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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    THF 48 <----- lvling this till i get my items for my RNG (roll on 55 - Triple attack Phwoar).
    WAR 46 <----- 300 tnl *cough* aegens fault *cough*
    RNG 43 <----- On hold at the mo.
    MNK 25 <---- need ot lvl this if i contiune with my WAR
    NIN 24 <----- need to lvl as is my RNG and THF sub
    DRG 24 <----- Wanna lvl this some more
    DRK 20 <----- and wanna lvl this some more
    PLD 12 <----- No idea why i startd lvling this think seal farming or somin
    RDM 8 <----- Need lvl 25 here for sneak and invisible
    SAM 7 <----- gotta get to 10 for the static
    BST 4 <----- Seal farming again
    BLM 4 <----- i not into mages but gonna have to lvl this to 12 so can sub on RDM when i party with it


      PLD 40 - Main and will stay that way. Want to use this v much to static.
      WAR 25 - Main sub, will need to be levelled after I hit 50 w/ main (not sure what to, perhaps 37 to get it over and done with)
      MNK 36 - might take this up in the distant future
      THF 16 - want this to lv 25, so I can sub it for PLD farming after 50 (Fleeeeee)
      NIN 6 - want this at 12 so I can use Dual Wield when I level thf 20-25

      For the Static. Me and Mahl will start levelling again soon, perhaps as early as this evening, but definately this weekend. At lv 44 Tobal will join us. Then a bit later Toxic as THF. If Bayan is willing we would like him in as RNG (would make for excellent THF/RNG/SAM skillchains). Then at 50 we pick up Wedge and we're set.

      Now. That's 6 people in a more or less ideal party formation. Thing is, for this to work we'll have to commit. That means not levelling the job you use in the static unless we're all together. It also means being ready to go at the time/date we agree on. so no "I need to get X off mule" or "I need to buy food". Ready. I know that sounds pedantic, but this is the kind of commitment I'm willing to put in, if only in order to maximise our effectiveness / efficiency.

      Mahl expressed some concerns the other day that are quite valid. One being that if 1 person can't make a certain time, no-one can. That is indeed a problem, but I reckon with people commited/ready-to-roll the amount of exp a static can pull out of a session is going to be much bigger than a pick-up party. (also you won't have to figure out what the skillchain is, who is the SATA buddy because we'll only have to figure that out the once)

      The benefit of a group thats used to one another and knows each others strengths and weaknesses far outweigh the risk of partying with "Seftjirothxx" and his buddy "Cooldragloon".

      I'd suggest we party together, see how far we get until we seriously need new equipment / to break for farming to buy food etc. Then when we're all back up to speed we set a time/date for our next levelling session.
      Last edited by Marvelon; 23-07-2004, 12:08.


        WHM 55
        BLM 29
        SMN 22 (slowly getting there... goal is to get to 30 before going back to WHM)
        RNG 20
        THF 7 (yes that's right, my RNG sub is nerfed )
        BST 7
        BRD 6

        I couldn't be bothered staying up last night to fight Ramuh, so I just have Ramuh left to get now. In the end I didn't get Carbuncle's Gloves, as most of you could have gathered. It was too much hassle getting the party together; I had plenty of people who said they'd do it, but either they didn't have the key items and wanted the gloves themselves, or were never online at the time when we were doing it. *sigh*. Added to that the 800k staff that I bought by accident... ;;



          If you need a BLM for the static, I would be able to level mine up to at least level 40, or higher if needed. A BLM is always good in a PT, especially if it is one like what you were planning that is heavy on the SC's.

          As for the level 10 static proposed, here are the people:

          Bayan - BRD
          Me - PLD
          Tox - SAM
          Mihki - WHM (I don't know if he was too keen on doing this or not)
          Tobal - RNG
          Wedge - BLM

          Sorry if it's discluded anybody... I didn't really put much thought into it other than what would be a good combination for jobs. It probably won't start for a week or so cos I'm away on holiday (with no FFXI ;. I will probably start getting cravings on the first day I'm away hehe...


            The Static stuff all sounds good to me.

