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    I would volunteer now that I'm approaching level 60, but there is still the small matter of 800-900K for Sleepga II ><

    So I'll continue gambling my seals away on treasure and tribulations for the time being.


      Originally posted by mikewl
      BCNM60 Do you need it.

      Anyone up for this sometime soon, if we do the Quicksand Caves one we need Sleeping abilities with backups, 1 Blm, 1 Brd and 1 Rdm worked good before, add Tank and two Damage Dealers.

      anyone interested.
      Definately interested but I am just 2k into Lv58 atm. I would hope that I can get Lv60 and AF3 by sometime next week.


        I could be tempted in, how much is the likely make on these runs? The only problem would be I only have 73 seals so if I do this one I'm out of the BCNM 20s until I farm a few more.


          Originally posted by Tsingtao
          I could be tempted in, how much is the likely make on these runs? The only problem would be I only have 73 seals so if I do this one I'm out of the BCNM 20s until I farm a few more.

          Last time we did from 5 runs(1st one Captain Escape let the enemy win) we all came out with 700k each


            Also in an Act of stupidity, i didn?t realise the Latent Effect only wears off in effects only and not the text on the weapon >< so when I checked again the effects of +20HP and +ice +dark are missing so WSNM points quest is over and WSNM fight starts, so I?m looking for volunteers a balanced 6 man lvl68-70+ party should have no problems taking on a Beetle NM. I was talking to Samurai who did it last night(from his calls in jeuno), but he finished the fight before I had realised my mistake, he said he would come help if he was around(being American he gets on late) so that could be a 73sam to help.


              Sleepga II is essential for it right? Looks like I'd have to spend money to make money in that case... but after another failed 'treasure and tribulations' last night I'm also down to 72 seals. Not sure what to do with them given that there's been a few possibilities thrown around lately.

              I got into a really bizarre situation last night - to give some background the other day i was farming away in Jugner as 27 RDM when I spotted a NM nearby. I had just fully rested so I went for it... started regretting my decision pretty quick as it wasn't taking much damage off me. I gave it the full range of enfeebles and blinked/regen/enfire'd myself - then tried to outlast it. Was very close but it defeated me when it was at around 10% health remaining.

              So anyway I saw it again last night. I know from last time that with Wagwei's help I can kill it - checked my signal pearl but he still had 15 minutes before I could call on him ><

              So I spent five minutes anxiously pacing around watching for interlopers who might come along and claim it. Ten minutes remaining.. the NM moves off a bit, so I follow it... 8 minutes remaining... and it aggro's me.

              I basically had to keep it slept for 8 minutes, and try to claw back my MP while doing so. During this time was when I spotted the first people coming to investigate (presumably they'd seen it on widescan) but they left the moment they saw it was claimed. I was able to catch a bit more resting time with the help of bind/gravity.. but by the 1 minute remaining mark on the signal pearl my MP was probably about half spent.

              It woke for the final time and I just decided to take the damage for the 45 seconds I needed.. luckily blink and blind performed admirably and I was still in good shape by the time Wagwei appeared. Of course, by now I'd picked up a link with a regular mob ><

              So I had to keep that slept as well! My NPC nearly bit the dust but after the NM was destroyed, he used his WS on the regular mob which absolutely hammered it - he must have saved his TP way above 100%!

              Was great fun! No drop though.
              Last edited by Darwock; 08-09-2005, 08:31.


                Im going to try and arrange this BCNM60 for Friday evening, I think so far we have.

                Bard = Wedge
                Samurai = Tobal

                Others have shown interest but not given a clear answer yet.

                Rare you mentioned previously that you would like to do a BCNM60 run, are you still interested.

                Apathye im hoping can join as Blm, would need another Blm, Rdm or Brd and a DD.


                  I still don't know the definate answer to this but I don't think I can do BCNM60 until I hit Lv60 - is that correct?

                  Also, I am 7 Seals short as it stands today ><


                    Never got into Toraimorai Canal last night as Apathye never logged on (I think he was watching football but thought it would be finished by 8pm when it started around then) and Moot?s connection was temperamental at best (which I think I have resolved).

                    Wireless networks always give me hassle. Just this morning I turn on my computer and it won?t connect at all (and neither would my PSP). Check the Router settings and see that somehow overnight my 128-bit WEP encryption has been disabled. Completely baffled me how this could happen seeing as though no one had been anywhere near the router in between it working and not working. Anyway hopefully with Moot?s connection issues resolved, we can attempt Girtab hunting again tonight.

                    Still at least some good came out of last night and I?m happy to hear Tobal has got the latent effect on his trial weapon skill removed. We spent about 2 hours last night in Crawler?s Nest hitting Darkness on every beetle, scorpion and damselfly. Best part was hitting (what we thought was) the last SC needed. Blade: Ten hits and Tobal gets ready to land Tachi: Gekko and be ready for Tachi: Kasha boss fight.

                    He missed

                    We did another shortly after and Tobal seemed to think he had his maths wrong so we carried on. Eventually we gave up but it seems we had done enough after all. Made about 30k from item drops and popping a treasure chest so was a pretty decent return. Good luck with the NM

                    Wedge, regarding BCNM60 I did mention last week that I?d be interested but if Tsing wants in I?ll let him take my spot. We?ve tried NIN and PLD setup in this before and wasted completely.


                      I can clear up the confusion over whether you can enter a BCNM when you are below the cap - I did last nights treasure and tribulations as level 34 SMN and it's a 50 cap fight.

                      I think the possible exception to this is the level 20 capped ones, as when I first tried Wings of Fury we had someone in their teens who was refused entry. This could have been for other reasons which were unclear though.


                        Wedge I think I'm going to hold my seals for the BCNM 20s, if the bnody is a gauranteed drop thats 800k for 20 seals vs 700k for 60 seals on the 50. Currently up to 73 seals at the moment and expect to get more when I start to level BST.

                        I must admit my prime interest right now is ZM4 and CoP, I want to get moving on on those. I'm able at this level now to get to chapter 5 in CoP and I want the area access aas I'm missing ENMs for good gear now.


                          Originally posted by Tsingtao
                          Wedge I think I'm going to hold my seals for the BCNM 20s, if the bnody is a gauranteed drop thats 800k for 20 seals vs 700k for 60 seals on the 50. Currently up to 73 seals at the moment and expect to get more when I start to level BST.

                          I must admit my prime interest right now is ZM4 and CoP, I want to get moving on on those. I'm able at this level now to get to chapter 5 in CoP and I want the area access aas I'm missing ENMs for good gear now.
                          Good points Tsing. As soon as I hit Lv60 and get AF3 I am going to start leveling some of my sub jobs including WHM, BLM and also NIN - so I will be ready for BCNM20 as RDM/NIN.

                          I am also eager to push on with COP (and ZM but RDM Lv65 is realistically a long way off).


                            Was anyone able to play last night? I kept trying to log on at 30 minute intervals from 5:30pm to 10:30pm until I eventually gave up.


                              I stopped trying at around 8:30.. went to watch Transformers the Movie and was able to log on when that finished. You probably gave up just as it became available again.


                                Originally posted by C'
                                Was anyone able to play last night? I kept trying to log on at 30 minute intervals from 5:30pm to 10:30pm until I eventually gave up.
                                I logged on about 10.15 and was on to 1am... Had 2 dc's about midnight but other than that, everything was fine.

