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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by C'
    I really do hope their attempts are succesful.
    I suspect everyone who doesn't use bots will hope for success in those efforts.


      The graphics of selected throwing weapons have been altered.

      Whilst the word altered means it's unlikely, I hope this means shurikens will now be viewable before thrown.
      A picture, tells a thousand words



        Some new equipment that has been added, taken from parsed files. These were taken from the Ninja forum at AK so are NIN focussed. There is likely to be a lot more.


        Niokiyotsuna (Rare/Ex)
        DMG:19 Delay:227
        "Double Attack"+1%
        Lv.38 NIN

        Another Rare/EX katana for me to hunt out. Probably not even that useful as the damage/delay ratio is beaten out by other weapons already in game. Luckily, it?s level 38 so I should be able to safely tackle any NM that drops it solo so I won?t be dragging the LS across Vana?diel for it.


        Dobson Bandana
        AGI+3 Evasion+5
        Enhances "Resist Poison" effect
        Lv.39 All Jobs

        Can you say half an Emporer Hairpin :P


        Nokizaru Gi (Rare/Ex)
        AGI+4 Enmity+1
        Lv.50 NIN

        This seems to match up with the lvl50 leg NIN JSE added last update (Nokizaru Hakama). I want this for level50 cap quests and missions. Having both this and the Shinobi Gi+1 I have an appropriate armour for this level for different situations).


        Horomusha Kote (Rare)
        DEF:7 Attack+15
        Lv.34 MNK/SAM/NIN

        OMG OMG OMG I HAVE to get this. For a NIN this is superior to Ochiudo?s Kote. A kickass attack bonus without the Evasion-5 that put me off. S/E r t3h w1nn4r.


        Taurus Subligar (Rare/Ex)
        DEF:23 AGI+1
        Lv.50 NIN

        Seems rather pointless when compared to the Nokizaru Hakama. Plus it?s a subligar >.<


        Fuma Sune-Ate (Rare)
        DEF:21 HP+12 AGI+3 Haste+3%
        Lv. 72 MNK/SAM/NIN

        A nice piece of high level armour for NIN. Another want.


        Jaeger Ring (Rare/Ex)
        Ranged Accuracy+4
        Lv. 35 All Jobs

        And here are your new Sniper Rings. Likely to be a NM drop. Not worth selling my Sniper to get but it will be worth hunting one hunt I think to have in store for other lvl35 melee jobs that I plan to level.


        Elusive Earring
        DEF:1 Evasion+5
        Lv.60 All Jobs

        So badass. I want this to replace my Dodge Earring.

        Titanis Earring (Rare)
        VIT+1 AGI+1
        Minne: Enmity+4
        Lv.61 All Jobs

        And again how cool is this for NIN (and PLD?). Get a BRD in my PT and this earring plus a Melody Earring and you have a perfect NIN set.


          Oh and I found the new Taru from the Ornastery in Lower Jeuno. I spoke to him and he brushed me off muttering something about 'there must be someone around here who as ate too much'.

          Realising there is has been a load of food changes I suspected he was a method of removing food effects that you no longer want and popped down a cheap grilled hare and spoke to him again. Sure enough he spoke to me and mentioned he was involved in magic that was not quite black or white (Brown Magic lol) and said if I gave him some Gyashal Greens he would remove my indigestion.

          I never traded him the greens but I think my intial hypothesis was correct.

          Also, I've activated Gobbiebag 6. We need:

          Shakudo Ingot
          Square of Ballon Cloth
          High Quality Eft Skin

          Never heard of any of these before.
          Last edited by C'; 09-12-2004, 08:51.


            Only 2 pieces i can see wanting, the new body armor with tp+9, but that not really worth it but being its rare/ex it should easy to get(unless its a bcnm) and the new lvl 50(odd) helmet that gives +4 STR and DEX another Rare/EX and must have.

            As for the 'new' sniper its +4 acc/rngacc vs +5acc/rngacc & -10 def, so i can see the trade of, i guessing this its more for Ninjas and Ward that tank


              Warwolf Belt
              Lvl 71 Def: 6
              Strength +5, Dexterity +5, Vitality +5, Enmity +3
              Slot: Waist

              Awesome. Must have at that level. Vit+5 is the highest available on any waist-slot item. Due to the enmity and DEX I think this might become a THF-SA/TA-switchout item.

