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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well i never quit.

    As I said when i logged, I was feeling pretty down and was unsure if I would have the necessary motivation to log back on so had to say something as there was a genuine feeling that I wasn't happy.

    Even when i woke up this morning there was little desire to come back. However I did log into POL (probably out of habit ><) and there was 3 messages for me from 1 individual (remain nameless). I thought for that person to send me 3 messages, it clearly meant something and that I should work on.

    Problem was I let NM hunting stress me out. You'd be surprised how annoying rpeatedly accessing widescan can be waiting for a spawn. It gets to the point where you don't care who claims it, just want it to pop so you feel like you can blink again.

    that didn't help.

    When i logged on this morning i again claimed Leaping Lizzy and again no drop (0/3 now) but have decided not to let it stress me. I still want the harness but camping NMs for hours on end isn't for me. my plan now is to camp for 1 spawn per day. If I get claim great, if it drops, even better, but if not, I leave until tommorrow. it may be slow but I have to see how it goes. Who knows, this time next week I could have gotten 5 drops

    Also, i would never sel out to another LS purely to get a Scorpion Harness. I've said it from the start, i want RARGH! to be one of the LS that does all those kind of things, not for us have to go and join seperate ones when that time comes. Leaving RARGH! to get a Harness will never be considered.


      I'm sure I'm not the only one in the LS who owns more than 1 active pearl.
      You won't be considered any less of a person if you seek help from other sources if your main ones are "occupied." Look at me, after joining sixaxearmy, I achieved my goal of 35 bst. Would I be at that level now without a group dedicated to the same cause as me? Most likely not.

      Also, just because our LS doesn't seem to be heavily involved with BCNM fights, doesn't mean you should miss out. Find yourself a BCNM party and join it. Short of crafting, those fights are perhaps the best, reliable source of major gil. Tell yourself you want something badly enough, and you'll stop at nothing to get it. Its a rule I live by.


        And I did quit.

        Gave away all my equipment, said my farewells. Felt sad in an odd kind of way, but now that everything has gone, it will be much harder if i do decide to go back.

        It was fun. Have been playing for about a year and I have plenty of good memories. Now, back to real life .


          Originally posted by ?pint
          And I did quit.

          Gave away all my equipment, said my farewells. Felt sad in an odd kind of way, but now that everything has gone, it will be much harder if i do decide to go back.

          It was fun. Have been playing for about a year and I have plenty of good memories. Now, back to real life .
          Did you cancel your account and characters?

          Honestly I know how you feel and since you have achieved alot in the game, two lvl 75 jobs etc I guess maybe you have gotten what you wanted from the game, you certainly went way ahead of alot of us, we have a way to go before reaching what you did.

          For me I can see myself keeping my account active, if I decide to take another break which I have done quite alot of times when its just got too much for me, after a week the enjoyment seems to come back.

          But all I know is I feel the time spent was worth it and have had alot of good times in the game.

          Wedgemoon will continue to be the best Bard in Vandiel for some time and soon I think Rargh should start challenging other LS's to Ballista say 6 vs 6, most of us are from San d'oria, its time to show Seraph whos best ^^.


            Regarding Promyvion, would it be possible to delay that (sorry to be annoying, given I'm usually asking "When can we go to Emptiness?") until at least the 28th Jan?

            I've got university exams coming up, and the last one is on that date. Until the 28th however, I have no idea when I'll be able to play FFXI.



              Sorry to Mihki for not attending your AF3, bad timing but I knew your alliance should be able to deal with it, to be honest I dont think a Bard is overly usefull for PLD AF3 anyway, but congrats you got full AF now.

              I finally got round to trying out Ballista, although beaten down time after time it was alot of fun.

              It was a 4 on 4 Match, after knowing right near the start we didnt stand much of a chance it ended up everyone standing around together alot of the time doing 1 on 1 fights, I fought the lvl 75 BLM and lost each time but it always lasted a while, I managed to land Requiem and Elegy with only a few resists, unfortunately Silence was always resisted, I managed to get him down to about 20% HP when I had my two hour going.

