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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Talizker I've e-mailed Claude asking if he's likely to play any time soon, and letting him know I'll most likely be pushing on without him - we'll see what he says, but I'm ready to continue levelling regardless.

    I'm currently about halfway through 21.

    I'm also prepared for BCNMs - all I have to do is pick up my combat caster's cloak from a Windurst guard, and get my new slacks from the Gobbie tailor


      Tobal: "AArggghh Ballista, as i've said on multiple times i'm a terrible loser when it comes to pvp type stuff, special when i get cheaped out via the worlds gayest tactics and lag, i just could not believe my that when chasing apathye i couldn't attack him even thou i just feet away while he was running and yet i do the same y run away i get nothing but stabs to back, i think thats what really ticked me off, that and Sleepsheep

      Well im ready to play it again, this time wedge im stick to defending you, plus im gonna have to learn what do."

      Dude you were going crazy near the end, its the mages that are most annoying, I think it had a bit too many playing as the lag seemed worse than usual.

      We should do a Sandoria vs Bastok, then Apathye can join our side, stay in a group and go for single targets, me and Apathye bind and sleep them while you do some melee.

      That Sleepsheep is annoying, he seems to be doing Ballista alot on weekends.


        Excuse me for interrupting but how can Apathye join your side? I thought he was Windurstian like me?


          They introduced a rule a couple of updates back for Ballista whereby if the numbers on the sides weren?t even after a certain amount of time, people from the nation not represented could join the side with fewer members.

          Here it is, taken from Jun 29 Update notes:

          When entries to one nation's forces have been halted due to an influx of participants, adventurers from a third nation may now join the side with the smallest number of participants. This is known as a "guest entry."
          Also, I thought you were Bastokan? Did you change allegiance?
          Last edited by C'; 07-03-2005, 14:12.


            Yeah after I got rank 3 in Bastok I decided the president was a cock, and also as I intend to spend my entire FFXI 'career' in the mage class jobs I figured it'd be more appropriate to become a Windurstian citizen - so I switched. Even saved up my conquest points to get the ring, heheh.
            Last edited by Darwock; 07-03-2005, 14:21.


              Hi guys,

              Mahlory suggested it would be a good idea for me to create a profile on here and post details of any Promyvion events we're putting together for those who can't make the main linkshell scheduled times, so here I am.

              Reading Talizkers comments on Holla last night - it seems everyone has gone away and written something on a forum somewhere about what happened! I know Tsing has on Titanictus and I did on the FFXI form on LiveJournal before I caught up on this thread! Here's the link so I don't have to type it all again (or fill this page)!

              Not sure I'm ready to go back this week. It certainly would be better for us if we could do this on an evening other than Sunday (a night with no 24!) and still keep the time suitable for those who can't get on early - perhaps try for 9 on a Thursday. Tal - think you're right, this is going to need the black mage, and Darwock is also correct to say we were closer the first time. Our research and alternative buffs strategy on the basis of it didn't seem to do us any favours. Next time we go I'll see if I can get our ranger from last week too - its possible his time confusion was genuine error and he seemed pretty good. We've still not heard from Amano. >.>



                Nice to see you here Hicory

                We've decided to level our other jobs for Holla. We only need 10 levels. A Thursday night attempt is good for me too... with a bit of luck we may be ready a week on thurs.


                  Hey Hicory! Nice to hear from you - have just read the thread on LiveJournal. I was very interested in dirtyangel74 post regarding buffs. My enfeebling is capped and I have nearly the best +MND and +INT gear (which I swap depending on type of buff) and I couldn't get anything to stick without using Elemental Seal which is the main reason for the negative Red Mage thing. I am still not 100% sure about MND / INT and buffs as I have been told and have read many things. My experience tends to go along with what I have read from some of the high level RDM's on Allakhazam, White Magic buffs (Slow, Paralyze, Dia etc) are based on MND and Black Magic buffs (Blind, Gravity, Bind etc) are based on INT. This is basically how I function and swap my gear dependant on what I am casting - I am generally very happy with the results but against the Promy bosses nothing is sticking (I tried MND and INT setups on Dem and neither worked!!!).

