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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    The aggro **** I'm referring to is that Mihki himself has been the person who has picked it up so he has no right saying other people 'annoy' him.. it happens, it's part of the game and if you're going to turn it into a finger pointing exercise -every time- then frankly I'm glad you've given up on Promy. It's more fun without all of that.
    Yeah I've picked up aggro, still means I get annoyed when it happens to others, I'm funny that way. I didn't point any fingers, I didn't name anyone, You did. Every time? You can read back through the 200+ pages of this thread and please point me out the other times I've pointed a finger at anyone.

    I'm glad I've given up on Promy as well, I can use the inventory space for cool stuff and the time to my advantage.

    {Thank you}


      I wont be on tonight, (if I am it wont be for long) got to put together everything ive done for work since last May to send out tommorow to people, also going to play a bit of Outrun 2 if I can get my scart to work properly on my TV, then gonna watch a Police Academy movie ^^.


        BLM30 - Check!
        Hysteroanima - Check!
        Level 30 BLM Gear - Check!
        Food & Meds - Check! (well nearly, see below!)
        Logged out at Holla - Check!

        To cut a long story short last night went very well and i'm now 99% ready for Promyvion-Holla tonight. I think I forgot to buy Hi-Ethers (it was another 2am finish after all) so if anyone in tonights party can pick me up two of these I would be very grateful!

        Vanicent was on LS last night and has expressed interest as coming tonight as WAR/MNK (I think it was MNK) and will confirm here later today.

        Talizker Ready!


          I was also think about the Elemental Seal. Realistically I will get 1 use at a point of my choosing. Purely from BLM point of view I was thinking about ES+Burn to lower mobs INT before Manafont. Of course, it may be better used elsewhere (ES+Bind before Darwocks 2hr?)...


            ES+Bind is a waste of time, I tried that in a previous effort. You get the 'Wreaker is no longer bound' message before it even displays "The Wreaker is bound". It may not be resisted but it still doesn't stick.

            Your burn idea might be a good one. I used the seal to guarantee my Firaga would do maximum damage at the end (because as you may remember the boss seems to build up resistance to all the spells over time) but maybe a lower int will give better overall results during manafont.

            P.S. I'll pick up the Hi-ethers for you
            Last edited by Darwock; 17-03-2005, 08:39.


              afternoon all is good for tonight. Our ranger from the first run gemlni is joining us again so if van can make it we have a full pt. Otherwise will shout up a ranger in jeuno.

              tonight we will do this and then its just mea


                Just been thinking about the BLM Elemental Debufs and I think I may have my wires crossed! If I want to increase my chances of a Nuke landing I need to be decreasing the Mobs Magic Defence (MND) so based on this I need to be using Frost, not Burn.

                Also, Darwock, you mentioned the Nukes seemed to be less effective as the battle went on. Is this likely to be to do with the Mob stealing our Shell Bufs? If so is it wise to go in with no Shell or are we best going in fully buffed and worrying about what happens when we get to that stage of the fight?


                  Mind isn't magic defense, common misconception that I think. I made the same mistake a while back.. INT is both offense and defense when it comes to black magic. MND is similar with regards to white magic.

                  No shells is definitely wise. Whether that was the reason for the odd levels of damage or not, we don't need shell anyway. Apart from that we're going with as many buffs as we can take, just like the 1st attempt. I just hope Hicory can keep Tsingtao protected up so it doesn't drain for 250HP instead.


                    Hmmmmm, just had the following reply from my ask on Allakhazam:

                    Mnd determines resistance, Int determines damage.

                    Shock and Frost are your best friends. Burn would be nice if it didn't overwrite Frost.

                    Name: Bacon
                    Server: Kujata
                    Race: Elvaan
                    Kingdom: San d'Oria
                    LS Member: TheElementals,Secrets,Leaguer
                    Jobs: 48blm/34pld/27rng/24whm/21mnk/20thf/20war
                    Alchemy: 72.2
                    Breakfast Club: Bacon, Syrup, Waffles, Ayesha
                    Talizker looks round, confused!


                      Heheh! Well Burn lowers intelligence, and we both know that when we burn a monster our elemental spells do more damage. Seems conclusive to me. Frost lowers it's agility, so is good for melee heavy parties but don't think we need it particularly - just go for boosting your own damage potential. I've always believed lowering a monster's mind was useful if they were prone to curing themselves.. possibly in some other situations but I dunno what.

                      Why not go for both Shock and Burn since that guy doesn't say Burn overwrites Shock. That way both bases are covered.
                      Last edited by Darwock; 17-03-2005, 16:43.


                        Check out posts 1646 and 1647 for the last time this came up:

                        Last edited by Darwock; 17-03-2005, 16:57.


                          Just had another reply on Allakhazam:

                          bbBlue wrote:i'm alittle confused. so mob's MND increases resistant, while our INT reduces chance of resistant? or was it our elemental skill?


                          Alahnna @ Fenrir
                          Linkshell: CGB
                          BLM75 SMN67 WHM42 RNG35 WAR30 NIN24 DRG23 THF17 MNK11 BST6
                          This suggests that BLM high INT and Mob low MND (as well as magic skill etc) is what we want. This means that it is Shock lowering MND that is the Elemental Debuf of choice.


                            I guess it's worth a shot, but certainly all the time's I used shock it made no difference to the damage at all. If we're talking resistance in terms of a spell doing 155 damage instead of 6.. well in the days I still bothered with shock there was nothing I fought that really showed that kind of behaviour, so I wouldn't have noticed I guess.

                            Would be interesting to see if shock made any difference to nuking the borer beetle's in Garlaige.


                              I think it was Frost that lowers MND and that can't be used with Burn. I really don't know what the definative answer is but I may use both during any fights on the way up and see if I can figure it out.

                              I just want to make sure I am making the most of my Nukes (and Manafont) when the time comes!


                                Frost is definitely agility