              Egade our lvl 75 War/Nin managed to beat one of the 75 Rng's in a very close fight.

              Other times the three lower lvls in my group including me were doing 3 on 1 fights, our 57 Monk just could not deal enough damage, after a minute we were running away the Sprint ability is awsome, you get this during Ballista, It makes you run almost twice as fast as being on a Chocobo.

              Final score was 18-1 to Bastok, but im planning to equal the score next time.

              For anyone interested in joining me in Ballista make sure you make a new macro set, you can not use equip changes in your macros, if you do you get like a stone effect where you cant move or do anything for about 5 seconds, this really made it hard as I have equipment changes on about 80% of my macros.

              Another thing, after you finish your first Ballista you get two key items, one lets you get a teleport or warp to homepoint when the battle is over, then you get another item which lets you get a teleport from the Ballista person in Rulude Gardens so you can be teleported directly to the Ballista Starting point from 24 hours (gametime) before it starts.

              I will probably be doing it again on Monday depending on the lvl requirment etc.

              And Apathye I want to fight you 1 on 1, Brd vs Blm, San d'orian vs Windurtian, if you are upto the challenge ^^, we can wait untill you get lvl 60 to make it even.

              I also think someone should challenge Bayan as he is from Bastok.

              I will likely post starting times on the LS Message.
              Last edited by mikewl; 17-01-2005, 01:38.


                First up, congrats to Mihki on full AF and to all that have got to 60 last week

                I had a good weekend at, would you beleive it - Garlaige Citadel. 3 good parties and only one death - and that was a bit suspect. Someone trained beetles and bats from the basement and everyone was zoning. Got to the zone with 486 HP and arrived the other side dead - only thing in log was Citadel Bats hit for 120hp.

                Still apart from that 3 great parties topped off with partying with Darwock again last night. Bit of a personal goal reached as well, RDM34/BLM17 which allows me to Warp as RDM. No more leveling for a while now, want to get Rank 4 (and maybe 5) and will need to level BLM on from 17. Also would like a couple of bits of RSE so there really is plenty to do in the coming weeks...


                  Just had a quick glance at the 3-3 and 4-1 mission details and they certainly look involved. 3-3 looks do-able with a good party (or some LS buddy's ^^) but what kind of level do I need to be for 4-1 - is 35 too low? It is talking about an Alliance etc - how do you actually go about forming an Alliance for 8 hours worth of mission? This can't be an easy thing to do?


                    Haha, I still can't believe you consider that party last night good! You can stop being polite! I suppose nobody fell out with each other, which is a bonus... but there was so much time between pulls I was almost using elemental seal once per fight... I'm not sure what was going on with the tank either but he wasn't holding hate very well - people getting wounded left right and centre. There were times I had to lay off the casting even with plenty mp to spare...

                    But then again any night in the ****adel where you finish with more xp than you started with is a good night

                    You've also put me to shame regarding my stats.. when we were like-for-like casting on those magic bursts you were always outdamaging me, heheh. I guess (hope?) it's because I've favoured MP boosting equipment over intelligence boosting stuff, since I also have a vested interest in summoner. I'll just need to take a supply of apple pies in future, lol.



                      Last night wasn't the best party ever (as you say, tank & puller didn't do things quite right) but compared to some it was good! We had an excellent RNG pulling on Saturday - the mobs kept arriving exactly on time and we had some great chains. Still...

                      In my book, a good party = I don't die, people don't leave after 10 mins, we get reasonable EXP and most importantly partying with friend(s)

                      Went from 32 +1k to 34 +270 in 3 nights (including 1 death) so definately classed as good


                        Woot! What a sunday, static 1 = Full AF GETTTTOOooooo, Soon i shall be sporting my sam helm, thankyou mih,mal,apa, and bayan demolition of te Smn and tox's guest appearance.

                        Now we need to set a time for this Shadow Lord fight, i say Tuesday/Wedneday mih,mal,apa,wedge,rare and me, we go whoop us some badguy ass.


