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    Think some people were pushing for a little earlier but I asked them to hang on if they could (I won't be on until 10 anyway)


      Originally posted by Darwock
      Think some people were pushing for a little earlier but I asked them to hang on if they could (I won't be on until 10 anyway)
      Vanicent said he would be watching 24 also... If we are already to go at 10 it will be ok...


        Just a couple of things regarding the Static 10+ What is the confirmed party line up (job wise). As I said, I would prefer to go as SAM/WAR. Will I be tanking and/or pulling - want to know what kind of quantity of arrows to bring.

        Also, Tuesday night - its likely that I won't be on until 9.30pm - 10pm. What I can do is goto Valkurm tonight if that is where we are starting so we can start as soon as I log in...

        Finally, thanks to everyone involved in last night's Promyvion - Dem run


          I've just remembered something, and realised I may not be showing the same level of commitment to this level 10 thing as others... I want to do it as something for a laugh with the linkshell.. but whereas some people are taking along jobs they want to advance and have a vested interest in, I don't really give a stuff about white mage.

          What I'm trying to say here is that I hadn't intended to buy any new equipment for it - my black mage/red mage/summoner gear was what i was going to use - I don't have any space for another set (had to complete gobbiebag quests just to get room for main job equipment!).

          Unfortunately this also means wearing a Lord's Yukata and no trousers until level 15 - hey, it got me to 10! (at 15 I can wear my Kingdom tunic/slops). But I can see me turning up in that at Valkurm and getting laughed off the beach.

          Should I sort my inventory out and buy new gear or make way for someone else? Or is this dodgy equipment tolerable?
          Last edited by Darwock; 21-02-2005, 08:29.


            Hmmm looks like S-E are slightly worried about World of Warcraft.

            Instanced dungeions by the sound of it.


              Originally posted by Darwock
              I've just remembered something, and realised I may not be showing the same level of commitment to this level 10 thing as others... I want to do it as something for a laugh with the linkshell.. but whereas some people are taking along jobs they want to advance and have a vested interest in, I don't really give a stuff about white mage.

              What I'm trying to say here is that I hadn't intended to buy any new equipment for it - my black mage/red mage/summoner gear was what i was going to use - I don't have any space for another set (had to complete gobbiebag quests just to get room for main job equipment!).

              Unfortunately this also means wearing a Lord's Yukata and no trousers until level 15 - hey, it got me to 10! (at 15 I can wear my Kingdom tunic/slops). But I can see me turning up in that at Valkurm and getting laughed off the beach.

              Should I sort my inventory out and buy new gear or make way for someone else? Or is this dodgy equipment tolerable?
              Hopefully you won't need too much in the way of good armour/clothes as WHM although of course MND gear is important...

              You can borrow any of my MND gear that is suitable for 10-20 if you want.


                Originally posted by C'
                Hmmm looks like S-E are slightly worried about World of Warcraft.

                Instanced dungeions by the sound of it.

                From that very brief description - it sounds like it's going to totally unbalance the levelling up mechanics! No xp lost if you lose, but masses of xp if you win??? Repeat until level 75.

                My summoners wand has mind + 2 I think, that's probably the only boost I have for that stat right now.


                  I?ll admit I was a bit confused regarding it as well. However, firstly the description is rather vague, we need more details to fully decide if this leads to the EXP trail being ?broken?. I would envisage that restrictions will be in place. Take Eco-Warrior as an example. At it?s simplest that would seem like an easy way to forego EXP parties. However, in reality you are limited to participating in one a week.

                  I?m not saying that ENM will have the same restriction but there is a chance S-E will limit how ENM operates.

                  Also, I think this may somehow tie in to the recent talk of a level 10 group on the LS. The reason this has been organised is because, at the moment the current EXP system makes it difficult for people to get EXP together unless they are within a a few levels of each other. This could it make it possible for the higher LS members to work with the lower ones and still everyone comes out with a nice EXP boost as well.

                  I?m really hopeful about this.

                  Anyway, this week is update week (presumably Wednesday or Thursday) so all will be revealed then. I absolutely reading through update notes

                  Finally, I know some LS people (notably the ?higher? level ones) have been feeling somewhat at a loss as to what to do of late, so maybe we, as a LS, can attempt to become pioneers of these ENM. If we get a strategy down and are able to become successful relatively quickly we have the opportunity to benefit immensely.

                  The announcement makes mention of ?unique items?. If we can obtain these early, and stick them on the AH when there isn?t a ready supply we could cash in quite handsomely. However, to do this we have to be ready as soon as possible after the update (i.e. next weekend).

