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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Thanks !

    I thought as much... I do have a piece of clay knocking about somewhere.

    If you get a cash reward everytime you go back then count me in! Better dig out those running shoes....

    Cheers thats a great help


      I was a Monk for quite a long time. Actually, I started way back when as a Galka Monk, levelled that to lv 12 then decided it wasn't for me. Deleted him then started Sturn, Elvaan RDM (I have my moments :P )
      I ended up with Sturn being PLD/war up to lv 27.

      Then Mahlory got her own pc and a second copy of FFXI so we could now play together, because both our characters were on the same PC we decided it fairest to each start a new charcter, so Mihki and Mahlory were born.

      I wasn't really sure what I was going to be when I started Mihki, but I levelled WAR first, then when I switched to Monk I found I did really enjoy that and decided to stick with it. Then when I got to about lv 36 I found the costs that go with being a monk (at that level) were spirralling out of control, rather fast.

      I quit monk, sold most of my gear and restarted as PLD, with the cash in hand from my monk gear it was easy to level that to about 30 without having to stop to farm, it didn;t take long for me to catch up with mahl so i'm now a lv 56 Paladin ^^


        Despite being a longtime lover of Final Fantasy I am only now going to get this game ( just connected to broadband) - could anyone please help with a question?

        I tried out the benchtest2 on playonline and scored about 1500 on low resolution. Will this be enough to play it ok, or do I need any updates?

        I know the answer may be in the thread somewhere but it is a particularly long one ...


          Thats strange Marvelon... I'm just at about that level (37) and the costs are getting a little expensive. I had a quick look to see how much the Jujitsu Gi is and like like 270k on my server. I have no idea how I am gonna come up with that kind of cash.... and thats only one item !
          I've tried camping the Emp.. but no use... camped for 4 nights and only saw him once ! I think I might try the Spook tonight or that other Ghost that drops the Merc Cap stuff in Ran P's Tomb. Could help me about a bit.
          I've been doing some farming in the Grotto but only averaging about 4k an hour or so... which I dont think is too good at my level.

          I'm gonna stick with monk though.. I am really enjoying it.


            don't forget the purple and brown belts, Fuma Boots and the O.Kotes, luckly acc isn't a problem so snipers aren't needed(but would be nice) just load up on STR and att


              Yeah thanks Tobal... no need to frighten me off now !

              The equip I have now is pretty good I think... I'm about 12+ STR atm...

              ... but its seems a massive jump from the gear I have now.. to the gear I am going to need really soon.

              Dont even start me on the Kotes.. I should have had these at 34 I think... yeah right !

              I was going to get the Custom Hume Gloves instead but that bastard Goblin wont give me the quest... stupid low fame... Oh well just go and beat up his mates for a while....


                O.kotes are a good item but not needed as it dosen't raise your average attack all that much(maybe 5-6 more damage without food), but would change your upper limit which would only come into play for critical attacks and Weaponskills, i would say Att is important earily on but is STR that matters when the mobs past lvl32 (crawlers/crabs etc,etc) huge insane VIT.

                One summary

                STR > Att > haste equip > Acc > DEX for monkin that order


                  Hadn't looked through my screenshots for a while, so I thought I'd post some, sorry that there are some old ones ^^.

                  They are in chronological order.

                  Pic 1 - I like the Orc's armour ^^
                  Pic 2 - Me and Vanicent in matching gear
                  Pic 3 - Cool Summoner Rainbow
                  Pic 4 - Mihki looking cool with his axe
                  Pic 5 - NBK's just looking teh business
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Sdub; 01-12-2004, 20:08.


                    Pic 1 - NBK again
                    Pic 2 - Trying to be artistic with a fly :/
                    Pic 3 - Killing rabbits at dusk
                    Pic 4 - Getting Rank 4 with Tox, Nyoneme and Ruzaki ^^
                    Pic 5 - Killing NM to get Rank 4
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Sdub; 01-12-2004, 20:10.


                      Pic 1 - Me with invisible Chocobo rider
                      Pic 2 - NBK, Tobal and Tox off to do.. I have no idea what!
                      Pic 3 - Mahlory vs Snipper as the sun sets..
                      Pic 4 - Omfg hope my sneak / invis doesn't wear off now!
                      Pic 5 - Me and Shiva
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Sdub; 01-12-2004, 20:10.


                        Pic 1 - Killing NM to unlock Dragoon job
                        Pic 2 - Me and my new pet 'Wuffi' lol
                        Pic 3 - Getting PLD AF Boots with Bayan, Tobal, Walti, Micki and Rarehero ^^
                        Pic 4 - Haha our real selves!
                        Pic 5 - NBK with Wedge, Rare, Walti and Micki going to.. somewhere..
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Sdub; 01-12-2004, 20:10.


