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    Originally posted by Darwock
    I went into easter weekend with 30,000 gil, last night I had 230,000! These eggs have been very profitable! Not as good for me as some though, I've seen people talking about 400K profit and stuff. I also got a fortune, happy and flower egg so it's been a very nice event all round
    I'm clearly going to have to pay more attention to this egg hunt. Not sure it runs to next weekend though

    What's a flower egg?


      It's one of the decorative furnishings, the Windurstian one. I didn't bother getting the eggs for the other 2 nations (lamp egg and wing egg?) because unlike the christmas trees these are rare/ex and I don't want to be too 'storage heavy'.

      I think the egg-craze is passing unfortunately, but the event runs until the 4th. Friday/Saturday I was selling every egg for 5K but now it takes ages to sell one for 2K (most people dropping prices to 500gil). If I'd predicted that, I would have sold *all* my free eggs at the beginning, but I was keen to get a hold of my fortune egg


        Ah, I knew there was something else I was going to ask. How do you get back from Tavnazian Safehold without using Warp/Tele?


          There's 2 teleport points. One in dunes for sure(inside one of the caves on the beach) and i think, but don't quote me, one in quifim somehwere...

          I up for BCNM30 if need another RNG, being i got the week off, i'm gonna balance crafting+gill making, lvl samurai and seeing if i can get parties for promey (i would still come along for ces's if i do)

          also Apa get CoP

          I havn't posted a few pics in ages(got hundreds in my folder so i'll only post a few)

          Ice to see you (for kote number 2)

          one of many Katana runs

          the old gang

          Crawlers giving pigy back rides

          and to finish..
          Last edited by Tobal; 29-03-2005, 10:12.


            I would be up for BCNM40 as well, just let me know when you want to do it.

            Rare thanks for the comment /bow

            I was a while ago taking a break and this seems to happen with me, I will go through phases where I cant get enough of the game and then I need a week or two to rest from it, I think making time for other games is a good thing and I have been doing this as well lately.

            I have also said forget it to paying crazy prices for the best equipment, I still have not bought back a light staff yet but get by without for now, I think as long as you have fairly decent equipment you can do just fine, any better is a bonus, having partied with a few JP parties who had their scorpion harness and vermillion cloaks I can say for exp purposes its overkill, which in a way is great but so not needed to get through most of the game.

            Another thing im going to do is list Quests - Events - Missions on here so for those who dont get on much anymore can pick and choose if anything sounds like something they would want to log on for.


              Originally posted by talizker
              Ah, I knew there was something else I was going to ask. How do you get back from Tavnazian Safehold without using Warp/Tele?
              There are two "vortex" points ("vortices"?), allowing you to port to Valkurm Dunes and Qufim. You can see the points on these maps:

              Lufaise Meadows -> Valkurm Dunes

              Misareaux Coast -> Qufim Isle

              All you need to do is target them and click/X/Enter/whatever. They even allowed me through as a level 13 red mage (swapped my gear in Tavnazian Safehold then ported straight back to Valkurm to level!) Hope that helps


                Wedge sounds like you're up to some good work, and cheers againf or helping me with AF1!

                Quick update from Tsingtao land, at last I've made level 40 after hard grind for the last 10 days. AF1 completed thanks to wedge, a rather large Dark Knight by the name of Zilch, and a SAM for Jstrtrx's LS Nanaki I think.

                Next on the list Rank 5, got the offer of help from a level 70 WAR and RNG so may well go blast those out one night tis week. If I can get a day time sorted I'll post it but it may jkust be a when they're free routine.

                After that aiming for 50 and the next CoP mission, need to start thinking about pulling that together.

                Finally if anyone is interested Jstyrtrx's LS is doing rank4 and 5 missions on Wednesday 12:00 EST. Sure if anyone was to say hi they'd be welcomed along.

                Well that's about it for now, off to Palborough later to try mining for some cash and craft levels.


                  Thanks Hic, thats exactly what I wanted to know

                  Tsing - two opportunites for Rank 5 this week! Hopefully I can fit in with one of them. Give me a shout, i'm planning to be on every night (from 9pm ish) having had my GT4 break!

                  Darwock - are you heading back to Xarcabard to try for your AF1? Can it be done solo / small party?


                    Well, I got me another faded crystal and a handy shortcut to Beaudecine Glacier so I'm all set to try my AF1 again. I don't imagine it can be done solo despite what Dr. Shantotto said... but I'm not going to let that stop me trying! I need to prove her to be the lying cow she is! Trouble is when I die again I'm dropping a level so I should probably do some xp partying (or just building a buffer on easies) first.

                    I would hope when I fail that I could go back with a group of people within my level range and stand a good chance, but I don't know if that's the case. Getting some high level guys to do it for me is one option, but I'm sure it shouldn't really be necessary to do it that way. I would like it to be a personal achievement, not just time out of someone else's game, if you know what I mean! I'm not really bothered if that means I don't get it for another 20 levels.

                    I kind of feel the same way about rank 5; I tagged along with a high level group for rank 4 and it just left me cold. So tsing/tal, don't wait on me if you get any opportunities this week, I think I'll actually tackle it the slow and painful way - I've got dozens of quests logged for Beadeaux anyway so spending some time in there might be useful!


