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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Unsure if these are true but a couple of new rings have allegedly been found in the DAT files.

    Toreador's Ring, DEF:1 HP+10 Accuracy+7, Lv.57 All Jobs

    Woodsman Ring - Ring, Accuracy+5 Ranged Accuracy+5, Evasion-5, Lv.40 All Jobs

    Personally, I still think that a Sniper/Mermaid or Sniper/Sniper (after Arhat's gear) is the best option for me. Obviously the Evasion-5 rules out Woodsman, and an extra 2 accuracy at the cost of Ranged Accuracy+5 makes Toreador's less desirable.

    However, the introduction of these may have an impact on Sniper Ring prices (but unlikely).


      I use Jelly Ring/mermaid along with Arhat Gi+1. Works very well so far. You can easily obtain the Jelly Ring if you haven't done so already.


        I'm really not interested in a Jelly Ring (seems wasteful in that I rarely get hit) and I'd have thought that once I get some Arhat's Gear (my plan is Sune-ate+1, Hakama+1 and regular Gi) that will load me up with enough emnity to allow me to remove my Mermaid Ring and put in another Sniper.


          OMG OMG OMG NIN JSE ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

          Yasha Jinpachi - Head, DEF:22 INT+7, Spell interruption rate down 4%, Enmity+2, Lv.71 NIN

          Yasha Samue - Body, DEF:43 INT+3, Parrying skill +3, Spell interruption rate down 10%, Enmity+4, Lv.71 NIN

          Yasha Tekko - Hands, DEF:16 Parrying skill +7, Spell interruption rate down 3%, Enmity+2, Lv.71 NIN

          Yasha Hakama - Legs, DEF:31 HP+25 INT+2, Spell interruption rate down 2%, Enmity+2, Lv.71 NIN

          Yasha Sune-Ate - Feet, DEF:13 HP+10 INT+3, Spell interruption rate down 5%, Enmity+2, Lv.71 NIN

          That is looking pretty damn sweet to me The INT boosts are interesting though
          Last edited by C'; 23-02-2005, 21:33.


            Can't see myself using any of that over my current gear :/

            INT boosts from that JSE along with the relevant Ninjutsu damage boosting AF piece, and the HQ staves along with the merit point boosted Elemental jutsu would make good potential to nuke in battles where blinking is useless. BLM sub of course.

            I know there are a few NIN out there who sub BLM for stuff like Fafnir and nuke their elemental spells with all the right gear and manage to do 200+ unresisted. I wonder how well the merit points would work with Katon etc.
            Last edited by Razz; 23-02-2005, 21:36.


              I've just spotted Sais as a new katana class weapon.

              I can pretend to be Raphael


                Originally posted by C'
                I've just spotted Sais as a new katana class weapon.

                I can pretend to be Raphael
                Oh boy.


                  Some general impressions of the recent update:


                  Yes fishing has taken over FFXI, it seems to me that they definetely got this right, the challenge involved makes fishing fun, the fact that you now know the fishermen in the same area are actually there and not afk has made popular fishing locations quite lively.

                  You now see the results of others fishing, which is quite interested to see what others are catching in the same area.

                  Catch rate has gone up alot, some say this will cause prices to drop and for now I would agree with this, but only because everyone is going mad on fishing, when things settle I expect there not to be too much difference, now you catch more which makes up for the fact that there wont be those afk 24/7 fishing who would normally contribute most of the fish on sale, basically you can go out for an hour fishing and catch enough to make it worthwhile.

                  ENM Battles, new Job Traits and some other interesting things I have noticed, when I got to Kazham I was able to invite Tobal to party when he was in Norg, im sure before that distance was not possible for inviting someone.

                  Got to say im impressed by Square for constantly improving and adding new stuff to the game.


                    Last night was fun (despite the deaths) - it seems I get a real kick out of going through the Promyvion zones!

                    So, are we going to try for the ENM again tonight. ENM Promyvion-Dem {Yes Please!}

                    Sorry about the delay last night as well - it takes so damn long moving all my gear back and forwards to my mule (all my RDM gear was in Windurst). I now have full level 30 RDM gear, full level 40 RDM gear, parital level 20 BLM gear + SAM/WAR to cover levels 10-20.

