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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I think there is only 1 full time RNG now (Tobal). RNG is an advanced job which can only be unlocked at level 30 but if you plan to unlock that then it's worth considering what would be a good sub job and level that in the first place.

    Well, I just sold my unused WOW because I am enjoying FFXI so much. I can definately see myself still playing this in 6+ months.

    Did Distant Beliefs (2nd Promyvion mission) last night with an alliance including Wedge where we had to kill a NM in Phomiuna Aqueducts. It was a little slow going at times (with a 2.45am finish!) but we were sucessful and it involved much fun (and no deaths for me) Not going to post any more info at the moment as I know Tsing / Hic / Darwock will be doing it soon....


      Bokawel, yep I'll be still playing, so far been on since June last year and I think ost of the other guys longer than that. Wow is no substitute for FFXI, for a sports comparison it's like comparing junior 5 a-side to the premiership or little league to the majors. I initially expected to play this for at least 3 years the games huge and expanding all the time. From time to time people will drop out but they come back, mostly.

      When you're ready to jopin Seraph drop a post on here an I will go buy you a world pass if you can't find one online, they cost very little and we 'll see if we can get you set up in some starting kit to get you going.

      Nice work Tal on the Aquaducts I'll probably try to do that soon, think rank 5 is the priority for me. Tried mining in Palborough last night for the first time and it sucked, really sucked. 1 hour and didn't find a single mining point so gone to practice in Zeruhn.

      Right time to get ready and get to work ft:



        Likewise, I'm in this for the long haul... my one major ambition is to summon Fenrir and I don't expect to be able to achieve that in less than a year at my current rate of progress. It'll most likely be longer than that.

        I was all over Vana'diel last night - from Windurst to San D'Oria to Xarcabard then back to Windurst, then on to Bastok to make the journey to Rabao, then back to Windurst before finally warping back to Rabao! I have located the Kuftal tunnel so tonight I'm doing the supply mission to Cape Terrigan. Technically i've been there before, although I never left the quicksand caves so this is a nice bit of exploration for me!

        I checked when I was back in Windurst and the teleport to Xarcabard only costs me 400 gil with Windy in control.


          Darwock, are you not interested in doing the Mission for Rank 5 tonight with Jstrtx's LS? Looks like there are quite a few people in the 30-40's that need it... They are starting with Rank 4 arround 5pm so will hopefully be able to join them at a suitable time for Rank 5.

          Did you try the AF1 fight last night then dude???


            Didn't tackle that last night, doing it 'my way' means certain death, and I would lose level 41 in my current state... I just did the supply run so I can go back easily when I'm feeling up for a bit of punishment.

            I'll keep an eye on what's happening with the missions, although ashamed to say I have now dropped two pearls given to me by Jstrtrx.. It's not that I don't want them, just that I'm low on space and don't make much use of linkshells of any description. I figured since he gave me a pearlsack he probably did the same for you guys, and one of you could give me a replacement pearl if the situation arose... bit cheeky, n'est pas?


              Hmm, a new MMO game, cant tell much from this as its all in japanese.

              Also has anyone else noticed how EQ2 is advertised on Playonline's JP site.
              Last edited by mikewl; 30-03-2005, 14:12.


                Pretty sure I read somewhere that Fantasy Earth wasn't going to be released in the US/Europe.


                  Rank 5 /cheer

                  {I'm Sleepy}


                    Im tired to, got 25k worth of exp in the end, before the server crashed and lot people never came back ><, 14k into lv62 now


                      Originally posted by talizker
                      Rank 5 /cheer

                      {I'm Sleepy}

                      Yay! Congrats m8!


                        Originally posted by mikewl

                        Hmm, a new MMO game, cant tell much from this as its all in japanese.

                        Also has anyone else noticed how EQ2 is advertised on Playonline's JP site.
                        I saw that a while back. Had thought it was a glimpse of the next FF but it seems to be more of a sideline. The graphics are a bit cartoony too, which isn't quite my bag, but it did catch my attention all the same. If I could read Japanese better I may well have bought a copy!


                          Good work TAlizker, looks like no sleep or leaving the house for me this weekend while I do rank 5 and the phomonia Aquaducts. Just bad timing from the US for me would have loved to have come and got that one sorted. I shall try Cowdestroyer and Mob later I think and see if they've got somespare time...



