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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Oh and some potentially interesting information on the effects of the new Assassin job trait for THF.

    In my Saturday PT the setup was NIN/WAR, MNK/WAR, THF/NIN, RDM/BLM, BLM/WHM and WHM/BLM. Pretty conventional setup, could have probably swapped out the RDM for another DD (for NIN tank parties, Refresh is not as important), but overall it was a well-balanced parties.

    The start of the battle was the usual routine. THF pulls mob, MNK provides initial Provoke whilst I get into position and THF performs SATA for initial burst of hate, Provoke then Blind, Paralyze, Slow, Poison and Provoke from myself.

    So far, everything normal. However, usually in these instances the THF will perform SATA again when it is available, usually behind the first Provoke user. If I?m on my game the hate will be well cemented onto me anyway, or if hate does shift 1 Provoke from me is usually enough to gte it back.

    This THF was different.

    When his timer for Sneak Attack (SA) and Trick Attack(TA) was ready he would first perform Trick Attack behind me even when the mob was facing me (remember, TA does not require the THF to be positioned behind the mob to perform critical damage, simply that another player character be between the THF and mob when the strike lands). Previous to the update however the damage bonus on TA was very low (2x at best) which is what led to it almost always being combined with Sneak Attack. However whenever the THF performed TA the damage was on a par with a standalone SA, which I presume is the result of the Assassin job trait coming into effect, so he would use it to plant further hate onto me whilst the mob was still locked onto me, then he would move behind the mob and perform a SA.

    Unfortunately the THF was Japanese so I was not able to ask if this change in tactic was how he has always played, or whether it was the result of changes in the THF job.

    Certainly, if it is the effect of Assassin it should make my tanking life much easier as no longer will they be performing a SATA+weapon skill(WS) behind a non-tank mid fight but can instead simply do TA+WS for the same (or similar) damage.


      Looks like those thoughts about the new lvl34 Kote being a viable, cheaper, alternative to Ochiudo?s Kote may have been somewhat dashed.

      The 3rd and 4th posts in that thread are the relevant ones.


        I really need to get back into this game. :|

        Should be back online thursday night, with a bit of luck, as all university work will be done by then. Failing that, I'll definately be on on friday night.

        BTW, I've not been online since the new patch was released. How long does it take to d/l?



          Took me about 10-15 mins to D/L, which surprised me, based on past experiences with these major updates.


            Are we going to do any about CoP mission 1 soon? I'm starting to get itchy hands with all this waiting, and now i have new reason to get to Tavnazian, new JSE subligars(dropped of lvl 63-65 normal mobs) and JSE Harness(from bastok quest after getting the subligar)
            And now they've made it easier for 6-man teams to get through, we should as least pay visit to promyian(sp?) to have look around...


              Originally posted by Tobal
              Are we going to do any about CoP mission 1 soon? I'm starting to get itchy hands with all this waiting, and now i have new reason to get to Tavnazian, new JSE subligars(dropped of lvl 63-65 normal mobs) and JSE Harness(from bastok quest after getting the subligar)
              And now they've made it easier for 6-man teams to get through, we should as least pay visit to promyian(sp?) to have look around...
              I think its time we make a list of what needs to be done, I agree with you on the CoP missions, I would wanna start them soon and Promyian still not even attempted it yet.

              As for me, things I need to do then want to do.

              AF3 in Davoi, NM fight.
              Castle Zvahl Baileys Coffer Key + DarkSpark fight.

              I wanna do this quest soon, might need a bit of help.

              I am still building my Windurst Fame though so im not quite ready to do that quest just yet.


                We're ready to head into Promy (mahl has lv 30 equipment sorted) I have stuff which will probably serve me better as pld/war than anything else (Kampf-gear)

                Tobal, Wedge - exp wednesday evening?


                  Originally posted by Marvelon
                  We're ready to head into Promy (mahl has lv 30 equipment sorted) I have stuff which will probably serve me better as pld/war than anything else (Kampf-gear)

                  Tobal, Wedge - exp wednesday evening?
                  Good stuff, I will probably do Promyvion with my Rdm/Whm combo, or maybe Bard/Whm whatever works best.

