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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Another slowish night in Qufim for me. The inability to keep a party together for more than 30 mins is staggering... Got to 1k tnl and joined a party by Lower Delkfutt's Tower who promptly pulled a "super leech" which killed 4 of us (big thanks to Scout who had is work cut out with raises at the time!!!). Now 1.3k tnl...

    Anyway, Bayan's on board for the 2-3 mission but unfortunately there was no sign of Daragon on the LS last night...

    I don't want to step on his toes (he's been trying to organise this party for a while) but as we have a good turn out so far can we say that we'll do this at 9.30pm on Thursday. Hopefully he'll be cool with that.

    Between Daragon & one other we just need WHM and another DD. Applicants on a postcard...


      It shouldn't take too long to find someone in the game if it comes to it... I've done this mission twice for myself (for Bastok and Windurst) and both times I had to build the party from scratch by shouting. The other times I've helped people out I believe they also had to ask random people (like me). You've already got a good basis with the people who have offered.

      P.S. It CAN also be done with less than 6, depending on damage dealt. If you're going as level 25 Talizker, then that means you will by then have Sleep as well which would free me up to just cause as much damage as I can (and 2hr will be getting used to help with that).
      Last edited by Darwock; 30-11-2004, 08:17.


        Finally broke through the 300k gil barrier this morning and hopefully, if all my AH goods sell today I should bust through 400k this afternoon, putting me close to my pair of Winged Boots. Markets willing, I should have them by the weekend after which I will do one last levelling grind on my NIN to 60 and get my AF gloves sorted.

        Then it?s farming for my WAR/THF gear to go from 30 to 37. Ideally I want the following:

        Head - Emporer Hairpin ? HP-15 DEX+3 AGI+3 Evasion+10 (already have this)
        Neck - Spike Necklace ? STR+3 DEX+3 MND-6 (nice and cheap)
        Earring 1 - Beetle Earring+1 ? Attack+3 Evasion-2 (nice and cheap again)
        Earring 2 - Pilferer?s Earring ? Latent Effect: DEX+2 (activates from THF sub, cost about an hour?s farming)
        Body ? Kampfbrust ? DEF:25 AGI+3 (a few hours farming)
        Hands ? Custom M Gloves ? DEF:6 HP+12 MP+4 STR+3 DEX+3 VIT-1 AGI-1 (already have these)
        Ring 1 ? Courage Ring ? DEF:1 STR+2 [FIR]+4
        Ring 2 ? Courage Ring ? DEF:1 STR+2 [FIR]+4 (another couple of nice and cheap items)
        Back ? Nomad?s Mantle ? DEF:2 AGI+1 Evasion+3 (already have this)
        Waist ? Brave Belt ? DEF:3 STR+2 DEX-1 VIT+2 AGI-1 (affordable)
        Legs ? Garrison Hose ? DEF:9 STR+1 DEX+1 (probably the most expensive item I need after the boots)
        Feet ? Winged Boots ? DEF:5 DEX+3 AGI+3 (soon, very soon)

        It?s quite a mismatch of gear and I have no doubt that I will look like an uncoordinated mess but the stat boosts are going to be massive. Full Kampf gear would no doubt look much better but offers a lot less for a WAR/THF. Also the gear above would be lousy for tanking (very little defence up there) but hopefully if we are levelling our subs together and Tobal is going WAR/NIN he will be willing to main tank.

        Stat bonuses:

        Really looking forward to levelling this job again and trying this setup out.


          Originally posted by Darwock
          P.S. It CAN also be done with less than 6, depending on damage dealt. If you're going as level 25 Talizker, then that means you will by then have Sleep as well which would free me up to just cause as much damage as I can (and 2hr will be getting used to help with that).
          Was really hoping to get to 25 before Thursday (I started in Qufim at level 20 on Friday with that in mind and have been on every night for 4+ hours) but as I said above, exp has been slow and I am still 1.3k short of 23. I figure at best i'll make 24 by the end of play tomorrow but I can't see me getting 25...
          Last edited by talizker; 30-11-2004, 09:24.


