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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Bayan
    He Has Already Completed Rank 4

    "In related news, I am on the verge of completing rank 4, having obtained both Oztroja and Beadeux Magicites"

    Is Worded Incorrectly Yes But He Would Have To Get Rank 4 To Be
    Able To Actually Get The Seals To Access The Magicite
    I've just looked over this again, and I stand by my wording as accurate. At the time I wrote that, I was rank 4, I had obtained 2 of the 3 Magicites, so yes most people would agree with me on the fact that I was on the verge of completing the rank ( seeing that I was able to obtain Davoi's magicite in under 10 minutes of my arrival in the area due to a group of lvl 60s helping me out, which was very good of them I might add )


      Ah I see, when you said 'I am on the verge of completing Rank 4' I thought you meant on the verge of completing the Rank 4 mission (which is the Tower) when in fact you are on the verge of completing the Rank 5 mission..

      ok I'm gonna go lie down now :P


        Update on my doings recently. Have been farming (hardish) to get the cash together for my Gluttony Sword (480-500k) at Lv 57 (which should soon be reached when we get back to levelling). So after quite a few days of Passhow Marshlands and selling off unused equipment, I had about 480k.

        At the same time I've been looking into my Cooking craft a bit more and I found myself frustrated by the amount of fire crystals I need to be able to use/level it to any degree (and make even the smallest profit doing so) In fact, the only profit to be had from cooking is when all the ingredients are farmed.

        Problem being: I can't farm crystals anymore (at least, not as lv 56 pld) so I came up with a plan to have one of my jobs at Lv 10, then use that to farm crystals whilst levelling to Lv 13-15 then kill myself repeatedly to level back down to 10 as and when required. (Toxicforce used to do this quite a lot)

        So I levelled DRK to 10 and equipped him properly (back down to about 420k now) and I've made some forays into crystalfarming ^^

        In the mean time I've also been completing some quests that I had lying around for ages (Gustaberg Tour, Anyone?) which netted me 10k here, 8k there (and 15k from selling a Warp scroll I got with Sturn that I had put on sale for 8k) So I got back to about 460k.

        Now last night I stopped being DRK for a moment and decided to help Apathye out in his quest for the Moldavite Earring. I made for the Labyrinth of Onzozo where Apa was camping Mysticmaker Profblix with a Lv 74 THF (where the heck do you get these people Apa??) anyway, we got profblix but he didn't drop (before the pop I'd gotten a map of Onzozo from a Chest though) profblix did drop about 1500 gil and a scroll of Thunder III, which I got.

        Later, the THF left and Bayan joined us. At about 0:43 I decided to flee out of Onzozo (I need my sleep) and Profblix popped at 0:45, again no drop but as I was still inside Onzozo I netted another 2k gil from the kill ^^

        Tomorrow is my day off so tonight and tomorrow will be combined into 1 huge Passhow farming session, where I hope to get the remaining 60k (or so) I need to get the Gluttony Sword. After which I look forward to get back on the levelling train!


        I also intend to level BLM to Lv 17 (for Warp) and RDM to Lv 25 (for Sneak/Invis and En-fun) in the near future.


        Corrected errors ><
        Last edited by Marvelon; 07-12-2004, 09:09.


          Forgot to post the things I wanted to know: When's the next katana-run?

          When are we levelling again? Wednesday evening? Thursday evening?



            Rarehero is back in the game baby!!!!!! 8)

            Erm, hopefully...


              Cool, good to hear it Rare! It's quiet at work so I've had too much time to think about what I want to achieve with Mihki. Ideally I'll stop when my job lists looks like:

              PLD 75
              BLM 75
              WAR 37
              NIN 37
              THF 37
              RDM 37
              WHM 37


                Have to post this. Logged on this evening, expecting to just sort out my AH's and transfer good to be sold between characters then get my ass down to Pashow Marshlands to start farming to build up to 500k+ to get my Gluttony Sword. After a round of checking delivery boxes and sending the gil back to mihki I had 490k, price history indicated last Gluttony Sword sold for 480k. I bid 480k and now it's mine. I have the sword that need not be replaced. I can use this one up to lv 75 and never look bad again. 44 Damage is as high as 1h-swords go and +7 VIT cannot be beat (on weapon slot anyway) All I need now is my other 2 AF pieces, Republican Army Mantle and some random bits and bobs (mostly switch-out gear) to last me well into the 60s. (I think Diamond shield is my next purchase - lv 65 or 66, can't remember)


                  For anyone bored, the update notes for the current update have been added in POL Viewer under Update History.

                  Not looked at them yet but wil post any major thoughts I have later on.


                    Just read them, lots of changes to food, from what I could see.. Assasin looks interesting too.

                    I think we can go back online at 21:00 UK time?


                      Well, it's almost a year since I bought this game (and then ditched it )
                      Seems like people are still playing it. How many of your original clan are left? Looking through the original list, most of them don't even post here anymore. Did you drive them all off?


                        Some people got into the game expecting something that the game actually wasn't and stopped playing quite quickly. If I'm honest it soon became apparent to me that my initial aspirations of what the game would be like were way off.

