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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I have managed to get that quest I was on about.

    I need to go to Quicksand Caves and fight Spelunking Sabotender for a Spiny Spindel (Rare/EX).

    Im going to need some help though.

    PLD testimony also drops from the anticans around the Sabotenders so maybe Mihki we could combine this with it if you dont have it yet.
    Last edited by mikewl; 15-12-2004, 09:32.


      All good on th Promyvion front then ^^ I'll make completing my lv 30 PLD/war gear priority so we can get to it asap.
      As for party setups for Promyvion, I assume me, Mahlory, Tobal and Wedge will form the basis for one of the parties, so that's PLD/war, WHM/blm, SAM/war and BRD/whm.
      I also further assume Rare will be Tanking for another party? this is probably easier discussed in-LS.

      Cool Wedge, looking forward to that run to Quicksand. Hopefully we'll get 2 decent players this evening to complement our static so we can hit lv 57.


        I'm up for a Promyvion visit. Most of my current INT gear is level 29-30 anyway so I'm sorted for it. Be a nice change from leveling too


          Originally posted by Marvelon
          All good on th Promyvion front then ^^ I'll make completing my lv 30 PLD/war gear priority so we can get to it asap.
          As for party setups for Promyvion, I assume me, Mahlory, Tobal and Wedge will form the basis for one of the parties, so that's PLD/war, WHM/blm, SAM/war and BRD/whm.
          I also further assume Rare will be Tanking for another party? this is probably easier discussed in-LS.

          Cool Wedge, looking forward to that run to Quicksand. Hopefully we'll get 2 decent players this evening to complement our static so we can hit lv 57.
          All sounds good. I should hit lvl 57 quite easily tonight.

          I have just looked at the Instruments for sale in Jeuno and there are some new ones.

          lvl 60 Lullaby +2

          I think this has had an effect on Mary's horn prices which have gone under 100k, a while ago they were upto 500k.

          I really look forward to BCNM60 so I can afford some of this stuff.


            what times everyone tonight for this party?


              Originally posted by Tobal
              what times everyone tonight for this party?
              I will be on from about 5pm, lvling Bellagio while I wait for our party.


                Have fun guys, and could you keep me posted about Promyvion please?



                  Me and Mihki will be on around 7ish


                    Good party last night, we had a WAR/nin and a DRK/war, we chained up to 5 pretty easily and all four of us hit 57. Been using the Musketeers Commander Shield Bayan gave me in exp situation ^^ damn fine shield.

                    I liked Wedge's idea to all have one suggestion for the Linkshellmes then we vote on the one we like and that becomes the one we out on when we don't have anything else to mention...Something like
                    Rargh: Swords, Bows, Shields and Magic, if we ain't got it, it's not worth having.


                      Check out my Alakazam profile:

                      Needs updating more but I think this is a cool feature.

                      Here are some more of us:



             (hmm, Halfpint tarutaru)

             (mahl, definetely outdated )


             (Nyoneme - has the neck armour I want)

                      Last edited by mikewl; 16-12-2004, 13:16.


                        Do you have to be one of the paying members to do that? Seems you have to pay to do *anything* (like for example, search for threads...)


                          Originally posted by Darwock
                          Do you have to be one of the paying members to do that? Seems you have to pay to do *anything* (like for example, search for threads...)
                          I have paid but im not sure if you have to for it, it would suprise me if that many had paid.


                            new benchmark

                            Some stuff from the new CoP areas I think, getting it now.


                              We exping tonight?, as i can smell lvl58 if we do today and tormorrow ^^


                                Originally posted by Tobal
                                We exping tonight?, as i can smell lvl58 if we do today and tormorrow ^^
                                I can, but please please not in Boyahda Tree again, that place is getting annoying.