                  If I can get BLM to 30 and Darwock can get SMN to 30 by next week we should have a good chance of victory!


                    If these guys can do it ...

                    I've just watched the video that was posted on the LJ forum:

                    Quite interesting. I wouldn't say its an example of the best organisation or the most effective way to take down the mob. Looks like they have two in the party with ninja capabilities, a blm, a whm and a smn - and something else - possibly rng? They start using animas at 75%. Availability of Ramuh seems to help these guys a lot. It takes about three and a half minutes to get the mob down to half health - dont think this was much different to us on either run, perhaps we panicked too early on Sunday. Their main tank dies and appears to be wearing WAR or PLD armour. At this point everyone uses 2 hours. Someone starts successfully tanking in his place but the WHM takes time out of healing to raise him and the BLM dies in the process (!!).

                    I think we should kick butt on this if we take back SMN, BLM, WHM, PLD, RNG and another DD. Tsing doesn't like tanking these. The two of us need to sit down and figure out why he's struggling, I think its to do with MP.


                      Ramuh was the one I was considering using - as BLM I noticed thunder was doing about 40-50 damage each time, which isn't much, but it wasn't resisted nearly as often as any of the other elements I tried. That was all I had to go on, and not getting resisted on the blood pact is probably the most important factor after making sure the boss doesn't run around when starting it.

                      Tsing did a great job tanking on the 1st attempt until it all went out of control. I think maybe having someone else provoking 2nd time didn't help (or did I read that situation wrong?)
                      Last edited by Darwock; 08-03-2005, 12:23.


                        I'm going to have to talk to Tsing about what's up with the tanking, to be honest I was too busy curing people. Videoing it would've been helpful but I didn't get time to register Fraps before the fight. Will try and get that sorted either later today or tomorrow. I did manage to capture a thirty second clip of us pummelling a weeper on the third floor by the fences, though. Will post a link when I've got my web server sorted (just need to get postgres set up on it and migrate the db from my new laptop).


                          -----------HOLY **** SERIOUS STUFF POST-----------

                          Rargh faces a Major decision. This has been coming for a while, and some people saw it coming, others were less concerned. As several of us are approaching End-game we fear a split might occur in Rargh, as some will move on to other (end-game orientated) Linkshells. Ending in the Bayan-syndrome (ie, when they move to an end-game LS we never see them again).

                          Recently it was decided to be more open in the recruitment for Rargh so that we're growing and hopefully this will help Rargh as it moves towards end-game.

                          Now... this is the SERIOUS BIT:
                          We've received an Offer from MoogleVengence (Home of Toxicforce, amongst others) for the whole of Rargh to join them, and so create a bigger LS. Basically this will be put to a vote so we can decide as a group whether or not to make this move.

                          Let us know what you think.


                            This is a hard one to call. I personally don't see how things would be any different if we did or if we didn't merge with another LS. In my eyes at least, its just a larger group of people who get to put up with my trademark isms "Oh look, dead again, goodbye 1 hours work" or the famous "Its been 5 hours now and I still have no invite". Level gaps would still be far too big for partying together.

                            Sure all you 60+ guys would have more folk to run around with, tackling your high level content and what have you, but where does it leave those of us stuck in a hole with a bad job that only get the occasional invite once every 10 hours or so or more important commitments that would otherwise prevent them from getting into those higher levels?

                            On the other hand however, more members mean more diversity for things like promyvions or BCNMs which benefit from the level caps. With Bayan's now rare appearances, we no longer have a ranger's talents to call upon at times more suited to our LS outings. A wider range of jobs at our disposal would be a valuable asset.


                              I've always hankered for a lower level linkshell, not one that is even higher. It's a bit deflating when nothing you experience in the game is new to any of the people you talk about it to. e.g. how much enthusiasm would any of us be able to show when helping out on someone's mission 2-3?

                              The thought of having similarly jaded people around when it comes time for me to do things they did months ago and have repeated many times since, well I just can't get enthused about it.

                              If the above suggestion were to happen I'd probably just stick a few names on my friends list and go without a linkpearl.


                                I said this in LS chat but I'll put it in here so it's recorded and my thoughts can be composed more eloquently.

