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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I think its a good idea that we're mostly taking a break.

    I have my SWG Jedi that needs serious work before the next update, and I hopefully have a brand new chipped PS2 on its way to me, allowing me to experience the joys of my recently purchased copies of Suikoden 3 and Arc the Lad Collection

    Like I said, I've not seen nearly as much of FFXI as I would have wanted to, but its going to seem like a very lonely place if there's no-one around for me to chat to/direct my whining to

    I have to be honest tho, its very concerning when a game's developer refuses to act on problems, especially when they make life so much more un-necessarily difficult not only for seasoned players, but newbies as well.


      Well sorry to see it's time for a rest for you guys, shame I only just found you. Anyways good look to you all and I'll see you when the bug comes back...

      In the mean time I'm intending to push on with levelling etc, on Wednesday night we shoud finally make Luffaise and then from there rank 5 and more is only a short push. I'd have to say that so far I've not seen anything quite like FFXI and all the other MMORPG just don't have the same appeal. WoW seems to easy and as for SWG dragons and swrods will always beat blasters and ewoks in my book.

      Like I say though good luck in the next endevour all and hope to see you back soon. If WoW is the chosen destination you'll do the place some good, a few people able to speak english and having a grasp on reality is going to help.

      Just thought I'd mention I bought a little retro gaming thingy with Galaxians and pac man on today, ace.


        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        Right then the time has come for Promyvion-Mea, unfortunately I can't make Thursday this week as I will be out getting mortally drunk with some friends. So leaves a couple of choices we can leave it till the following Thursday or go for it on Wednesday instead. Either way I was thinking of going for a 21:00 run again...

        What do you guys think? Hics good for either and I believe Jstrtrx is as well.

        Think for this one it's meds again, instead of poison potions this time everyone needs antidotes as the BCNM spams AoE poison and it's quite vicious from what it says.
        Mentioned the Wednesday time to Jstrtrx last night and he seemed good for that.

        Had a quick look at what to expect from the Mea boss and it does appear to have some NASTY attacks. I'm hoping that everyone who comes brings at least one Anima... I got a Hysteroanima last night and think I will try for both the other ones tonight (with trips to Holla and Mea) - I would really like to only have to do Mea once!

        It's interesting about the Poison in that I noted that someone suggested using Poison Potion as it stops the AOE Posion landing (the AOE one apparantly takes much more HP/tick than the Potion).

        We need to get the Astral Flow right this time as it appears to be quite critical in swiftly defeating the Mea boss...


          Originally posted by talizker
          Had a quick look at what to expect from the Mea boss and it does appear to have some NASTY attacks. I'm hoping that everyone who comes brings at least one Anima... I got a Hysteroanima last night and think I will try for both the other ones tonight (with trips to Holla and Mea) - I would really like to only have to do Mea once!

          It's interesting about the Poison in that I noted that someone suggested using Poison Potion as it stops the AOE Posion landing (the AOE one apparantly takes much more HP/tick than the Potion).
          I have a recollection of fear (which I think becomes psychoanima) and whatever I didn't use last time (hystero, I hope). I'll try to bring at least two in any case. Tsing had suggested everyone bringing antidote for the poison (macro'd) as it is stronger than normal poison (as you say) and there'll probably be too much going on for me to poisona all the time as well as cure. Poisoning ourselves is another option I guess, perhaps bring both and see what works there and then?


            I have just looked at t he weather forecast for this weekend, not good ><. But I think im going to hold off logging on untill I get back from work on Thursday - start of four day weekend. Im planning on logging on and starting a massive exp run.

            If anyone wants to join me, lvl 61 or near let me know, maybe we can get something planned.


              Originally posted by vwilsonuk
              I have a recollection of fear (which I think becomes psychoanima) and whatever I didn't use last time (hystero, I hope). I'll try to bring at least two in any case. Tsing had suggested everyone bringing antidote for the poison (macro'd) as it is stronger than normal poison (as you say) and there'll probably be too much going on for me to poisona all the time as well as cure. Poisoning ourselves is another option I guess, perhaps bring both and see what works there and then?
              I should be able to support you on both the healing and Poisona side with my WHM sub. I don't want to take too much hate by constant nuking as it sounds like the mob could take a Mage out in one hit!


                As already discussed I plan on using astral flow from the beginning this time, and there shouldn't be any interruptions as it won't be putting me or my avatar to sleep (as far as I know!). I'll just concentrate on staying alive until my 3 minutes are up!

