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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    Awesome picture!

    Reminds me, I need to sort out my NAT type...


      Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
      Which brings us to my other question - what the **** is the point of the clan ? How do we play a clan match against another clan ?
      I'd assume you would set up a private match with password and each clan leader had the password?

      No idea, how does it normally work..?


        Have a gander at Resistence online. Your clan pile up in a party... the party maker will join a game... you'll all follow him/her and join the same team on arrival at the server. This needs to be implemented to Warhawk and after so much requesting from fans, I'm sure it eventual will.

        The core is in place.. the game, but with some added nessecities it'll be even better. Should've all been there from the start to be honest, mind.


          So how does it work just now Hoolak ? As far as I can tell it doesn't - even if people on the same clan are in a game together they end up on opposing teams ???


            Can't you hit start in any game and select "switch sides" ?


              Yep and you get a message saying "cannot switch sides as it would cause imbalance" rendering the option completely redundant.


                Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                So how does it work just now Hoolak ? As far as I can tell it doesn't - even if people on the same clan are in a game together they end up on opposing teams ???
                It doesn't work as well as Resistence does and they really should've took note there.

                At the moment you are not forced to use up your XMB Friend slots with clan members. So, you can have all the friends you want in WH (in your clan) and then when you logon, go to your clan list, see where your clan buds are playing, then click on them to join them.

                That's it for now. The things I mentioned in my previous post would be make it more of a clan, plus maybe even clan match-ups and leaderboards.

                and yeah it doesn't work as a clan should do, coz as you said, you end up on different teams. Should be called 'WH in-game friends' or something more fitting like that.
                Last edited by hudson; 05-09-2007, 14:09.


                  Anyone wanting to join my little 2 vs 2 going on now would be wise to try the password "flange" ...


                    Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                    Yep and you get a message saying "cannot switch sides as it would cause imbalance" rendering the option completely redundant.
                    It's not reduntant mate, that option is up to the host. There are two options, one is to allow switching sides and the other is to force the game to balance sides, if you turn that off you could get 8 people in all on one side and wait...


                      I was the host - it's too late by the time you're at the screen where you can pick to swap sides and if the option is turned off I fail to see why the option is still available to select . I want balanced teams but I also want my mates on my side - it's pretty basic stuff.


                        I don't understand mate, I'm playing now and it's 2 vs 0 at the moment cos me and a mate are just having a laugh.

                        If you just uncheck "Make sides balanced" and check "Allow swap sides" you get that?

                        Sorry, I'm confused


                          If I do that I'll end up with screwed up teams and I don't want that so I leave "balance sides" on - you & your mate won't be having a laugh if 8 people join and all go on the opposite side will you.

                          I want to be able to have the game monitor the team sizes/balance for me and just let me play on the same team as my friends. I didn't think it was asking too much. Similar to the clan thing - it's there but it's redundant. 8 of us from a clan could join the same game (don't laugh I know it's hard enough just for 1 person to get in) and all end up fighting each other - I fail to see the point in that.

                          All they had to do was have a short lobby pre-game like Gears where you pick your side - it's stupid.


                            How can I find the NTSC-UK server?


                              What NTSC server ? I thought Capcom had been hosting ?


                                No idea.... Destrukticor txted me a few days ago said he was having a blast on the NTSC-UK server.... I wanted to join the fun cos i'm sick of not being able to find a decent host