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      Well, I got me another faded crystal and a handy shortcut to Beaudecine Glacier so I'm all set to try my AF1 again. I don't imagine it can be done solo despite what Dr. Shantotto said... but I'm not going to let that stop me trying! I need to prove her to be the lying cow she is! Trouble is when I die again I'm dropping a level so I should probably do some xp partying (or just building a buffer on easies) first.

                      I would hope when I fail that I could go back with a group of people within my level range and stand a good chance, but I don't know if that's the case. Getting some high level guys to do it for me is one option, but I'm sure it shouldn't really be necessary to do it that way. I would like it to be a personal achievement, not just time out of someone else's game, if you know what I mean! I'm not really bothered if that means I don't get it for another 20 levels.

                      I kind of feel the same way about rank 5; I tagged along with a high level group for rank 4 and it just left me cold. So tsing/tal, don't wait on me if you get any opportunities this week, I think I'll actually tackle it the slow and painful way - I've got dozens of quests logged for Beadeaux anyway so spending some time in there might be useful!
                      I can only walk the long way or teleport (to Xarcabard) but if you want someone to help with the Invis and the AF1 fight let me know... I can always sit back and watch the fight if you want to solo it

                      Hopefully if I can do Rank 5 with Jstrtrx's LS they are not much higher than us...


                        Darwock, the way I?ve viewed the game is that it has been designed with group play in mind.

                        I?m not fully up on BLM AF1 so can?t say for certain, but I would hazard a guess that solo is impossible (not that I would discourage you from trying). However I believe that S-E designed every quest such that a group of 6 people at, or around, the level that the quest needs to be completed will handle it. It may not be easy but it will be doable. Certainly I don?t think S-E would have been so short-sighted such that they design quests to need high level help.

                        I think all aspects of the game (AF, RSE, Genkai etc) were designed in this way but people seem to be getting lazy and not interested in taking risks when they can simply get 3 random high levels to do everything for them.

                        However, I did do my NIN AF3 battle solo (when general consensus is AF3 battles require full alliance). Now I may have made use of an exploit when doing it (the ??? for the quest spawns 3 Sahagins, a MNK, WHM and BRD type) but by having Sneak on prevents immediate aggro. I was then able to pull the BRD away from the others and proceed to kill it. The time it takes to kill the BRD (close to 20 minutes as a level 57 NIN/war) the other 2 then despawned but killing the BRD meant I was able to still collect the necessary key item.

                        It may not have been the correct way, but it did require a determined period of intense concentration (one mistake or mistimed recast and I would have been toast) and the EXP reward was 250 suggesting it was a good few levels higher than me (an even match always gives 100 when soloed). That is why you have to try at least 2 times (I got mine on my 3rd attempt but made clear mistakes which meant I was willing to try again as I knew what to correct).

                        Should solo fail, don?t feel you have do it with high levels. A PT of level 40 should be fine.

                        Good luck ^_^


                          If you AF1 is anything like th PLD fight with Polevik I wouldn't recomment solo or taking it on below 50. I tried to tank the elemental with the guys and it hit me 3 times in the best armour I could get for level. At that point I had to run like a girl, every hit for fully buffed PLD at 40 was over 200 points, only survived because the DRK got the hate back.

                          As for rank 5 I'd like to go Wednesday but unfortunately England are on so I'll beo down the pub shouting at the TV and drinking. So I think for me it will have to be the cheat route with a couple of 70s.

                          The more interesting one for me is the next one in CoP, the cap 40. Looks like we need at least 12 to make it and a pretty good strategy. Suggest we may want to band together with Jstrtrx for that one as well as both Jstrtrx and Princesblade have 40 RNGs and I know they have at least 2 or 3 more that need it at level.


                            My only sliver of hope is that what I need to kill is a light elemental type and I have dark magic capped, and a +3 dark bonus on top. It's never going to work in a month of sunday's but I want to try drain->sleep II->aspir... wait/repeat.... i've got a feeling that would only work once with elemental seal and then it's going to make short work of me. If the demons dont kill me first. But like I said, I have to try!

                            I know I'm going to lose, it's just a crazy notion I've got of failing before seeking help :P


                              CoP mission after promyvion can be combined with sublibar farming for JSE, I aim to get the Gaudy Harness + 2 CHR, maybe 3 cant remember and latent Refresh effect, this is only for BRD and BST and I think its lvl 50.

                              Im going to be on tonight and am either going to exp, try and do the Aspir quest or Promyvion if any needs it.


                                well im finally online. im not on seraph but hopefully i will get there soon when someone get me a world pass. but not right now though. iam off to holiday for 2 weeks. so i cant play yet. but i have been familiarising myself in the game world. is there a ranger in the LS? id like to be one.

                                can i ask you guys a question? do you guys think that you will still be playing this game for a while? i know you had this game for a while now, but come say in 6 months, will you still be playing? id like to play but i am not sure how many people are online anymore in this game, having seen the popularity of WoW and luring alot of players to that game.