                        However, instead of mourning for what the game isn't, I chose to embrace what the game is and I have enjoyed my year in the game so far. People who left in the early days probably made the right decision as the demands the game places on you at later stages increase exponentionally with your level. It is not uncommon now to be leveling for 4 -5 hours at a time. Popping in to the game for a quick 30 minute burst is not viable any more.

                        I think my playtime in game is now running at something like 80 days and I don't regret any of it. I'll admit there are a times when I wonder why am I online. I can be sitting around San d'Oria doing nothing whatsoever yet I won't log off.

                        Anyway I'm currently a level 59 Ninja, and if I'm honest I probably picked the hardest job in game to go through with on my first run but again I am relishing the challenge it brings knowing that once I reach that fabled lvl75 I am going to be one of the most powerful and capable job classes in the game. In terms of EXP needed to reach level 75 I am not even halfway

                        however, 10/10? Fanboyism incarnate tbh :P


                          I'm still about, i still have a LP but only pop in to say hello now and again although the guys know they can send me a /tell anytime they want. i moved to a NA LS.


                            It taught me i'll never like MMORPGs, so that's something


                              Oh and update thoughts:

                              As previously mentioned Gobbiebag 6 is a blessing as it opens up more inventory spaces for Ninja Tools and situational equipment. Probably best to avoid trying for it immediately as the prices of the items will be skyhigh but give it a couple of weeks and a 60 piece inventory will be mine (same as mogsafe then ^_^).

                              The longer a player remains in the same area, the more difficult it will become to obtain certain items through logging and mining.
                              I see what S/E are trying to achieve here but I also see that this is a potential kick in the nuts to genuine miners. Anyone who has mined deep into Gusgen Mines will appreciate how much of a pain it can be to get out of there.

                              The contents of treasure coffers in Castle Oztroja have been changed. Accordingly, certain items will now be obtainable through different methods.
                              And a horde of RDM soon to be AF wearing breath a sigh of relief. But again this saddens me as it is a perfect indication of how the actions of a few ruin the game for the many. Finding a Treasure Chest or Coffer and having the key should be a moment of genuine excitment for the player. Popping it open and potentially receiving a valuable item could be a great moment in any players life. However, a number of high level THF who simply camp spawn points and claim them immediately have removed this from the game. It's sad that coffers seem to be getting relegated to AF, maps and (minuscule) amounts of gil, when exploring dungeons for treasure is such a great part of RPGs.

                              Monsters can now be caught while fishing in all areas of Qufim and the buburimu Peninsula
                              I witnessed this first hand last night whilst trying for Carbuncle's Ruby in between killing the Moldavite Earring NM. Masses of fishers and more arriving with each passing minute. Obviously the change is seen as a combative measure against bots but I wish S/E would simply take a ****ing stand against the cheaters instead of simply tweaking certain aspects and potentially harming the 'genuine' players who work hard for their gil.

                              S/E should simply ban the accounts of those players who it discovers are exploiting the game and make a statement saying that the the money from cheaters is not more important than creating a level playing field for all players who obey the rules that S/E. I read the following and had to applaud Blizzard for their actions. Let's hope S/E follow

                              The conditions for certain notorious monsters to appear, as well as the drop rates for the items they carry, have been adjusted.
                              Far too vague to comment on. However, I really wouldn't expect the prices of big ticker items to change drastically from this change alone. However...

                              The transaction fee for items put up on auction is now based on seller's asking price .
                              You want 1 million gil for that pair of Ochiudo's Kote? You best be prepared to potentially lose out on 20100 gil if the item doesn't sell. I do feel that this may go some way to curbing the constantly rising prices of certain 'high ticket' items but obviously it is too early to comment. However, buyers need to play their part in this. If people are willing to spend whatever amount of gil the item is listed at, then this change will have no affect.

                              The great thing of this is that it doesn't really hurt the 'farmers' who make gil the old-fashioned way. The fees for stacks of items like Beastman Blood, Beehive Chips etc in the starting towns will be nominal.

                              A new thief job trait that increases the dexterity bonus of the ability "Trick Attack" has been added. This trait is called "Assasin".
                              Nothing too surprising. Obviously this is a way fo making the THF class stand out from high damage melee classes (notably DRK) who could adequately take over the THF hate control role after level 60.

                              The graphics of selected throwing weapons have been altered.
                              Whilst the word altered means it's unlikely, I hope this means shurikens will now be viewable before thrown.

                              The icon graphics for the following items have been changed:[listing of all Ninja Tools]
                              Nice! Now I get to see what is actually being used each time a ninjitsu attack is performed, instead of the generic 'tied bag' graphic that led to the common misconception that ninjitsu involves the use of powders.

                              Other than that nothing else caught my eye. Still no new Ninjitsu.

                              Also the updates never list the new weapons and equipment that are added but Mystery Tour are always quick to get these out. Always fun to look over the new gear.
                              Last edited by C'; 08-12-2004, 18:38.


                                One thing that is obvious from this is that S/E many of the changes made in this update seem to be laying down the gauntlet to botters, gilsellers etc.

                                I really do hope their attempts are succesful.