            The 2-3 dragon is so easy, Darwock is right you don't even need 6 people. The smallest I've done it with is BLM, WHM, DRG + THF @lv25 and during the fight the THF was petrified for nearly the whole fight, hell I've seen a video of a Galka MNK solo it I'd help but I'm never online at 9:30pm as that's my brothers time slot on the computer.

            Grats on 75 Half, what are your plans now?


              I don't think I'd say 'easy', I died the first time doing it and we all failed, and I've never died doing anything easy... but with good people it can go smoothly without a full party.


                I had a feeling a new version update was due soon and apparently it is available in POL Viewer now. Some kind soul has listed the updates over at AK which I will copy and paste here.

                The holiday season is here and the Final Fantasy XI development elves have been busy putting together goodies for all the good boys and girls of Vana'diel.
                We are planning our next major version update for Thursday, December 12. The details of the update are as follows:

                There will be several new quests and events added to the Promathia areas.

                New quests will also be added in Non-Promathia areas.

                New monsters (including notorious monsters) will be added.

                Over 15 new "orb battles" will be added.

                Several new weapons, types of equipment, and items will be introduced.

                The difficulty of selected Promathia missions will be adjusted.

                Tavnazian Archipelago supply quests and regional teleportation will become available.

                Chat filter options will be expanded.

                A new Gobbiebag quest will be introduced.

                Shortcuts into Promyvion - Vahzl for those who have partially or fully completed the Promathia mission will be added.

                "Temporary items" found on the Balltista playing field may now be stored in one's inventory for the duration of the match(es). Also several previous "special" rules will be implemented permanently.

                A new point system for rating Ballista participants on their performance will be introduced.

                The stack number for several select items will be increased from 12 to 99. In accordance with the adjustments, players will be unable to put items up for auction for a short period of time. Details on this temporary maintenance will be provided soon.

                Several previously unstackable foods will now be stackable.

                The duration and effect of certain foods will be adjusted.

                The Old Sabertooth in Sauromugue Champaign will no longer drop any items.

                The variety of items that can be dug up using the "Scavenge" ability will be increased.

                A new thief job trait will be added.

                The potency of etudes will be adjusted.

                "Spirit Link" will now heal a wyvern's status ailments.

                The accuracy of "Blood Pact" attacks during magic bursts will be adjusted.

                The strength of "Blood Pact" attacks will not increase as much when fighting weaker enemies.

                The order of messages that appear when using the /nominate, /vote and /propose commands will be adjusted

                The fee collected when placing items on auction will be determined by the current auction price, not the store/guild selling price.

                In addition to the changes mentioned above, many other adjustments are being made. A complete list of all changes will be available on the day of the update.
                Also, we are planning several new events for the end of the year, so keep your eyes open!

                Another issue being addressed during this version update is the monopoly over certain monsters and items by a number of players.
                The development team is currently working on several methods to combat these types of actions.
                Some methods include the introduction of similar items, and new ways of obtaining items.

                Articles 23, 24 and 25 of the PlayOnline User Agreement as well as Article 6 of the Finaly Fantasy XI User Agreement specificly prohibit the sale of any in-game money, characters, and/or items on internet auctions, etc.
                Any players found participating in RMT (Real Money Trading), whether it be buying or selling, may have their accounts terminated. Please consider the consequences before partaking in actions that may result in the destruction of all your player characters.

                Finally, for all existing and future Windows version players, we have developed a new benchmark program to test the playability of Finaly Fantasy XI on your personal computer.
                "Vana'diel Bench 3" will not only display the stunning landscape of the Lufaise Meadows, but will also offer a sneak peak into some of the most exciting cutscenes from the Chains of Promathia missions! To download this free software, visit the Final Fantasy XI homepage, or any participating game sites.
                As usual I will post my thoughts after reading. I love these things tho. I always get so excited.