            For me lvling would be best through Monday to Friday evenings, I dont think I could commit to weekend days, if we were all ready to go on a weekday evening it would be plenty of time to do some lvling, 5-6 hours without the fussing around trying to organize etc will be good.


              Originally posted by Marvelon
              The benefit of a group thats used to one another and knows each others strengths and weaknesses far outweigh the risk of partying with "Seftjirothxx" and his buddy "Cooldragloon".
              I partied with Sephirothxx. He kept making disturbing mistells. Was cybering with somebody =/.


                Originally posted by ?pint
                I partied with Sephirothxx. He kept making disturbing mistells. Was cybering with somebody =/.

                I though qufim was bad this time round with War(no sub) using lvl 10 equipment and H2H weapons on crabs ?_?

                But the amount of selfish motherlovers in kaham is

                'lets take gobs, no mandras' even though it quicker to chains mandras for 60-100 exp that 1 gobs or 2 at push (with a crap team)

                a Rdm/thf combo (lvl 26/8 ), a War/whm (lvl 25/10), a Whm/war (27/6) and A drk/blm with no eqiupment above lvl 10, the WHM/blm with unleveded sub meleeing to much so that i'm barely healed and leaves after people die without raising(i doubt yumie even had raise), all this just from yesterday. I'm to scared to go back....
                Last edited by Tobal; 23-07-2004, 14:54.


                  For completism*...

                  RDM - 13
                  WAR - 7

                  That's it! XD

                  If you're thinking of doing a Low level static party then I'd be more than up for it. While it's far from impossible to find a great party in the dunes, it can be a bit of a struggle at times.

                  *Is that even a word?


                    thanks for all your replies...

                    its kinda nice to say what you wanted to say. since we all want the best out of the game i just wanna say that play the game as you like. i dont wanna force things on members of the ls. i kinda like seeing people trying things out.

                    but wouldn't it be great if a PT from this LS can take on HNMs? imagine having a skill up PT in kuftal tunnel fighting lizards while at the same time trying to pop out Amemet. that would be awesome...


                      OK Summerfesten guide, ill just pop it in here so I dont have to type it all out in game.

                      =[ Phase One ]=

                      Step one: Find a partner. This character must be different from you. (Me and Bayan tried together and it won't let you do it with someone who is the same Race AND Gender)

                      Step two: Both talk to the moogle. He will give you a glyph (basically warp back to town) you'll be warped to a high level dungeon and sneaked and invis'd. The goal is to find a marker on the ground "GoalPoint". Both look at it, a moogle will appear and give you an item - and- a key item. This item is linked to your race and gender (you'll receive the same one each time). the Key item is a drawing of your partners face.
                      Use the glyph, then SWAP items with your partner. So the item you have is linked to the Key item.

                      Step three: Trade the item you got from your partner to the moogle. He will give you an Onoko Yukata (if you're male) or an Omina Yukata (female). It will also remove the Key item from your list.
                      Now you're set for the second phase.

                      =[ Phase two ]=

                      Step one: Find a partner. Same rules apply, with one addition: you can't use the same race gender you got the item from for your Onoko/Omina Yukata.

                      Step two: Repeat the quest with different races/genders until you have 4 -unique- items. (I had done the quest with Mahl twice but it wouldnt accept it as 4 unique ones as I had already used Hume Female to obtain my Onoko Yukata)

                      Step three: Turn in the 4 items to the moogle and he will reward you with a Lord's Yukata or Lady's Yukata, again, male or female.

                      Any items you may have left you can still turn in (one at a time) the moogle will give you fireworks or Chocobo tickets.

                      =[ DO NOT ]= buy items, they are useless without the corresponding Key item.


                        Hurrah!! Page 100! SCORE!

                        (lol except that this is page 101, ah well that's cool too!)

                        Wow just spotted that this is post 1001 on page 101!!

                        How cool is that??!!
                        Last edited by Sdub; 24-07-2004, 10:54.


                          Happy monster thread!


                            Good Result with the BCNM on Saturday.

                            Should we plan the day and time to continue with it on here.

                            Any weekday evening is good for me, how about Monday at 6.30pm.


                              i thought we said 7 coz mahl dont get in till 6.30?


                                Yeah 7 would be better just in case I am a bit late home

