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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Now you can sell your account and go buy me a bass guitar. Or something.


      Grats on 75 !

      Long time reader... first time poster....

      I've read this thread since it first started and every day since. I feel like I know all of you. I probably should have swapped servers a long long time ago to join the LS but I was busy having adventures of my own on Asura ^^

      Hope you guys all carry on for a good while yet or I'll have nothing to read at work!

      75 seems such a long way for me but I hope to stick it out... you guys inspire me

      Pliskin 37MNK/20WAR MythrilDragons Asura


        Well, if you want to create a new character on Seraph and join us, I'm sure someone can get you a worldpass with little trouble.


          Here's a tip for anyone who hasn't yet made the trip to Kazham - don't buy a map of the Elshimo region. Biggest waste of 3000 gil I've ever seen.

          It's like someone's scribbled all over a bit of paper and then rubbed half of it out.


            Can anyone recommend me a good area for farming (and what mobs / items to look out for) in the early to mid 20's. Have been doing silk in Sarutabaruta with some success but i'm sure there must be something better. Things are starting to get expensive(ish) now so could do with building up some gil soon...



              I would love to Vanicent but I really dont have the time to start another Character now. Its taken me all this time to get my Monk to 37 and the linkshell I'm in is pretty good. Still it would have been good to join in with you guys from the start instead of all those Yanks !


                Good to hear from you nonetheless Pliskin

                Taliz at that kind of level it's probably easiest to go up one of the hills in south or north Gustaberg - just focus on bees there and goblins. The bees drop beehive chips, sells for about 4k/stack and honey, about 2.5k/stack
                the goblins drop money (ever useful)

                If you want you can take out the Worms as well, and craft some low level goldsmithing (copper/bronze/brass ingots) with fire crystals.


                  Originally posted by talizker
                  Can anyone recommend me a good area for farming (and what mobs / items to look out for) in the early to mid 20's. Have been doing silk in Sarutabaruta with some success but i'm sure there must be something better. Things are starting to get expensive(ish) now so could do with building up some gil soon...

                  I'm not sure what job you are but you should be able to handle the Spook ( Spook ) in King Ranperre's Tomb in East Ronfaure, it spawns at the same time every night and drops the Traveler's Mantle about 1/3 or 1/4.

                  I'm not sure about Seraph but Traveler's Mantles cost 50k on Garuda.

                  I've made over 400k from the Spook in my time and it helped to fund my Gluttony Sword which are rising in price every week on Garuda, they sold for about 330k 3 weeks ago and although my PLD is only 53 at the moment I bought one for 500k last week. I'm glad I did as they sell for 600k now

                  These last couple of weeks have seen some very big price hikes on Garuda, Ochikudo's Kote(sp?) now costs 1 million gil Has there been similar price rises on Seraph? or is it just Garuda?


                    Hey Marvelon !

                    Hows your monk doing ? Is it still your main ?


                      Prices have gone insane in the time since I started. I always had my eye on an Astral ring. When I started the price of this was 100,000 gil. A few months ago I had 100,000 gil for the first time, and when I checked the AH it was up at 200,000 gil. Now I'm getting into the summoner job I investigated this again, and guess what - 300,000 gil. There seems to be a huge imbalance on our server between equipment and prices. Too many people buying and not enough people earning it? Who knows.


                        Marvelon, did bee's in Gustaberg a few weeks back with reasonable return while trying for the Beestinger drop. Think I will look at doing some crafting for sure.

                        Irons - that may good man looks like something I will check out. Was in the tomb a few weeks back and so will check it out after my mission in Windurst later this week. Is the Spook generally camped much (gotta think it is?). I am RDM/BLM.

                        Is Daragon a member of this forum? Can't readily see that he is but I was wondering if he had sorted out a date for mission 2-3 yet - he doesn't seem to reply to my linkshell banter regarding the mission much... I'm level 22 now (and leveling in Qufim every night) so should be OK to do the mission when he (we) can get a party together... (Handily I also need the Giddeus Chest Key at the same time )
                        Last edited by talizker; 29-11-2004, 16:46.


                          Let me know what night you want to do that talizker and I'll make sure I'm in the area. Better if you post here or PM me as I don't often take my linkpearl out with me.

                          P.S. I'm starting to get into synthesising now and so far it hasn't been anything other than a massive drain on gil - I know it reaps rewards later but if your aim is to make money you'd do better to sell the crystals you would be using.
                          Last edited by Darwock; 29-11-2004, 13:55.


                            Well i'm pretty much free this week with wedge away, the static's is on hold so i can come help any time(as lot as u give day or so notice), but not as a rng i sold my bow for the gil as i didn't see me needing one until CoP Emptyness missions, so war/nin will do ^^, and i choosen not to be arsed camping the o.kote for now remembering the pain of having to do it last time, im gonna put my faith in, snipers prices staying high, Haubie drops in price,beastman seals and farming/craft 100/200k to get the Haubie ^^ but that's at least month till we hit 59

                            Btw for us +56's and over we skilling up today? my bow at 141/173 and polarm 120/178.


                              Excellent. Will try and grab a word with Daragon tonight and see when he is available. Can I suggest either Wednesday or Thursday night arround 9.30pm initially and see where we go from there...

                              Can one of the sack holders put a message on the LS once we have confirmed a night with Daragon please.

                              Anyone else fancy helping out with this (WHM!)?


                              Party for Mission 2-3 (Windurst)

                              Talizker RDM/BLM
                              Daragon ???/???
                              Darwock BLM/SMN?
                              Tobal WAR/NIN
                              Bayan DRG/???
                              Last edited by talizker; 29-11-2004, 23:34.


                                Looks like I'm going to be away from Vana'diel for a couple of weeks, as university deadlines are coming up .

                                See you all whenever.

