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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    im ready to go anytime, i waste alittle to much of my gil on arrows for my ranger >< so 1 spike earring will have to do.

    But other than that its just he Haubie to go..... but i won't bother with that till i hit 60, i rather spend money of having a crack at emptyness


      Heh, I've been taking advantage of soaring prices on easily obtainable items, and have made over 100,000 gil in 2 days. Looks like I may be purchasing a thunder pact after all!


        With The Citadel There Are Coffer Spaws At Gate 2 And 3, They Are At
        Different Locations. [Something I Only Found Out Once I Got There] The
        Good Thing About Gate 3 Is It Has 3 Coffer Spawns, Is Tiny In Size Compared
        To Gate 2, And It Also Has A Zone In Sauro Which Is Where The HNM Roc
        Spawns And Also The Selbina Quest Monument Is Found As Its On A Higher
        Ledge Which You Can Only Get To From Gate 3. Only Reason I Mention It
        Is Because I Think Zoning Out Instead Of Porting Might Reduce Risk Of Having
        To Reopen The Gate.

        I Am Always Ready To Take Down Rare's Katana NM Again, I Wonder If Whilst
        We There We Can Kill Some Tonberry Cutters, One Of The Weaker Ones Next
        To The Main Zone With The Wespes, As A Need A "Uggalepih Key" To Open A
        Door To Get A Key Item Which Opens A Door In The Same Room That Rare's
        NM Pops In. It Goes Into Den Of Rancor, But It Leds To The BCNM For ZM4.

        UnFortunately I Had Bad EXP Day Yestarday. Whilst EXP In Labyrinth Of
        Onzozo I Noticed Hellion On Widescan [Tainted Flesh NM], Pulled It With Bind
        But It Was Too Slow And I Lost Agro, Tried Again And It Pulled Goblin Agro.
        After A Raise 1 I Was 1.8k Exp Down, The Died Again On Second Pull When
        WHM Forgot To Invis Me Passed Torama.... Allianced EXP Parties Then Killed
        Him And Left Me Dead Untill After So I Didnt Get To Even Fight Him.
        He Dropped Scythe And Two Undead Skins, I Got The Two Skins For My
        Exp Loss 8) Then After Party End I Went For ZM4.

        Which I Tried Doing Last Night With Mixed Results, We Started By Getting
        The Tonberry Hate Quest From Norg And Went To The Temple. We Starting Off Killing Tonberry Cutters And Got On Key Which Party Leader Took, Then
        I Took Them To Coffer Key Camp To Kill Maledictors Which Drop "Unlit Laterns"

        At Our 2nd Fight I Let Off "Sidewinder" Pulled Hate And PLD Grabbed It Back, But It Was Too Late He Started Casting "Everyone's Rancor" Whilst Agro'd To
        Me. I Waited 4 Second Then I Saw My Health Hit Zero And Looked Into The Log To See "Bayan Takes 2325 Damage" After A Raise 2 Thats Only 500
        Exp Lost So I Didnt Too Much, We Also Tried Killing Jinxer Which Only Pop In
        Two Places, One At Each Of The Outside Areas Of The Temple. Killed A Few
        And Got A 2nd Latern, Then I Pulled Another Tonberry [Long Pull], As I'm
        Pulling Party Got Agro From Nearby Ninja Type So I Tried To "Shadowbind"
        The BLM Type Jinxer Which Replied With Sleepga2. I Was Then Suck With
        Binded BLM And Paty Killing Tough Tonberry With No DD. Then BLM Cast Stone3 On Me 600 Damage, As I Woke I Started Casting Utsusemi Only
        To Be Stun'd Then Slept Again. "Tonberry Jinxer Starts Casting Flare" I
        Panicd Called WHM To Help, He Threw Me Cure V And As I Woke I Dropped
        Dead From A 980 Damage Flare /Sigh.

        Long Story Short We Travelled To Where Rare's NM Popped Couldnt Open The
        Door As LDR Didnt Know How [The Reason I Wont A Key Next Time] And By
        Luck A Level 70 Alliance Ran Through On There Way To Kill "Hakutaku" The
        End NM In The Quest For An Optical Hat. Follow'd Them In, Got To BC And Whm Pulled Agro From 7 IT Tonberries. We Escaped To Yhoator Jungle And
        Called It A Night.


          My eyes... >_<

          Ze gogglez, zhey do nothing

          Seriously mate, the caps thing >_<


            I've secured help from nyoneme with the garlaige thing, Thursday evening, 21:00-21:30


              Couple of things..

              1 - Been thinking about a level 1 run from Sandy to Jeuno. 1000g to enter, winner takes the lot. Everyone changes to a level 1 job and meets at designated place where Mihki checks that everyone is level 1, and gives the start signal. First person to Jeuno (where I will be waiting) gets the loot. If you die, you must declare it and Mihki will verify your position. If everyone dies, the corpse closest to Jeuno wins.

