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    I'll be playing this A LOT as soon as it's released over here on the PSN (love being able to boot games straight from the hard drive) so I hope you people keep playing even once Killzone's out.

    What's the online activity like right now?


      I'm loving this game so much, many people on here still play?


        It is a great game. I still play it. SFIV came, so I've been off it a bit, but I hope to get back on soon.


          Originally posted by Myth View Post
          I'm loving this game so much, many people on here still play?
          I've got this now (UK release finally!) so will start on this in the next week or so. I played the beta which needed a lot of work so I'm hoping I'm going to enjoy this after KZ2 MP which is soooo good.


            I think Socom Confrontation is better than KZ2. A lot better


              I agree, took a little to get back into how Socom plays but once I did I loved it!


                Is it all about the sitting tight and using third person cam to peep oncoming enemies or is about run n gun? That's the great thing about it. You can get killed doing both. A sitting or running duck. It's tactical goodness that pays when you work as a team and get to know the maps better.


                  Any of you guys interested in playing this on Weds night with some of the guys from the DVDF clan? We're playing ntsc-uk in Killzone2 @ 9 but we're looking to go on to Socom for a while afterwards. Most of us are all original'03 beta-testers , so we probably all know each other (to some degree) from the Socom days anyway.
                  Truth be told, it's hard to get full DVDF games going on Socom now as most have migrated to other games/formats but there's still 5 or 6 who enjoy it & it'd be good to get some nights going where it was a little less full of randoms. Interested?

                  Psn: Gedi
                  I think quite a few of you are already on my friends list.


                    I'll add you tonight mate, definately interested.


                      There should be a few DVDF online again tonight if any of you want to tag along then you're more than welcome. Also feel free to add me to your friends list


                        virtually unplayable at the moment if your on a noob rank as you get voted out of most rooms straight away.

                        And what a ****e game as well, its like its something from the playstation 2 era, theirs a friend list in game but no way to just just jump straight to where your friends are you have to cross refrence them from your freinds list and manually navigate to the lobby there in.

                        It takes an age to load as well which just adds to the frustration of being booted out. Save your money this is a very poor effort from the stand in devs, its nothing like the glory days of Socom 1 or 2 it just feels broken old and creaky now.


                          Been playing most of today in the European rooms. Not been booted once, load times are appalling, especially considering all of it is installed to the HDD (or I am assuming it is anyway, I had to install about 3.0gb).

                          I heard loads of stuff about all the bugs throughout the beta, I came in with low expectations and had a really good time. Reminds me a lot of when I played GRAW on the 360. Quite similar control setups.

                          The lack of levels so far don't really seem to be a problem, they are mostly generously sized.

                          I'll be up for some games of this anyway if anyone is up for it, my PSN name is mattgirv.