                  Well, some excitement to be had.

                  New quests are events are always welcome. Questing as a LS is something we seem to lack doing and maybe it once we are all at 60, is something we could look at.

                  New equipment and weapons are always fun. I love it when Mystery Tour list the new equipment that is in game. Always get excited scanning through it all and seeing what jobs will benefit most from the additions. Hopefully new models will be used too like the last update that added a ton of new looking armour types.

                  Gobbiebag 6 will be great, hopefully taking my inventory up to 60 (and therefore equal to my mogsafe). More inventory means more farming and more loot in EXP parties.

                  New THF job trait could be interested although it?s interesting that SE having elected to name it this time. I remember when Subtle Blow was introduced for MNK and NIN they announced its name but refused to comment on what it did prior to release.

                  However it?s those paragraphs at the end that are most intriguing. Clearly it?s SE way of saying gilsellers GTF but we will have to wait and see what effect it will have in game.

                  EDIT ? oh and one last thing. There is no Thursday 12th December 2004. Would be mega-cool if it was a typo and was meant to read Thursday 2nd December. That?s just 2 days away ^_^
                  Last edited by C'; 30-11-2004, 11:21.


                    the best bit about that for me is

                    Another issue being addressed during this version update is the monopoly over certain monsters and items by a number of players.
                    The development team is currently working on several methods to combat these types of actions.
                    Some methods include the introduction of similar items, and new ways of obtaining items.


                      The Old Sabertooth in Sauromugue Champaign will no longer drop any items.
                      Isn't that what drops the key item for the RNG quest? If so, how can you become a RNG if it no longer drops anything?

                      Also, I think I'll try that benchmark 3, just to see what my score is. If it's low, I'll probably have to start considering upgrades.
                      Last edited by Vanicent; 30-11-2004, 13:26.


                        Not quite Vanicent. You have to wait for the Old Sabretooth to die ?naturally? then when he does the key item needed will be available at the ??? point in the cave. However, if people kill it for farming purposes then you have to wait for it to respawn and wait again.

                        If you remember when I helped you get the RNG job there was someone there who we had trouble with who killed the Old Sabretooth twice after we asked him not to.


                          Yeah, I remember now actually. Not sure why I didn't remember that we had to wait for it to die, rather than kill it but I didn't.

                          So, realistically, it should make the RNG quest easier, as there is less reason for anyone to kill the Old Sabertooth...
                          Last edited by Vanicent; 30-11-2004, 17:39.


                            Quick update on party for 2-3 on Thursday.

                            Talizker (RDM/BLM)
                            Daragon (???)
                            Darwock (BLM/SMN)
                            Tobal (WAR/NIN)
                            Bayan (DRG)
                            Mahlory (WHM)
                            Apaythe (BLM) (reserve)

                            Still no word from Daragon but at least we have six people if he can't make it. Got level 23 tonight so fingers crossed I can make 24 tomorrow.



                              Hi Guys.. quick question

                              Im at 37 now and off to Crawlers Nest for quite some time by the sounds of it! I just wondered if it was really important to get the map? I hear its a looong quest that involves loads of running about and wanted to know if I should take the time to get it. Also is there a cash reward for the quest as well as the map... I read somewhere that there was but cant find out how much it is.


                                The map of Crawler?s Nest probably isn?t vital for your first couple of visits but will be handy as you venture deeper inside as your levels increase.

                                The quest is long-winded. You may have actually started it already as the reward comes from the Stone Monument quest that you get from the Mayor of Selbina. When you have obtained all but 2 of the monuments (Sauromogue Champaign and Batallia Downs are the 2 you don?t need) you get the map of Crawler?s Nest. Every time you return a Clay Tablet to the mayor you get a gil reward with the amount varying depending on the monument it came from.

