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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    I shall be on somewhen between seven and eight, all going well. I won't bother trying to host, because my connection sucks, but I'll keep an eye out for the NTSC server and join up.


      Been playing this a lot over the last week, feel free to add me.

      Nisa - Nisabiscuit65 - N


        Whoevers sending out clan invites, please can they send me one doodledude.



          I'll do some more clan invites soon, I've been busy back at work this week and haven't switched a console on for a few nights now...

          Unless anyone else wants to be promoted to leader and then they can send out invites?


            add me please -theSTRAWDoG Y (i think,although no one ever talks to me ;-( lol)

            it is push left stick in to talk right?
            motorola headset is tested and all good but i never hear anything through it in warhawk

            help for an idiot accepted here


              Played some ranked DM tonight (No comms at the moment, so didn't want to jump into anything that required co-ordination) - first time I'd played the ground stuff, but that's a boat load of fun. The auto-aim is way too sticky though - is there an option to switch it off?

              And yeah, left stick to talk. There's an option (In the game or the XMB, can't remember) to use the headset instead of the speakers - I could hear fine when I tried the other night but nobody could hear me. I'm waiting on the wired headset, should be here middle of next week hopefully.

              Didn't see any sign of an NTSC server tonight though or I'd have joined.


                Anyone fancy getting a mid-afternoon NTSC game on this tomorrow ? Play some tactical stuff like CTF and Zones for a few hours ? Headsets a go !


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                  Anyone fancy getting a mid-afternoon NTSC game on this tomorrow ? Play some tactical stuff like CTF and Zones for a few hours ? Headsets a go !
                  Sounds like a plan. Have to work though


                    Hope you're not editing any wiki's you naughty boy you

                    Might be on later in the evening too ye never know - how many of us can play MNG5 online together ?


                      Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                      Hope you're not editing any wiki's you naughty boy you
                      Never again. I'm currently in Dubai in a disguise sitting at a coffee shop. I can see the Sony agents looking for me from here


                        Sent out a load of invites, but I don't know if you can only send so many at a time, because when I got to doodledude and theSTRAWDoG, it failed to send them!

                        Will try again tomorrow after everyone's accepted their invites.


                          I need another game at this I must free up some time


                            Yeah, it would be nice to get an NTSC game setup again (Preferably when I have my wired headset. ). I'm enjoying the ranked DM games, but it's not the same with randoms.


                              I don't think it's too bad with randoms since you don't (or I don't) feel the need to speak to them, so I don't need to bother with the headset and the holding-L3 nonsense. Managed to get up to Sargent yesterday.

                              However, that very brief NTSC-UK match I was in last week was still much better. So when are we having another?


                                I'm ready for a match tonight, not had a proper NTSC game yet.
                                My ranking is a bit buggered though, I've got about 60 points, but I went up 4 ranks after one session and it says I'm chief sergant... I'm not though