                          Yes, been wanting to do Shadow Lord for a while now and will be ready during the week for sure.

                          However, I don?t want to tread on Mihki?s toes any, but also want to do something worthwhile in the fight. Let me explain what I think we can do.

                          Apparently SL has 2 forms. From what I?ve been told a NIN can tank the first form of the SL perfectly well. Apparently he hits hard but slow which is perfect NIN fare. I really want to try this to see what I can perform. However, it?s his second form that will completely waste a NIN tank with many AOE attacks. At this point a PLD is able to withstand the constant punishment much better than I would.

                          So, I was hoping that me and Mihki could share tanking duties on the respective Shadow Lord forms that best meet our respective tanking methods.

                          I will go with full evasion gear for the first form then the second form Mihki takes over the tanking duties whilst I switch out the Emporer?s Hairpin for the Ninja Hatsuburi and go to town on elemental magic and (hopefully) shurikens.


                            He "Spams" AoEs, And They Arent Nice So I Suggest That Mages And Any
                            Long Range Melee Move Out Of His Range During Second Fight And Just
                            Let Minimal People Get Hit By Him. When I Went To Do It The Plan Was For
                            Me To Move Back With The WHM and BLM But Because Of Are High Lvl
                            Assistance We Just Stood There And Took It. Also Getting To The BC Itself
                            Isnt Easy, If You Need A Guide/Door Opener I Am Willing To Help.

                            And Again Grats On Full AFs All!


                              Don't take this the wrong way, but could you put stuff about the shadow lord battle in spoiler quotes? This topic is becoming dangerous viewing for those of us who don't want to know anything about it, lol


                                What. A. Sunday!
                                First off, I logged on not really knowing what we would be doing. Soon became clear we could do Tobals AF3 fight in Palborough Mines and that we had a katana-run (or 3) lined up. As we were waiting I decided it might be a good idea to try and get a Castle Zvahl Baileys party together. Mahlory still needed to fight Dark Spark, so we made it a dual-purpose party. Killing Darkie went easy and finding a coffer key didn't prove too hard (although we did have a laugh with a SL party that became allianced to us)

                                After we obtained the key me and mahl lingered and invissed our way to the coffer spawnpoint, when, on our second run in, someone shouted the exact location of a coffer, we sprinted to the point, popped the coffer and I got my Mique Paintbrush to further my qest for AF3.

                                Mahl returned to jeuno and claimed her gloves to complete her AF with Gloves ^^

                                I completed the next section of my quest in Sandy then headed to jeuno.. Nothing was happening yet so I started to put together an alliance for the PLD AF3 fight in Davoi. We ended up with about 12 people. Walked to the right sorta general in davoi, sneaked towards the well whwre the fight takes place, cleared the area, popped the mobs, slaughtered them and I got my item. The other PLD we had with us was going to try for the fight as well, but she had not yet completed the right parts of the mission.

                                Kasha warped me back to Sandy and I completed the quest and collected my Gallant Surcoat ^^ 2 AFs completed in the same day!

                                Then to top it all off ^^ Tobals AF3 went off without a hitch, and included a Legendary Quadav train by Bayan (I think you trained every single one B

                                Static #1: Full AF. It's gonna take some time to sink in. Many thanks to everyone who helped out.

                                Tuesday/wednesday sounds good for us for the Shadowlord fight. I've not looked into the fight itself much Rare, I assume your assessment is correct and we'll tank it as proposed. (I'll make an equipment switching macro to reduce my enmity+ during the first half of the fight.)

                                We'll be home / online around 7.30 tonight (maybe bit later) When will we be doing Katana runs? And when we do, can I tank one? ^^

                                If we hold off on Promyvion until Vanicent can join us (to which I do not object at all) that should give us plenty of time for other things (BCNM 60, sub/alternate Joblevelling and Genkai3 spring to mind) and I need to sort my gear out for Promy. - I've got some gear ready to go, though most of it is Tanking-orientated.