                            Darwock did it as well along with another member of Jstrtx's LS. Jstrtx came along for the whole ride with us (ending his marathon 18hr solid stint 0.0) and Princes + 1 (i'm terrible with names....!) helped with the 2 NM's in Beadeaux.

                            Beadeaux was fairly straight forward and after the two visits it was on to Castle Oztroja. This was a little more interesting as Darwock and I had to have Invisible up for most of the time. With no map we spent the 1st hour wandering arround without finding the Alter Room. We then Escaped and started over again. We went 'the other way' on level 2 and somehow I managed to get seperated from the others and while trying to find my way back to them ended up in the right place (torch door). I needed to open the door but there were two Yags right by it. I waiting until they turned, dropped invis, opened and ran. They aggro'd (and ran through a closed door after me) and basically chased me (while linking several more!) to the next door which fortunately was right by the zone into the Alter Room ^^

                            Davoi was entirely different and the whole thing was wrapped up in 10 minutes!

                            The cut scenes when you get the Magicite were superb and advanced the story nicely.


                              I don't have rank 5 yet as I've not been back to Ru'lude Gardens yet but that's waiting for me tonight.

                              Two great adventures last night, the first was trying to get through the Kuftal tunnel. Took me two attempts after I misjudged the importance of sneak when standing amongst a huge group of crabs. I lost level 25 and my invisible spell. Went back as 41 black mage with no invis, and this time I made it through the tunnel but getting to the outpost in Cape Terrigan was a scary experience! Goblins everywhere. Made it though, the supplies were delivered!

                              Then as I was on my way back to Jeuno through Pashhow marshlands it coincided with Tal's rank 5 expedition hitting Beadeaux, so I thought what the heck and decided to join them.

                              First off I'm very grateful to Jstrtrx for the effort he put in helping us to achieve rank 5.. I have no idea how he managed to stay awake for so long.. or even why!! but /salute is deserved more than ever I reckon. With that said, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing - after the 1st Beadeaux visit I was thoroughly disappointed with it, and had I known that was the only bit that couldn't possibly be done solo, I would have probably left to do the rest in my own time. I mean, during the first NM fight (which I had no idea why we were fighting) my total contribution consisted of two interrupted attempts to cast thunder. And then it was dead. Second one was again finished without much help from me. Then we went back to Jeuno, which I again had no idea why we were doing because I thought the magicite was in Beadeaux. Then in Jeuno I got rushed through all the parts of the quest that I hadn't yet done... kind of like getting the answers before the questions so to speak. Stuff I think it should have taken me weeks to discover and it ended up just 'go here, talk to him, now go there, trade that, ok lets go!'

                              There was no way I would have dropped out at that point though because everyone had waited for me to walk to Jeuno from Beadeaux. It was kind of telling that half our party stocked up on Warp scrolls while I was running back, not realising they had a black mage with Warp II in the group - that was how little my participation in the first section actually mattered, nobody even noticed I was blm!

                              Thankfully Castle Oz was a far more thrilling experience As Talizker has already mentioned we got lost, escaped, lost again, separated, aggro'd, and in my case beaten to within an inch of my life by some extremely tough Yags. Rewarded with what I consider the best cutscene in the game so far, tied up a lot of the stuff from earlier Windurst missions and left me drooling in anticipation of what's to come!

                              After that Davoi was a bit of an anti-climax. No effort required at all really.

                              So extremely chuffed to have rank 5 and airship pass at long last, but I'll never be able to shake the feeling that I didn't actually earn it. I would have loved to have taken a month to go through that mission, learning about the different areas and what was impeding my progress before going off to find a way past it. However it would be stupid to think I could ever have gotten the necessary items without a group, and I would never have found a group that didn't consist of at least one person who had done it already.

                              I should probably stop being such an idealist - forget Beadeaux and remember the fun of Castle Oztroja!


                                Originally posted by Tobal
                                Im tired to, got 25k worth of exp in the end, before the server crashed and lot people never came back ><, 14k into lv62 now
                                Nice one, closed our exp gaps a bit.

                                I will be on later but I just bought Suikoden IV which im gonna try out for a bit first.

