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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well my moaning must have attracted some karmic realignment of the cosmos because Claude texted me to say he was going online tonight - i helped him get to Jeuno for the first time, which was great fun - dashing from cairn-mound to cairn-mound on Battalia downs so we could recast sneak/invis in safety.

    Left him to investigate Jeuno for a bit, then after a while we got out to Qufim for my first partying since learning this new chain stuff. Wasn't sure if I'd get a chance to put it to use, but after only 3 fights in Delkfutt's tower I had enough TP, so did claude, and MP was still healthy - so off we go - claude sneak attacks with fast blade, ifrit punches - boom liquefaction... i use my rock crusher and we get a fusion right after. Woohoo! 2nd time we got it with tachi:enpi and our two red mages managed to magic burst off both stages, which was excellently timed!

    I can melee without taking any damage, even though I dont cause a lot either my TP does go up, and the odd critical hit gets through. But I think I would need to up my accuracy quite a bit to make the solo chains viable. Great fun nonetheless


      Hi, I'm new. I haven't skimmed through the whole topic, so forgive me, but I'd just like to share on this subject.


      Sephiroths eh? Since there cannot be an actual "Sephiroth", I have seen the following anagrams/reassorted versions of "Sephiroth".


      ...So, yeah.


      Also, does anyone here play on Odin, or do you have a specific server you play on? Right now, I'm Cenjuro on Odin.

      Job levels:

      PLD 47
      RDM 10
      WHM 10
      BLM 10
      WAR 37
      DRG 12
      DRK 01
      THF 25
      MNK 18

      Fishing 42, Cooking 29.

      It's kind of pathetic really...I've been playing since Nov of 03 and I'm still level 47 PLD. O_O

      Anyway, Odin? Anyone? Annnnyone?


        Originally posted by Fithos_AM
        Hi, I'm new. I haven't skimmed through the whole topic, so forgive me, but I'd just like to share on this subject.


        Sephiroths eh? Since there cannot be an actual "Sephiroth", I have seen the following anagrams/reassorted versions of "Sephiroth".


        ...So, yeah.


        Also, does anyone here play on Odin, or do you have a specific server you play on? Right now, I'm Cenjuro on Odin.

        Job levels:

        PLD 47
        RDM 10
        WHM 10
        BLM 10
        WAR 37
        DRG 12
        DRK 01
        THF 25
        MNK 18

        Fishing 42, Cooking 29.

        It's kind of pathetic really...I've been playing since Nov of 03 and I'm still level 47 PLD. O_O

        Anyway, Odin? Anyone? Annnnyone?
        The majority of us are on Seraph server.

        Our LS has quite a range of lvls, my main is lvl 60 Bard.


          Not been on much recently... partially coping with the World Without Nicotine and another part of me can't be arsed to do anything that isn't progress atm... Personally, I think when Mahl has got 30(+) SMN we should do Genkai 3 with the static and push for 65 ASAP.

          I'll be on tonight, I'll try to find a party doing something that will help me level Staff or Greatsword.

          As for the lower level static... We've been trying for a week and I guess my absense isn't helping but I don't think the lv 10 static is going anywhere anytime soon. Perhaps it would be better if people announced what they will be doing at certain times in the LS so other LS-members can join in, if they are doing something similar. I'll store my RDM lv 10 stuff for when I do feel like levelling it, because at the moment, it' s just taking up space in my MH.


            Originally posted by Marvelon
            Not been on much recently... partially coping with the World Without Nicotine and another part of me can't be arsed to do anything that isn't progress atm... Personally, I think when Mahl has got 30(+) SMN we should do Genkai 3 with the static and push for 65 ASAP.

            I'll be on tonight, I'll try to find a party doing something that will help me level Staff or Greatsword.

            As for the lower level static... We've been trying for a week and I guess my absense isn't helping but I don't think the lv 10 static is going anywhere anytime soon. Perhaps it would be better if people announced what they will be doing at certain times in the LS so other LS-members can join in, if they are doing something similar. I'll store my RDM lv 10 stuff for when I do feel like levelling it, because at the moment, it' s just taking up space in my MH.
            I joined a party with my Brd, with Ces and Volts, got about 4k exp into lvl 60 again so im ready for that.

            At lvl 61 I get a Minuet Earring, I think its new from the update and costs a fair bit.

            I will be happy to start lvling again, I noticed how rusty I was at exping Brd when I joined that party, took a while to get back in the rythem of things, it has been a while.


              I'm very glad that my titles has been changed today - for the past week it has been 'Doctor Shantotto supporter'... well I have a bone to pick with Dr. Shantotto...

