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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    /cry i missed NBK, i've been doing nothing but farming and the odd craft, i need to kill something to get to lvl55 or we're going to make Bayan cry again


      Yeah, I forgot to post about that, I hope we can go out and get some exp tonight or saturday evening, play late, sleep in on sunday.


        Did you get on OK with Adaware and Spybot Marvelon?


          I havent been on as much lately due to a lot of work/exams and real life events, only coming on for a hnm hunt as pop times were placed around 9pm+ for a while (most hnm have a 21-24hr pop period) but finally got a full week break so been playing much more recently ^^. Last wednesday, Dynacore (a dynamis ls) had organised a Dynamis-Jeuno Run at 1am (yes 1am, thank god its holidays) >< . Dynamis-Jeuno for those who dont know takes place in a well anther version of ru'lude gardens, which isnt as nice ^^;; high lvl mobs which link and arrgo, who are all true sight. The only problem with this place is the lag, i usual position the camera somewhat away from the action because of having 40 people on ur screen, really does kill my fps at times, especially when theres effects algore from blms especially when spamming there IV spells.

          This run went incredibly well, we were clearling mobs well and work our way though the NMs to pop the end mega boss. Also had a good turn out of 45+ people at all times. We quickly moved up from the mog house to camp at the top of the stairs. There were a few deaths, mainly one alliance wipe because the blms forgot to the sleep a avatar (/sigh Astral Flow hurts) but neverless we managed to make into the palace itself, and clear the mega-boss with an extra hour to spare to try for more currecy and AF drops. Pictures of the mega-boss fight, this thing is very hard, and bascially pulling this thing is sacrifice pulls with invisible from plds/ninja. and when inside its just pure nuking it with everything u have to throw at it.

          Pictures of the mega boss as follows:

          This boss was pretty evil, as the adds before the boss managed to get me killed 3 times in less than 5 mins from AOE Attacks while i was weakended ><. Being a taru i have like 89hp when weakend and i even had stoenskin casted. I must have died about 6 times, but with raise iii the penalty is hardly anything, maybe 2k loss at most. BUT this was all worth it, as i got one my most wanted peices. check picture ^^

          Somehow by luck this item droped, and i managed to lot 910 beating the other WHMs to it ^^, i really couldnt belive i acually had lotted high. Im unable to equip it yet, need another 30k exp, gonna try and get it done before my week ends, but im incredibly happy, as this is my most wanted peice of AF2 of them all as getting the body peice will be near impossible lol.

          The AF2 drops were nice, but SE Were playing some kind of joke with the DRK pants, droping 3 times ; ; , 2 of the 3 were given free lot as nobody needed them, also Thief boots, War Mittens droped, so it was quite a good run. Finally finished at 5am where i went to sleep for the rest of the day hehe.

          Hope things are going well for u all as well ^^ Good luck with ur NM hunt Rare i know someone in my ls who is after that same item for his ninja, unlikly i cant help as that when the next dynamis-sandoria run is occuring sorry ; ;
          Last edited by Vikas; 29-10-2004, 19:03.


            Thanks for the tip talizker, Spybot cleared my system nearly completely, I had no less than 29 spy/adware things running >< Virus program cleared the other rubbish : )

            We also did Genkai 2 last night, which went well, except we ended up fighting the first mob 4 times, the second one twice - turned out some idiot hadn't gotten the quest in the first place So now we're cleared for lv 60 O_O Hoping to lv to 55 tonight, at which point some farming will be needed to gather new equipment/spells.

            Man, cool pics Vikas - I can't wait for Rarghs core group to start participating in things like that (will be another while i imagine ^^; )

            Also looking forward to the Katana run we're doing for Rare tomorrow, that should kick some serious ass.


              Well that was somewhat disheartening.

              Got 8 of us together and we all traveled out there, beat the Temple Guardian, dealt with Tonberries in the room, and spawned the NM that could drop Hototgisu...

              The battle was somewhat easier than I imagined. in fact the battles with the other Tonberrys in the room seemed harder, probably because we were less organised for those and seemed to panic almost.

              The NM didn't use Throat Stab (horrible move but I'm assuming it never kills, and instead will always take you down to a certain percentage of your max HP) or Mijin-Gakure and the battle was over before we even began.