                    I have made a decision to stop leveling SAM/WAR. It was just a bit of fun but it is going to be of little use to my main job or LS parties. I am going to sell all my melee gear and start leveling WHM which I should be able to get to 15 by early next week. This will sub nicely with my RDM and be beneficial to the upcomming Promyvion missions and ENM's and then also the BCNM40's that we are doing in the near future.

                    Hope this doesn't muck up the Static 10 thing - if a(nother) WHM is needed for this then I will of course be available (although I plan to go for level 15 quickly so as to be able to use it as sub from next week)


                      What was ENM like?

                      Had a decent farming run last night in my new spot. It was more of a test to see how it would go but definitely plan to go a few more times. I reckon tonight I can finish the second stack I collected last night as well as get another complete stack which will put me over 900k. Plan to do massive farming over the weekend and see what I can pull in. If it goes well, then? I have plans *mysterious grin*

                      All depends on what my gil funds are like this time next week.


                        Originally posted by C'
                        What was ENM like?
                        We died from agro on the 3rd level of Dem so didn't reach the Spire. We had to reach the third and most difficult to get to MR after the first two were dummies... Hopefully we can try again tonight!


                          Regarding fishing, yes you can see others results but this is actually a cock-up, they have the filters messed up and fishing is now controlled by 'special actions started by/on you'.. the news said there would be another update to address this.

                          I personally don't like seeing what other people catch as it (again) removes a lot of the surprise and mystery of learning what you can catch, where, and what with.

                          They have also slashed the NPC prices for buying and selling fish. I used to be able to sell enough Bastore sardines to cover the cost of lugworms when fishing for yellow globes, but now I lose gil with every catch when selling to NPCs.

                          I had planned on going along for ENM but the initial party set-up from when I agreed to go was changed. Mahlory, I know you took it personally that I didn't think a 27 smn/whm was a good idea as the only healer in the group - but you shouldn't. It's just I know what Promyvion is like.. any deaths and it would have been over, full stop as nobody could have raised.. also I've never seen anything resembling an easy battle in FFXI and I suspect ones which don't punish you with xp loss are going to be even harder (a la the avatar fights)... so a less than 100% strong party, in my opinion, would be on the back foot to begin with. I am still up for any future attempts though - what are the chances of getting a big squad together to go up to the spire like previous Promy runs? That's 2 for 2 now that a single party of 6 has tried to go up and failed - strength in numbers perhaps?

                          Anyway instead I spent last night refining my skillchain macros in Konschtat - I now have it sorted out for scission, detonation, liquefaction, impaction, reverberation, distortion and fusion... at one point a Tremor Ram appeared in the distance, so I kept a watchful eye on it and backed off... I dunno I must have been downwind of it or something but the thing just charged for me from miles off. Dead, back to Selbina... I ran straight back, summoned Ifrit and set him on it using Astral Flow - wanted to see if I could skillchain off Inferno as well. I can't - but the ram was toast


                            If there is another ENM run then I think I'll bail out this time so that someone else can go (maybe Hicory if you want a real WHM) I would go as WHM if it weren't for my determination to get my SMN to 30 now (if not 37) so that I can use it as my main sub.


                              It's not as though summoner's aren't useful though - astral flow super weapon is just begging to be used in these kind of boss battles! It's just in the healing role you wouldn't even have that option available, because it completely drains your MP. If Hicory *did* go as whm there would still be plenty call for a summoner.

                              Hell, I'd be going as mine if I hadn't handicapped myself to level 20/21 by trying to match levels with a guy who never plays.

                              Actually I'm rethinking things, and Talizker you can take my place in the level 10 static. I wasn't that serious about whm so I will only miss the opportunity to get involved with the LS a bit more. Then I can use my whm job as the one to keep at Claude's level. Which leaves me free to advance the job I have most interest in, which is summoner.
                              Last edited by Darwock; 25-02-2005, 12:17.


                                Will be on nice and early tonight (8pm ish). Are we going to try for the Dem ENM again or is it straight into WHM fun for me?

