wide voice is one, pressing L3 is far too clumsy when you're trying (And failing, in my case) to evade a missile lock.

                Being able to search the server list wouldn't go amiss either. I'm not sure what sorting the list does, but it sure as hell doesn't sort the list.

                Nice lag free game though, looking forward to getting into it more.


                  I really need to get my arse into gear and join you guys for some games.


                    I must be one of the only people who likes having a talk button on the controller!

                    You should all be very grateful that I have one of those to protect your precious ears whenever I got wasted in that game!


                      Hehe, I don't mind the idea of a talk button, but I find it clumsy having it on the stick that you're relying on to stay alive, personally. Having said that I'm not sure where else it could go.

                      And I don't mind lots of banter, I tend to be pretty chatty (Read: Lots of swearing and asking what the hell is going on) too.


                        You can customise the control buttons if you want to. I think I'd miss one of the other buttons if I swapped that one.


                          Yeah, that's the problem. Logical place is for one of the shoulder buttons, but they're all taken. Although I don't think I used the L2+R2 button combo at all tonight - must mess with that tomorrow.


                            That did indeed work well and voice wise (BT) I didnt appear to have any issues with hearing (most!) people and people hearing me. My only problem as usual was being a bit pants lol!


                              Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                              Although I don't think I used the L2+R2 button combo at all tonight...
                              They are my version of a panic button! When missiles are locked on I let them get close then use the two of them loop over the missiles. Well...I should say I try to do that lol.

                              I started using the stealth tonight which I've not bothered with before. It worked a little too well for my liking though! I was happily hovering and lining up a lock on in my sights when there was a hell of a bang as two Warhawks in the middle of a chase flew straight into the side of me as they couldn't see me!


                                Originally posted by Evolution-One View Post
                                I started using the stealth tonight which I've not bothered with before. It worked a little too well for my liking though! I was happily hovering and lining up a lock on in my sights when there was a hell of a bang as two Warhawks in the middle of a chase flew straight into the side of me as they couldn't see me!
                                Hehe, I think one of those were me. I remember dying at least once and wondering how the hell it had happened.
                                Originally posted by talizker View Post
                                That did indeed work well and voice wise (BT) I didnt appear to have any issues with hearing (most!) people and people hearing me. My only problem as usual was being a bit pants lol!
                                Yeah, I had no problem hearing some/most of the people - just didn't seem to be able to reciprocate. Still I took advantage of the Asda offer for the SOCOM headset anyway, then I'll trade the game in against something or other else. I want the USB headset for Manhunt anyway, so it's all good.