              2 - We have quite a large room in our house which at the moment is full of junk, been thinking about selling all the junk on ebay and using the money that we make to turn the room into a PC gamers paradise. So big desks, comfy chairs, dark curtains, cool gaming posters etc, place for our cat to sleep near us, stereo, fridge. B-E-A-Utiful.


                Originally posted by Sdub
                Couple of things..

                1 - Been thinking about a level 1 run from Sandy to Jeuno. 1000g to enter, winner takes the lot. Everyone changes to a level 1 job and meets at designated place where Mihki checks that everyone is level 1, and gives the start signal. First person to Jeuno (where I will be waiting) gets the loot. If you die, you must declare it and Mihki will verify your position. If everyone dies, the corpse closest to Jeuno wins.

                2 - We have quite a large room in our house which at the moment is full of junk, been thinking about selling all the junk on ebay and using the money that we make to turn the room into a PC gamers paradise. So big desks, comfy chairs, dark curtains, cool gaming posters etc, place for our cat to sleep near us, stereo, fridge. B-E-A-Utiful.
                1. Sounds like a cool idea. As I have not even been to Jeuno yet and my main job is a only level 19 I was thinking about a level 1 run. Problem with an actual competition is that I have no idea where to go once I get out off La Theine and secondly, 1000g right now is about a quarter of my total gil

                2. That sounds awesome. We have a converted garage that is a home theater / Games / PC room but it is pretty much just for me as my misses has no interest in games and says the screen is too big for movies - oh dear... Remind me again why I didn't end up with a fine woman like your goodself


                  I Currently Have Run A Level One Mule To Jeuno Solo From Bastok
                  And Also Ran Bayan As RDM/BRD Level 1 From Rabao To Jeuno 8)
                  Without Any Deaths Its Not Easy But Is Possible


                    Sounds like a challenge Bayan ^^


                      Hehe Rabao To Bastok Is Lots Of Fun Because Slimes Agro Like Crazy
                      I Hope To Be Back To FFXI This Weekend, Took A Few Days Off To Finish
                      Some University Forms And Play Some Half-Life 2, Which Is Awesome


                        Garlaige Citadel run was succesful and went off without a hitch. We grouped up and met outside, went in, passed the first gate no problem, a bit of aggro near the second gate, which was easily dealt with (2 tanks and 2 WHMs ^^) second coffer location we checked the coffer was there, I popped it and out came my Gallant Coronet! When I hit 56 my enmity will be +4, which should mean the end of struggling with Tobals Boots (+5 enmity on his first piece of af WTF?!) and Warriors and their insane amount of Enmity+

                        Spent a lot of time farming the night before last and yesterday itself, got the money for my Iron Musketeers Gorget and bought that yesterday morning (240k ?_?)

                        Spent some time looking up what equipment I would need in order to lv THF from 16 to 25 (Flee! ^^) then it turned out I had enough money for that, so bought all of that and spent some time in the dunes last night attemepting to get to level 17. Dunes was being it's usual self, parties breaking up after one or two fights, lots of nosubjob warriors, whm/war healers etc. I'll brave it though. It's fun to have only had 10 proper pulls and gotten halfway to my next level : D


                          Garlaige was anti-climatic. I was looking forward to going deep into the nether-realms of the haunted citadel and the fabled Banishing Gate 3 and you found the coffer in the second location.

                          WTF is that about?

                          Anyway, would definitely like to try another Katana run this weekend. If those mentioned are free on either Saturday or Sunday please let me know and we can try and get this done.

                          Also, plan to make steps towards level 59 this weekend (providing my AH stuff sells today). Got about 18000 EXP until I ding, and at 59 I?ll need to start hunting a coffer key in Ifrit?s Cauldron. Again I think I?ll need a full PT of us to do that and, if all goes well levelling tonight and tomorrow (Gustav Tunnel EXP has been godly last couple of levels) we could maybe try for this on Sunday too.

                          That would be my last step in obtaining full AF and then I reassess my plans for the game. Getting full AF and defeating Shadow Lord for Rank 6 has been my goal in the game for a while now. I think a break from the levelling grind to do some more interesting things (I really want to get my Woodwork and Blacksmith skills higher) will be in order.


                            I'm working late on saturday so we can't come for that one rare, but we're free sunday to do a katana run.
                            I'd like to think we're ready for Ifrit's cauldron but I've no idea of the mob strength out there at all (I suspect Dangerous-Very Dangerous) Willing to give it a go, of course Skill-ups ahoy.


                              If there is substantial doubt about Ifrit's Cauldron, you could always wait a few days until I have Raise 2 and do it then.


                                I have briefly been to Ifrits Cauldron for skills ups before, not going too far into it but the early stuff was easily managable.