                  I?m up for it (level cap willing). I have gear for 40, 50 and 60 caps (not 30).

                  EDIT - Update is Wednesday. Shamelessly stolen from AK

                  From:FINAL FANTASY XI
                  Feb. 21, 2005 10:00 [GMT]

                  All Worlds Scheduled Maintenance (Feb. 23)

                  At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

                  *The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

                  Thank you for your patience.

                  [Affected Period]
                  Feb. 23, 2005 from 17:00 to 20:00 (GMT) (9:00 to 12:00 (PST))

                  *Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

                  [Affected Services]
                  FINAL FANTASY XI

                  [Important Update Details]

                  - New Chains of Promathia missions will be added.

                  - The new region "Lumoria" and the new area "Al'Taieu" will become accessible.

                  - Many new quests centered in the Chains of Promathia areas will be added.

                  - Major improvements will be made to the fishing system.

                  - Bargain-priced multi-tickets for barges and manaclippers will become available.

                  - New routes and times will be introduced for Carpenters' Landing barges.

                  - Mannequins will become available for purchase.

                  - An NPC that will store artifact armor as a key item will be introduced.

                  - The limit for adjusting existing abilities using Merit Points will be raised.

                  - Additional categories will become available for the use of Merit Points.

                  - Shields will reduce the amount of damage taken instead of negating all damage.

                  - The white magic spell Banish will inflict more damage on undead monsters.

                  - The white magic spell Banish III will become available.

                  - A new job trait for white mages will be added.

                  - A new job trait for samurais will be added.

                  - Logging will become possible in the Misareaux Coast.

                  - Logging results in the Lufaise Meadows will be adjusted.

                  - There will be additions and changes to some of the items required to fulfill guild contracts.

                  - A new key item called "Alchemic Ensorcellment" will become available for purchase with alchemy guild points.

                  - The number of guild points required to purchase the key item Anima Synthesis will be reduced.

                  - The number of categories available for search comments will be expanded.

                  - NPC chat filter settings will be refined.

                  - Various other fixes.

                  *More details of this version update will be made available on Feb 23, 2005.
                  Last edited by C'; 21-02-2005, 09:57.


                    Wow, looks like a good update! New abilities, hange to fishing, the shield changes.. I'm excited.

                    Concerning the level 10 thing >< forgot that I've got something planned that will take up the whole of tuesday evening, so it looks like we're moving to wednesday at the earliest.

                    Awesome promy run yesterday, Thanks to all who participated.

                    Rare that sounds good to me, I've only got lv 30 PLD/war and lv 60 gear atm.


                      Good weekend for me, got Drk to lvl 29, done the saura mog champagne clay.

                      Saturday afternoon was an awsome ballista match, lost 102 to 100, it was so close.

                      Rare, that sounds like a good idea, although need to know more about the battles.


                        Well Wedge, that does kind of defeat he idea of being ?pioneers?. If we do try and do this early, we will not know what to expect when we go in, but the good thing is there will be no EXP penalty should things go wrong.

                        From the sounds of it we have got nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain.

                        Of course, saying all this, all it takes is a lvl30 cap and I am out of this already >.<


                          I love going into things where you don't know what to expect... I've just finished kitting out my level 40 blm to the max, and I still have all my 30 gear for the Promyvion missions.. so if any of these battles fit those caps then I'll gladly help in the pioneering!


                            I'm stuck with a level 30 cap (or lower) for the time being.

                            On another topic, I'll be keeping an ear open during this week for anyone in Bastok asking for Eco Warrior members. Would anyone else be interested in taking part in this?

                            I'll be doing this at all three cities over the next few weeks, as I want to get all three Eco War quests done with, so if anyone has one pending (regardless of location) I'll help out as long as I don't have one active already, which I don't right now.

                            EDIT: I know Wedge & Tal need to do Bastok's Eco War (which is why I'm heading there), and Mihki needs to do San d'Oria Eco War. I'll let either of you know when I hear a call for one.
                            Last edited by Vanicent; 21-02-2005, 13:19.


                              Originally posted by Vanicent
                              I'm stuck with a level 30 cap (or lower) for the time being.

                              On another topic, I'll be keeping an ear open during this week for anyone in Bastok asking for Eco Warrior members. Would anyone else be interested in taking part in this?
                              Bastok Eco Warrior {Yes Please}


                                Yes I'll go along for that as well. Be warned though, it is total hell. Removing the bogy's, ghouls and bandersnatches that impede your progress is even more of a nightmare than the fight itself (and it has to be done - think Promyvion but with no room to run past the seethers lol).

                                If it's Wednesday or Thursday then there's a small chance I'll be able to get my friend in on the action too.

