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Guitar Hero 3 - Slay the Dragon!

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    Come on Keith! You can nail this song, its easier than Jordan I tell you!


      Mate, I'm in such a bad way this morning that I can't even face picking up the axe! Don't think my marathon session yesterday did me any good - the fact that I did it all with a migraine might not have helped either.

      But yeah, I'm sure it'll topple at some point. Looking forward to going through it in co-op on expert with you.


        Just found this after watching Hulks TFAF vid :

        Update: sinse this video i have learn the correct way to play solo "b" and have posted a video of it, those of you asking for the tabs should go by that vid...

        kid has skillz !!!


          Got an achievement for activating star power 3 times during TTFAF on expert but failed at 72%. I think I know where I need to save star power for now, hopefully the end section isn't too tough!


            Christ's sake Hulk - you're storming this one! Get back to Jordan once you're done.


              Mate, if Jordan was in GH3's forgiving system then I'd have 5*'d it by now. Going back to GH2 will be tough.

              I'm not getting combos of anything over 50 on TTFAF, if I clear it soon then it won't feel like I've properly cleared it. 5*ing this song will be near impossible!


                I've not really tried TTFATF bar once or twice myself, but I'm looking forward to getting stuck in properly.


                  Oh no, the video got audioswapped AND cut down to 1:47 for some reason! D:The first 5 star on video. :)I used two hands to tap the intro, left index holding ...

                  ****ing hell...


                    Sick! Shame you can't get that character and guitar on the 360 version.

                    Never get tired of hearing that song


                      I don't have the game, but I always enjoy watching the videos on YouTube. It's just amazing how people can actually manage to play through the whole song. If I did play the game I know I wouldn't even be able to get past the beginning!


                        If anbody must have the controller achievements but doesn't fancy sitting through the whole of career with a pad to do it :

                        Just read that if you finish the career, switch off your console and then switch it back on using a pad instead of guitar and fire up your career it'll give you the ****ty "use a controller to complete career" achievement !

                        That video is insane.


                          That's what happened to me with the controller achievement Yoshi, turned the 360 on with the pad instead of the guitar and voila!

                          Feel like I'm so close to beating TTFAF now, just need to be able to get through the Herman solo sections without using star power. I'm pretty much always failing at the What the...? section (great name!), which is 78%.

                          After that its home free (hopefully).

                          Still can't get through the intro consistently though, argh!


                            Fry & Me did TTFAF on co-op Hard yesterday. I thought I'd done permanent damage to my arm by the end.