                P.S. We will need to take similar measures as last time to make sure it doesn't move out of range at the wrong moment.
                Last edited by Darwock; 22-03-2005, 17:29.


                  Right Promyvion-Mea tonight, got the full party put together for the run...

                  WHM/BLM - Hicory
                  PLD/WAR - Tsingtao
                  BLM/WHM - Talizker
                  SMN/? - Darwock
                  RNG/NIN - Jstrtrx
                  RNG/NIN - PrincesBlade

                  Should be good tonight looking forward to finishing these things off once and for all.

                  Any thought from you guys out there on the LS on whether you want to pick up the promyvions? Let us know if you do, think we've got the tactics sorted now and like we said happy to come help out. I know Rabs and at least 2 other mages that need them. The shouting in jeuno routine has worked a charm as well, everytime we've been short it's taken no more than 30 mins to get 2 or 3 responses.


                    Personally, I agree with Mahlory's 'when DOES it end?' idea of why/how/when to stop playing FFXI. I don't feel like I want to stop, it's just that everytime I log on I find i'm just not enjoying myself very much (if at all) and so I end up logging out again fairly quickly. I think the game, for me at least, has come to it's natural end. When we do get our copies of WoW I think I will suspend my account for the three months that my characters are saved. If after that I'm still enjoying WoW that'll be that. If not, I might still properly quit FFXI. In the mean time I'm going to play some Shadow Hearts: Covenant.


                      I think I was thinking the same as Mihki when I first posted about taking a break the other day, however I think im going to continue but at a pace which works for me, basically without any pressures to play im finding myself enjoying it a bit more.

                      Things like the static were great when they were going but I think logging on and always holding off alot of stuff untill we could all be on lead to alot of boring moments where there was not much to do.

                      As for when it ends I guess its when you feel you have had enough out of it, as for your case Mihki sounds like now.

                      Maybe for those leaving we could plan a last event, meet up where we just travel around some favourite areas.


                        Sounds right wedge, I've seen you out there levelling away on various lower jobs. It's good to find the right game pace for yourself that's why Hicory and I don't try to stay together on levels etc. Don't get me wrong it's great when we can but we've all got our own bits an bobs and if we waited for each other both of us would still be level 10 or something.

                        Glad to hear the funs back in there for you again Wedge, give me a shout when you want to pick up the promyvions et al and I'm there.

                        In other news made level 37 PLD today, looking good for rank 5 in the next 2 weeks. ^^

                        Mihki enjoy WoW mate and still hope that the bug comes back for you, if not at least see you on here I hope.


                          Originally posted by Marvelon
                          Personally, I agree with Mahlory's 'when DOES it end?' idea of why/how/when to stop playing FFXI. I don't feel like I want to stop, it's just that everytime I log on I find i'm just not enjoying myself very much (if at all) and so I end up logging out again fairly quickly. I think the game, for me at least, has come to it's natural end. When we do get our copies of WoW I think I will suspend my account for the three months that my characters are saved. If after that I'm still enjoying WoW that'll be that. If not, I might still properly quit FFXI. In the mean time I'm going to play some Shadow Hearts: Covenant.
                          i might be interested in WOW too marvelon. i've been reading more about Wow recently and it seems like a decent game. the only thing that bothers me about WoW is the the ability to join with friends on the same server. does it have the same system as world passes or would it be just a random server to pop up into. i would like to play with people i know specially because WoW has PvP(which i hate). and also will the interface be as good as FFXI? i really like using the controller in FFXI and if WoW allows you use the mouse all the time(click her to go there and stuff) and only mouse with no controller option then im not up to it.



                              That's a cool pic, that must be Lufaise Gardens?

                              I'm not sure Aegen, about the controls, or about the server issue... I'm not too sure about the PvP either, but it is an integral part of the game. From what I've heard participating in battles can earn you honor, which can then be used to turn your character into a 'hero' for a short amount of time. I'm no fan of PvP either, but in this game its so integral to the world it doesn't feel so wrong...

                              I'll be playing alliance btw ^^


                                Heh, nice one Tal. Must set up PostgreSQL on my rebuilt dev box over the weekend, then it'll be fully set up as my new web server. In the meantime I should be able to stick the video on there in JBoss (which is already set up). Need to reformat the video later as it is 1.5Gb right now!! I got one of the end fight and also one of the MRs.

                                I think exploring that zone more deeply could well be sufficient motivation for me to concentrate on my higher level jobs again. Will probably concentrate on getting my RDM to lvl17 this week mind, now that I've started and everything.