              Titanis Earring
              Lvl 61
              Vitality +1, Agility +1
              Minne: Enmity +4
              Jobs: All
              Slot: Ear

              Thank god for Wedgemoon. I'll have to carry around 4 earrings now: 2 Drones 1 Mercenary's earring and the Titanis.

              Parade Cuirass
              Lvl: 50 def: 38
              HP +28, Enmity +2
              jobs: PLD/WAR
              Slot: Body

              Very, very nice. I won't need to get one because I'm so close to my Gallant Surcoat (and there is a better item at lv 58 which I'll get) but it's a good addition and will obliterate the Earth Doublet/R.K. Cuirass debate once and for all.

              Knightly Mantle
              Lvl: 60 def: 12
              Vitality +4
              jobs: PLD/WAR
              Slot: Back

              Ultimate. This item beats both the Republican Army Mantle (top PLD back-gear) and the Beak Mantle +1 (the only real alternative to the Rep. Army Mantle)

              The Knightly Mantle will mean I will not be purchasing a Republican Army Mantle, so I've saved up 51k+ CP that I can now use to make some money ^^ (depending on availability/price of the Knightly)

              On another note... Apart from the items that were introduced in the last update I'm more or less set up to lv 66 (when I get Diamond Shield and Espadon+1) so I've been thinking of other things to do (rather than just farm and level up) I'm going to expand my mogsafe to maximum size and get gobbiebags 4 & 5 done (and 6 when the items become available/affordable)
              After that I'll get cooking to 60+ (depending on the outcome of the PLD-food debate, Boiled/Steamed Crab AND Fish Chief/Mithkabobs were both changed in the update) Then I'll either level fishing or start levelling some of the other jobs I want a bit higher. (rdm, blm, whm, thf, nin)


                Well it seems that there is more Rare/EX items in game now that LS members will want. I am looking forward to helping people camp these monsters like the Loxley Bow.

                And speakingof Rare/EX. People ready for another trip to the Temple soon. Like Bayan said, we can't have this Tonberry forgetting who we are :P


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  As for the 'new' sniper its +4 acc/rngacc vs +5acc/rngacc & -10 def, so i can see the trade of, i guessing this its more for Ninjas and Ward that tank
                  Also, this new ring is Rare/EX so you can't double it up like many melee DD do with a Sniper. However there is a Rare Accuracy+3 ring added to so the alternaitve Accuracy+7 may impact on Sniper's. However, Sniper's are still the premier ring.


                    Looks Like RNGs Took It In The Ass, From What I Can Gather Mithkabobs No Longer Increase The Attack Power Of Ranged Attacks =_= But There Are Some New +RNG ACC Daggers To Investigate


                      RNG took it in the ass? O_o

                      With this?

                      Trailer's Kukri
                      DEMG:19 Delay:195
                      Ranged Accuracy+14

                      I'm so excited about this update. So much Rare/EX stuff that I want to go after. Rare/EX has been kind of an obsession of mine as late but there is some great equipment in game that often gets unnoticed by players as they are not viewable on the AH.
                      Last edited by C'; 09-12-2004, 15:35.


                        Guys we up for exping to night? (Nbk/wedge)??? im itching for lvl57


                          Originally posted by Tobal
                          Guys we up for exping to night? (Nbk/wedge)??? im itching for lvl57
                          Sure I will be up for exping.

                          I will be on a new character though before we exp, I will need a pearl at some point if someone can sort me out with one.

                          Getting update now, about 20 minutes long.
                          Last edited by mikewl; 09-12-2004, 16:30.


                            ffs, looks like im not gonna make it on, i can't log on it keep timing out even though my connection seems fine


                              Mahl and I will be online at about 7 this evening. Let the EXP roll.


                                Originally posted by Marvelon
                                Have to post this. Logged on this evening, expecting to just sort out my AH's and transfer good to be sold between characters then get my ass down to Pashow Marshlands to start farming to build up to 500k+ to get my Gluttony Sword. After a round of checking delivery boxes and sending the gil back to mihki I had 490k, price history indicated last Gluttony Sword sold for 480k. I bid 480k and now it's mine. I have the sword that need not be replaced. I can use this one up to lv 75 and never look bad again. 44 Damage is as high as 1h-swords go and +7 VIT cannot be beat (on weapon slot anyway) All I need now is my other 2 AF pieces, Republican Army Mantle and some random bits and bobs (mostly switch-out gear) to last me well into the 60s. (I think Diamond shield is my next purchase - lv 65 or 66, can't remember)

                                epp I only paid 250k for my Gluttony Sword