              However, the bastard didn't drop ><

              However, I think further attempts should be rather straightforward if everyone is willing to try again. Everyone should know the way now and it seems Rumble Crawlers don't aggro so Sneak will not be needed making the journey simpler. The NM also seemed to be easy enough.

              I will be getting another Tonberry Rattle soon and I think Bayan offered to get one too. Obviously the more rattles we have next time, the greater number of attempts we have to try and get drop, so if anyone else wishes to try and pick one up, give me a shout and I'll come around with you and help you get it.

              Also, once at least me and Bayan have Rattles I'd like to try again hopefully one night during the week if that is cool with everyone else?

              Once again I'd like to thank (in alphabetical order ) Bayan, Kasha, Mahlory, Mihki, Tobal, Toxicforce and Wedgemoon for attempting to help me get this. It was fun, despite the lack of drop, but obviously if people aren't willing to try again, I completely understand. however, if people do, then YAY! ^_^


                Where can I get the maps for Quifim?




                  Originally posted by sithlordx
                  Where can I get the maps for Quifim?


                  The map can be bought in Lower Jeuno at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (H-7) for 3000 gil from Promurouve.

                  Just ask on the linkshell Sith and someone of us would have told you.



                    Originally posted by Irons
                    The map can be bought in Lower Jeuno at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (H-7) for 3000 gil from Promurouve.

                    Just ask on the linkshell Sith and someone of us would have told you.

                    Hey OSS I have not been on for three days probably will be 4

                    So I just thought Id ask so I know as soon as go back on


                      If anyone has a Job/Sub arround level 20 and can make it to Korroloka Tunnel (Bastok end!) then I am up for some more worm killing action. Was there on Thursday and at level 19 there is some excellent experience to be gained. Didn't have any luck getting in a party there last night though


                        Forgot to mention. Am buying a World Pass today for a couple guys at work. Will post it here later incase anyone needs one...


                          My red mage is at 20 now, which is where I planned to leave it actually.. but at 25 I could get the Invisible spell which would be nice.

                          I'm totally shattered this morning - went to bed at 9:30 last night, so I could get up at midnight and do mission 3-3 with an american linkshell who let me join them. Finished at 3am!!

                          Have those of you that were going to do rank 4 started yet? I heard it's one big mission - the same linkshell are doing it next Sunday but I'd rather do it during waking hours if possible, lol.

                          Don't know if I'll be capable at level 30 actually. I think I could easily have dealt with the monsters (DC-Tough mainly) for 3-3 with a party of similar level to me, but these guys moved on so quick I never had a chance to regain my MP.


                            Darwock At Level 30 You Would Be The Same Level That I Did It As My THF
                            And Most On The Upper Tower Goblins Were IT To Me Im Guessing
                            Your Fought Your Way Up There? As Me, Vani And Lister Snuck Most Of The
                            Way Untill Vani And List Agro'd Half Of The Top Floor

                            Problem With Rank 5 Is That It Requires To NM Drops For Quadavs And A Trip Deep Into All Three Beastmen Camps To Then Retrieve The Magicite. Beaudeaux [sp] Is Very Easy And Davoi Only Needs A Couple Of Orcs Killed To Zone Into Magicite Room, But As With All Quests That Involve These Three Places [God Knows Why] Castle Oztroja Is Alot Harder Then The Rest, Several Doors And Mobs That Still Check EP To Me At 58. Will Need Invis To Get Most Of The Way And Most Likely Some High Levels To Kill Them.
                            Only Reason I Worry Is Because The Last Time I Did Rank 5 In Oz. It Was
                            With A Level 36 WHM, 54 PLD and Me [58 RNG] And The Lower Tier Yagudo Still Killed The WHM Like She Was Nothing >.< So Carrying Prism Powder Is A
                            Good Idea For Those Just Quick Inivs Fades


                              Oh yeah, it *was* 3am last night so no surprises I forgot about the Goblin Furriers etc, you're right though it did get tough at the top. We fought all the way, bats were the only thing that kept aggroing me but I think everyone else was just spoiling for a fight.

                              I have no problem with laying down some gil for Prism Powder if the reward is an airship pass...

                              Just letting you know I'm ready and willing for this mission, should anyone happen to arrange it.


                                Im planning on unlocking Dragoon tonight if anyone else wants to join me.

                                You need a lvl 30+ job to do this.

                                Let me know if interested.