                  Wednesday is good for me Mihki to exp, glad the down time is tonight since im working late.

                  Still when are they going to make the downtime during US evening, not fair the way its always during our evenings.


                    oooohhhh, no exping tonight ,ah-well back to leveling smithing if i get on.

                    I'm gonna go as Sam/war - i still have good ranged ability but be able to tank and dd. I think the only gear i need to buy is 1 piece of shade gear and a Great Bow+1


                      Originally posted by Tobal
                      Are we going to do any about CoP mission 1 soon? I'm starting to get itchy hands with all this waiting, and now i have new reason to get to Tavnazian, new JSE subligars(dropped of lvl 63-65 normal mobs) and JSE Harness(from bastok quest after getting the subligar)
                      And now they've made it easier for 6-man teams to get through, we should as least pay visit to promyian(sp?) to have look around...
                      I guess you will go with the normal static party...

                      I will hit 30 in a few days with RDM/BLM so am definately interested in doing the COP stuff and now seems like the ideal time. Not sure how many other people on the LS are interested, maybe we can make two parties or something?


                        we can easily repeat, one of the new changes to prom is that people who have done can use the shortcuts to get back to the boss, so we could easily do it twice(the final boss as to be 6 man party anyway) as far as i know we can come back in to rejoin the group at the top to make a second party.


                          I'm up for Promyvion, once I can play again. I'll go as WAR/MNK (my current main combo) so I won't need to buy any gear or lvl at all.

                          I'll definately be online thursday night, if not before, so I'm up for visiting Promyvion anytime after that.


                            Im currently working through COP and on final bc of chapter 4 so i can answer any questions you need;

                            Unlucky the shortcuts are only for Promyion-Vahzl which is the end of cop chapter 5 a long way off. By completing the end BC of a promyion you are ported back outside and require to travel through the levels again to reach the Spire. Therefore the PT that you enter promyion with are the PTs who will complete the BC at the top.

                            Before the patch promyion used to be very hard especially holla/mea runs. But things have changed, as the items required for the battle are much easier to get. You should take time out to farm 2-3 animas before you go to the top, as this will make the battle a LOT easier. Otherwise you will require at least one rng to win and will need a War/Nin to tank as they are far the best tanks for this bc, simply because they can blink and have high def.

                            Whoever said u needed an allaince to reach top lies, a PT of 6 can make it to the top, i have done 5 promyions with only 6 people. The main problem you will face is the 3rd floor MR. With only 6 people you will not be able to kill the mobs around the teleporter fast enough as they will respawn too quickly.

                            With 2 PTs you can build TP by killing the mobs while u open the teleporter and use all ur TP on the rest of the mobs left to kill them quickly and run through the portal before they all respawn. Otherwise you must use a tactic to get past with only 6 by either :

                            1. A 7th member as thf runs in uses 2hr (Perfect Dodge) and arrgo all mobs and uses a Warp scroll while all members teleport.
                            2. A smn using Ramuh uses ThunderSpark (AOE hit) and arrgos all the mobs while all members teleport.
                            3. Rng and blm using spell and spell bolts to sleep any mob that might arrgo and the PT quickly teleports.

                            Please remember to not teleport unless everyone can, as it takes about 3-5 seconds to be teleported, if a monster attacks u at any point during this, the port will be cancelled and you will die as a result.

                            As long as the members are well equiped and prepared with there tactics and have sufficient ethers/potions, drinks and poison pots(holla) you will do fine.


                              The new Personal Board on the new Tribune seems cool.

                              December 18-19 there is a chocobo race going on, 500gil entry 200,000gil for the winner.

                              Think I might enter.


                                I Am Up For COP Missions Got All My Lvl 30 RNG/NIN Gear Waiting

                                Also I Found A Four Quest In Oldton Movapolis That As A Reward For
                                Completing Part Two You Get The "Jaegar Mantle" And No One Has
                                Yet Completed Part 4 Yet And Discovered Other Rewards Or Parts