                          Pic 1 - Me and Tobal waiting for the Airship to Jeuno
                          Pic 2 - I like this outfit ^^
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Sdub; 01-12-2004, 20:11.


                            Oh pictures always get me in the mood to post my own ^_^ Some of those go waaaaaaaaaaay back Mahl. Good times

                            Some of these may have been posted previously but looking back over them makes me smile

                            Me and Vanicent have a little archery contest whilst hunting Stray Mary.

                            Great Sword or Great Axe? Either way, the result is death to the fiends of Vana'diel.

                            This one goes way back when we went in Castle Oztroja for Mihki's AF. We checked out Mee Deggi's spawn and found this fella there. He voked the Yagudo on the right then did nothing, and proceeded to Provoke every 30 seconds. The Yagudo was NIN type so kept using ranged attacks and magic and never moved into range and it was so funny seeing what was quite obviously a crap bot.

                            Also look at my gear. Jujitsu Gi is going way back for me.

                            Killed this guy 5 times now and still no Nadrs drop. ft:



                            On our way to Castle Zvahl to fight Dark Spark. Will need to do that myself sometime soon.

                            Fighting the BRD sahagin solo to complete my AF3 quest and work towards my Ninja Chainmail.

                            And finally some pics that illustrate the kinds of things I envisiaged doing when I first started playing over a year ago. Fighting kickass monsters on my journeys...

                            it was a long fight...

                            ...but I battled on valiantly...

                            ...and he falls to my twin blades. BOOYA!


                              I've been building up a ton of photo's, i'll have go a posting them tonight before getting on 7pm for the dragon fight.

                              Last night dunes visit was the worest yet, the 1st party in which i explained how blink tanking works 5 sodding times and yet the WAR and DRK still didn't do anything result in me have to hope on the mobs missing me to to caste or losing hate, the RDM skillup his spells when we're trying to chain, and BLM that would accidently(3 times) get agro from casting spells on the wrong mob at one point they didn't even notice we're fighting 2 crabs and the WHM nearly died. Cap that of with the RDM telling the WHM how to play in which the WHM was telling the RDM to STFU cos this was mule and not his real job. Luckly the party died when the RDM(of all things) did the pulling instead of the crappy WAR and DRK's, after being told not to pull leeches earlier in a previous camp stop, asks 'Bogy?' to which the WHM replies 'anything but Bogy's' to which the RDM pulling leech, which becomes 3 leeches, which result in me running away to watch the carnage as the blm cast on 1 leech and WHM gets agro from healing position, resulting in zone run into another party training 3 Gobs and Bogy to the zone, BANG 1 dead RDM and WHM, somehow that party survives that and reform to get destroyed by goblins onthe way back to which i zone to seblina and quit, lucky the party after was Nin.nin.nin,snm, and the rdm and **** war of the last party, went surprising well even with the war provoking the mobs of us and destroying he tanking order .... well 2 more lvl to go....


                                Originally posted by Tobal
                                Luckly the party died when the RDM(of all things) did the pulling instead of the crappy WAR and DRK's....
                                Interestingly the last two nights in Lower Delkfutt's Tower I have been pulling. Was in a mage heavy party on Tuesday and nobody was very keen on pulling so said I could pull with DIA. All in it went very well, no links, some chains and good exp - even better when I got 23 and Blink...

                                So I go on last night and the PLD and one of the WHM's from Tuesday were in a full party and I got an invite right away as they want me to pull. So we carry on where we left off with all going well. After every 3ish mobs I was healing to get MP - the DRK didn't want to wait and decided to pull some. First pull brought 2 gobs which we manage to kill. Then he goes thorugh the first room (3 gobs had all been killed) and pulls in the second. Again he gets 2 and this time he is bound so we all head through to help. This time its tough with a number of 2hrs being used but we all make it (with me getting 24 at the same time!). As the party turns to head back to camp we notice that all 3 gobs have respawned in the first room and we get aggro from them all - so it's a mad dash through the room and back to the zone...

                                Still, after the crap weekend it was a great 2 days of exp. To top it off as I retunred to Windhurst last night (on my first Chocobo ride!) I thought i'd check for Spiny Spipi which I spot straight away. I jump of the chocobo, kill him and get the Mist Silk Cape drop that I have been after for a few weeks

                                Had a good laugh at your leech antics in the dunes. I had the very same thing a few weeks back...

