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Virtua Fighter 5: The Fighters

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    Please add me to the list - gamertag is MisterKIKI.

    Really need a stick for this. Can't even complete Goh's dojo stage. I forked out for a Virtua Stick High Grade on the PS3. I love it, but eversince the my VF5 360 version arrived, I've had to get re-aquainted with the controls on pad... and it's not easy!


      gamertag mistasix6


        I also would be up for some games on this, gamertag is Mikey360.

        So far online I have lost every single time lol, I thought I was quite good, been playing VF since the Saturn days but one session online put me in my place.


          aye me too lost every ranking match online and i to thought i was good at VF


            Had a few goes at non-ranked matches... nope. Didn't win either.... Anyone on later tonight? Fancy a few rounds?? I should be on from 9-ish onwards.


              This thread seems to have died a death so I fear I’m a little late

              After a few weeks of Orange Box/Mass Effect I thought it was finally time to give this a blast last night.

              First off, the netcode is absolutely superb. Of the 20+ matches I had last night only 2 of them suffered from noticeable lag which was a revelation after coming from Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (Namco need this sorting if they are serious about Tekken 6).

              Over the years, I’ve not been heavily into Virtua Fighter preferring the Tekken/Soul Calibur games as I was able to get versus opponents in Namco Station at Trafford for these so the last time I properly played VF was 2003 with VF4Evo. Still playing the PS3 game prior to my Live games, I thought I knew enough to get me by and, cocky bastard that I am, I busted out Akira and got ready to lay a beatdown.

              To say I got owned was an understatement. 6 matches, 6 losses and only coming close to a win on one occasion. I sucked it up, realised I need to get a better understanding of whole system and my opponents different attack properties/priorities (it’s been said before, but fighting against AI only provides a limited understanding of these things when compared to human opponents) before I went back to Akira and moved over to another old faithful, Sarah Bryant.

              Went much, much better. Was able to mix things up started by exploiting the simpler PPPK combos and easy kick attacks, before moving on into implementing her Flamingo stance and Step attacks and eventually throws/grabs. Throws are my big weakness at the moment. I have a Throw heavy strategy when playing Tekken and trying to replicate the same here is very difficult (Throws attempts can easily be countered by a simple P attack) so you have to incredibly certain in your setup or opening opportunities.

              It was only a relatively short play session but I genuinely feel I was constantly learning as I played, picking up openings, techniques etc. At one point I ended up in a series of 5-6 ranked matches against the same Brad player but the more I played him, the more I was constantly thinking and spotting his strategies, developing counter plans and always having to be a number of steps ahead. It was exhilarating stuff.

              Started playing around 10:30pm for what I thought would be an hour session tops, but next thing I know it’s 1am and I didn’t want to stop but had to call it quits due to work in the morning, but I was buzzing when I stopped and it took me ages to get to sleep as my brain wouldn’t shut down, constantly thinking of improvements I could make and things I should have done differently. Definitely the most fun I’ve had on LIVE since my Capcom Vs. SNK 2 matches against players like Jassi Singh all those years ago.

              Sorry for the long post but I just can’t believe how unbelievably good this is. Anyone else still playing? Challengers always welcome.


                I play this abit, but kinda suck. Add my GT if you wish. Also... the Item Pack 2 has just been made available as well, if no one else has posted that yet


                  I've been playing this a fair bit lately and I'm loving it!!

                  I do, however, have trouble against decent Lei-Fei players. Bloody hell, they are always switching stances making it difficult to guess what they're gonna do next. His attacks are bloody fast, too!

                  I need to come up with anti Lei-Fei tactics...


                    well i'm still playing it,and will be for a long time.

                    Keep this thread alive guys


                      Picked this up for £11 today, I'd pay that even if I didn't have a 360. May invest in a joystick if online play is ok.


                        Online play is the smoothest I've seen in a beat-em-up.


                          Anyone up for a game or two this weekend?


                            I'm still on and off playing, but hardly online (3 ranked matches.. and I got whooped)

                            I might be online on Sunday. Will probably add newcomers to this thread (What's your gamertag, C' ?). I never quite figured out how to play against people on your friendslist. There doesn't seem to be a lobby system as such. Is just a matter of one guy setting up a game and the other looking for a match?


                              My gamertag is Kongster UK.

                              You just use the guide button to invite people on you're friends list when setting up a match.

                              It'll be cool if you're online this Sunday.
                              Last edited by Kongster; 19-12-2007, 12:23.


                                Hey yeah, I can definitely be around for some matches at the weekend. My available play time can be a bit sketchy at weekends but if I'm around, I'm game.

                                Tag on XBL is Rare Hero UK