              Go to Xarcabard she says.. bring me a glowstone.. and here's the crucial part - you can do this by yourself... wtf is that some kind of sick joke? Even getting to Xarcabard by myself would have been extremely difficult without Talizker's help.. but when I did get there, and I'm surrounded by the scariest monsters I have ever been surrounded by... out pops a Chaos Elemental! And I'm expected to kill that??? I chickened out and left it. But I *will* get myself killed by it solo before I seek a party to help - I wouldn't feel right not even attempting it.

              Was an exciting expedition anyway! Tal, I've sent you a PM mate.



                "Whats that you say Dar? Something behind me?"

                Talizker looks at everything and panics...

                We had a look round Castle Zvahl Baileys before we left which does indeed look like the scariest place ever. An emergency warp was needed after something hit me for 300HP after my sneak dropped in an unfortunate place.

                Still, that wasn't the closest call of yesterday. While leveling WHM on Vamp hill a Gob popped right where I was taking another Gob. Turned out to be a DC and EM. Took them both out with 4HP and 3MP to spare O_O.
                Last edited by talizker; 27-02-2005, 14:32.


                  Some eventfull thungs happened for me over the weekend.

                  Genkai 3 complete, Toxicforce and Natasha offered to help me out, with a trouble free run through Davoi and Beadoux, we had to try twice for Giddius due to a huge train eventually became too much to handle.

                  Afterwards Toxicforce and Natasha offered to get me through promyvion mea, it was a good run through apart from Zeig died on the way up, a bit of agro, we were all almost dead but just about made it. Then Natasha died in the boss battle right near the end.

                  If neededI will help do it again.

                  I have also joined Tox's LS, MoogleVengence which I will be switch to and from Rargh to.

                  I also got lvl 31 fishing ^^.

                  Did the SMN AF2 last night as well, major problem, it was BCNM all over again, resists were way too many, thankfully the 75 nin made sure we got the win.

                  I really want to get leveling again as bard, if everyone is ready maybe this week we can get started again.


                    Another minor victory over the auction houses to report - I've been a high enough level to use Warp II for a couple of weeks now, which had a price history of 30K in san d'oria, 50K in Bastok, and 100-110K in Jeuno. Naturally only Jeuno had any for sale. Sod that, I'm not paying that much for something which gives me no personal benefits at all.

                    So I just waited it out - there have been quite a few on sale for a while, last night I figured I'd try for 80K (which I had done previously and failed) and to my surprise I got the scroll. Wish I'd waited longer now.

                    Anyway I need to warp people for cash 160 times in order to make my money back! Got my first job just 30 minutes after buying
                    Last edited by Darwock; 01-03-2005, 08:56.


                      Prom Holla = Dam.....

                      Stuff that went wrong.... I think our only downfall is having 2 tanks (pld/pld) we just couldn't deal fast enough and so the fight dragged out, other than that i think more than 3 anima would be needed.


                        We had PLD, RNG, MNK, BLM, RDM, WHM for the attempt and we almost had it. If I'd had another 2 Hi-ethers it would have died.. instead it started regenerating at the point of death when my manafont ran out (I think everyone else was asleep as our poison had run out as well)

                        Hi-ethers are 4K at the moment so I'm making sure I'm well stocked up for the next trip.
                        Last edited by Darwock; 01-03-2005, 10:30.


                          The only thing about Promy Holla was keeping it off the mages, not easy even with two tanks, how will we do it with just one.

                          Hopefully my stack of Ogre Eels will have sold, then I can spend out on some food, I also still have 1 Anima, even though im not sure how to actually get it, when I tried trading with the person in Ru,lude Gardens it didnt do anything.


                            trade the recollection and 2000g


                              I can keep it off the mages, we just need a war/something who can voke in an emergency... Having another pld there diluted my hate and I think actually made it harder to keep hate solid... I was also quite busy with anima's, noticing my food had disappeared, discussing with mahl how the battle was progressing, re-using food etc that I prolly should have voked 1ce or 2ce more than i did.

                              I think if ever we needed an argument for the 1party attempt last nights group was it. 1 party is enough.


                                Originally posted by Marvelon
                                I can keep it off the mages, we just need a war/something who can voke in an emergency... Having another pld there diluted my hate and I think actually made it harder to keep hate solid... I was also quite busy with anima's, noticing my food had disappeared, discussing with mahl how the battle was progressing, re-using food etc that I prolly should have voked 1ce or 2ce more than i did.

                                I think if ever we needed an argument for the 1party attempt last nights group was it. 1 party is enough.
                                I think a big /cheer is deserved for Tobal, seemingly very willing to run out and die to clear the route for the rest, 3 times on the way up

                                Im going to try and lvl my Drk a bit before the next try so I wont de-lvl if I die a few times.

