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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    451k? damn thats expensive

    How do you keep up with ninja on your server? And how much does shihei set you back?

    My ninja is @1k to 67 but I haven't had the willpower to play lately. The AF is my favourite out of all the jobs ^^


      Seraph melee players really get boned with some of the prices. The prices of certain items seem to regularly jump up in price in increments of 20-50k. Ochido's Kote being a prime example, currently up at around 600k.

      I won't lie and say that I've found NIN easy. The constant need for gil has slown me down somewhat and it can be somewhat annoying to have to acquire the gil for new equipment, then once that is bought, the process has to start over to begin leveling again. However, I soon forget all that when I do my job in a PT as I really enjoy the blink-tank role and I've found mining to be a good, reliable source of income to fund the Ninja Tools. Shihei varies in prices I've seen it go as low as 4k and high as 6k per stack.

      Been working on Woodworking lately so that I'll be able to synth my own which should save some money. Currently level 18 in that craft.


        </cry> nooo 600k again, aggrhhh! I just have wait till they come down in price.



          Back from hols and at LAN atm. They're having trouble with non-WWW internet so I can't get on atm but I'll be on later all night for 2 days . Errrm I know Janemba personally and that guy's post is complete bull****. A pity that some people are like that on the game ._. I'm kinda annoyed that that staff didn't sell, and now I'm going to have to buy another light staff instead of healing staff. Damn ;;


            who are fission and mantus?


              Originally posted by Toxicforce
              who are fission and mantus?
              I think Mantus asked Aegen for a pearl and he is from Scotland I think.


                Just to let everyone know im unlikely to be on FFXI much for a while, to be honest im just getting a bit tired of it.

                This happens every now and then, just need a break from it and soon enough I will be back into it.


                  Originally posted by Toxicforce
                  who are fission and mantus?
                  i've known mantus for a while and we were in the same LS that broke up months ago. he and eskeran are kinda like good buddies having come from scotland both of them.

                  hes an excellent paladin and if you ever need one dont hesitate to ask. he usually say yes when hes not in a PT, and wouldn't mind waiting for a bit while you get people for your PT for AFs or keys. i kinda feel bad cuz when he needs me im usually not there for him .

                  i dont knw about fission but i do see him around. two person i would really like to have in the LS who are also brits are Jax(DRK, NIN, THF all 70+ i think) and Ruzaki(RDM 65+).



                    Just a quick technical question, as i am looking to buy a laptop soon, for "work/study/taking to my gfs house to play ffxi" purposes and was wondering if anyone here, uses a laptop to play ffxi? or if they know anyone who does that they could kindly ask my question.

                    my question being what graphics card should i look out when buying a laptop, which is compatable with ffxi?

                    Thanks in advance


                      Originally posted by Zanza

                      Just a quick technical question, as i am looking to buy a laptop soon, for "work/study/taking to my gfs house to play ffxi" purposes and was wondering if anyone here, uses a laptop to play ffxi? or if they know anyone who does that they could kindly ask my question.

                      my question being what graphics card should i look out when buying a laptop, which is compatable with ffxi?

                      Thanks in advance

                      Thats the laptop I have and use to play FFXI on, it runs well most the time, only really in busy areas do you get real bad slowdown, which im not certain but I think is partly due to the servers.

                      It is widescreen as well which is supported in FFXI.

                      It uses a mobility ATI Radeon 9600, seems to do the job quite well.


                        Thanks mikewl, just needed to make sure its compatable with ffxi before buying, otherswise it would be a major bummer. Thanks again, mucho appreciated


                          hi everybody

                          this game sound so so so so sweeet, anyone got it working on a pal ps2? cant afford us ps2 or pc upgrade for a while


                            I cannot beleive how ANGRY this game can make me.

                            Hours spent in a party getting the Ancient Papyrus, 5/6 of us have it, me being the one who doesnt, 2 leave party, then another 2 leave, one stays and we get two replacements, die a few times and quit.

                            Limit Break is just a way for Square to keep people playing longer, simple as that, it is not good for the game, If theplayers could vote 90% would say ditch Limit Break from the game.


                              wen walti and micki come back we will get 2 others and i will come help.


                                I'll tag along to help you get your Papyrus as well. Lichs will be a great way to level up my Throwing Skill some more. Only about 6 levels off cap now.