                                WARNING: I may say some 'controversial' things here (I don't know for sure yet) but if I do they are just things I want to get off my chest and are not meant to offend.

                                I see RARGH! as more than a linkshell. I see it as MY linkshell. Not mine in that I own it (Mahlory is the official leader obviously) but it is mine in the sense that it is the LS I have been with since I got my first linkpearl (although originally it was an NTSC-uk linkshell).

                                I've seen the players I started playing the game with all the way back in November 2003 grow and develop as players and have developed an affinity with them. The newer members who may not have been there from the very start (i.e. Talizker, Apathye) have developed in front of me in the same way. Almost every member of the linkshell I can recall the moment they first said 'hi' when they joined and probably recount multiple tales of adventures they have experienced and things they have achieved or troubles they have overcome.

                                Sure if this is an invitation for everyone then all of those people will still be there BUT the effect will be diluted as for every familiar face there could potentially be 2 or 3 complete strangers who may as well be RNG75, SMN69 etc. instead of a fellow adventurer with a name and a history.

                                Perhaps the thing that most concerns me is why am I being invited to MoogleVengeance? A linkshell made up entirely of strangers who do not know me, nor me know them. Because when it comes down to it...


                                And that is what worries me most. I am not Rarehero to them, the level 61 Ninja, who they feel will be a useful, valuable addition to their group. I am "that NIN who joined when a load of other people appeared". Ces was part of MoogleVengeance for a short time. He got invited to it by a friend of his who had known for a long time (even as Poochyena back in January 2004) and that friend was a well respected, and well-liked member of MV. Ces didn't enjoy his time in the LS at all as for the most part it was as if he wasn't even wearing a pearl at all.

                                And this was a person who was invited to the LS as an individual.

                                Doesn't fill me with confidence that I am going to have a fun time in there if I am honest, when I am invited, not as who I am, but as part of a group.

                                The argument is that certain individuals are bored with nothing to do yet I don't see them trying to organise LS activites or events. I bet everyone has a quest log full of uncompleted quests, I know I have, yet whenever I've expressed a desire to try some (I've asked about the Escort quests multiple times) I have received little response. We have plenty of people who are able to do the level 30 cap ENMs (not myself unfortunately, but then again I'm not the one complaining about having nothing to do) and despite early attempts to sort something, momentum was quick to fizzle out.

                                NEWS FLASH!

                                THESE THINGS DON'T HAPPEN BY THEMSELVES!

                                It requires an individual to actually take the initiative and put things into motion. I don't know Tsingtao or Hicory that well in game (probably the 2 LS members who slipped through my net ^_^) but I have to say I applaud their efforts in almost single-handedly (is that possible when there is 2 of them?)getting Promyvion excursions off the ground and continuing to try even in the face of defeat. They haven't just made a statement that they wish to do Promyvion, sat back, twiddled their thumbs then 2 weeks later whined that they still haven't done Promyvion. They actually took the Battering Ram by the horns (OUCH!, that sucked >_<) and got it organised and continue to do so now, making extensive efforts (joining the messageboard here) in order to improve organisation for these events and eventually get chapter 1 of Chains of Promathia completed.


                                However people complaining about having nothing to do and making no attempts to actually create something to do will get no sympathy from me. I have learnt long ago that this game is what you make it.

                                I guess all of this suggests I am heading to a 'No' vote but actually that isn't true. I am simply abstaining from voting as I feel it is a pointless exercise. The whole process of having a vote makes it sound like whatever decision is reached from it has to be followed. That will lead to resentment by those who voted for the 'losing' option.

                                People have to make this decision on an individual basis. If you are not happy with what happens in RARGH! then by all means join another LS. But don't make those people who wish to stand by in the LS they have feel like they are doing you a diservice.

                                I reckon very few linkshells survive in an almost static state for as long as RARGH! has, that is why I long for it to continue.

                                As a final message to those uncertain what to do, I advise that if you get an hour spare go back to the beginning of this thread and proceed through it (RARGH!: The Early Years as it were). It may change your mind.

                                Oh and if that doesn't work, perhaps some emotional blackmail will. However I do think the story has some relevance in this situation:

                                Last edited by C'; 08-03-2005, 22:23.

