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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Tsing, yours sold about 5 to 10 minutes after you put it on Auction, I spoke to the buyer and he said thank you for keeping the price at the normal amount.

    I hope mine has sold when I get back.

    Posted some pictures of the bcnm on my journal ^^.


      Nice pics, a rare action shot featuring me! normally I'm stood at the back looking shifty lol

      I guess selling a 600K scroll is like selling a car, you can expect after-sales communication with the buyer, heheh
      Last edited by Darwock; 12-04-2005, 14:17.


        I'm looking forward to getting this together, not sure what to do now I feel like a kid in a candy shop. Rest asured I will not be wasting it on leaping boots or an emp pin etc. Think my plan is to level alchemy to 50 and maybe raise smithing to 40.

        Mog House 3 will be done and maybe invest in one of the items for gobbie Bag 6, if I sell D2 I mayeven be able to afford it...

        Man why didn't I find out about these sooner, would have saved an awful lot of farming! Can I play again?


          Farming is the bread and butter, stuff like last night is Super double-cream rolanberry fudge flavoured cheesecake

          Great to have, but if you had it all the time you'd get sick of it pretty quick!

          Count me in for any future attempts by the way ^^ (of the same or any other orb battle!)


            I think a plan needs to be arranged, where we can get everyone in on these bcnm's.


              Yeah be nice to involve more people from the LS, the 30s would be nice as we'd have more jobs available. The 3 man ones have some very good drops, Genin earing, erase, phalanx, utsusemi: ni. We'll need a BST for some of those but I may just level it to do that.

              Personally I would like to try some other battles to, the success rate was nice obviously but I'd like to try more battles just for the fun factor. Obviously I'm not suggesting we waste a ton of orbs here mind. Maybe try 1 new one each time if we others want to and if we lose go and do 5 sprouts. This does come down to my 4nal personality, I have to beat everything in these games ^^

              Next time have to try to start a bit faster 02:00 is a bit late for me on a school night. Maybe next time make it Giddeous at 21:00 and encourage folks to log there the previous day? That way 3 hours should see us through 6 runs...


                Surely the issue with steamed sprouts is that it just can't be done without Wedge. I was trying to think how I would have coped using Sleepga and the answer is, I wouldn't have. Especially with no refresh available from a level 40 rdm. I couldn't sustain constant casting for 20 minutes.

                As discussed yesterday Tsing I'd love to do any 30 cap ones if BLM or SMN are suitable.


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  Surely the issue with steamed sprouts is that it just can't be done without Wedge. I was trying to think how I would have coped using Sleepga and the answer is, I wouldn't have. Especially with no refresh available from a level 40 rdm. I couldn't sustain constant casting for 20 minutes.

                  As discussed yesterday Tsing I'd love to do any 30 cap ones if BLM or SMN are suitable.
                  Thats the thing, we need to find out more about the other bcnm's to see what options there are, im sure they dont all need a Brd.

                  As for lvl 30 BCNM and Beastmaster, im lvl 32 Beastmaster so I can do this one as well.


                    Hey Mahlory, sorry skipped over the post initially where you offered to lo on and pass out some sacks. That would be great, just let me know when would be good for you and I'll make sure I'm on. I will be on tonight around 6 or 7, want to keep Rargh going strong if we can ^^

                    So how's WoW etc treating you, tempted back home to Seraph yet?


                      One of the things I had to drop to make space for the BCNM rewards was my rargh linkpearl, so Tsing if you get made into a sackholder I'll be bugging you for a replacement


                        Finally got to wear my crown last night.

                        NM that drops a ring, this PLD was very lucky, we had been there a while waiting for spawn and then we decided to try again the next day, just as we were about to warp out the NM spawned, took a while to beat but he handled it quite easily.

                        A new form of gambling:

                        I think they were placing bets on who would die first, they must have been using poison potions or something but it was quite funny stuff.


                          ROFLMAO!!! Claude has just sent me an e-mail saying he was standing at the auction house last night when a nearby Galka sent him a tell asking if he wanted to 'cyber hardcore style'!!! FFXI, truly the game that offers everything


                            Camped Novv the Whitehearted with Toxicforce earlier, trying to get a Minstrels Coat for my Bard, after sometime taking out the Sahagins in the area trying to get him to spawn he finally did, the only problem was the 75 PLD who was helping had already left, so we took on the challenge and took it on 70 THF 65 BRD, AK has this NM listed as lvl 74 and its a WHM.

                            We claimed it, I used two hour with Mambo and March, Tox tanked it, everything seemed to be going well, we were gradually getting its HP down and Tox using his Ninjitsu Sub was not taking much damage.

                            As we got it to 50% HP my 2 hour Soul Voice ran out, then BENEDICTION >_<.

                            Back to full HP and from this point we just couldn't get its HP down enough, we were managing to hold on but we could tell we were going to lose, then a 75 NIN came into the area running by us, I gave him a /tell asking to join the party and help, which he did and we beat it easily from there, it was a good thing it was a nice Ninja, people can get greedy when it comes to NM's and stand there watching you die to get the claim, this guy was cool.

                            No Minstrels Coat drop, But we did get another drop worth 900k, so not a waste of time, hopefully we will be giving it another try soon.

                            I also got the Sword Weapon Skill Spirits Within which was giving impressive results, 300%tp Spirits Within was doing 400 to 500 Damage which is I think by far the most I have done with Brd and will likely be useful for the Maat fight.
                            Last edited by mikewl; 14-04-2005, 02:22.


                              A few recent pictures for your viewing pleasure. Has anyone got anything interesting planned in the next few days? I would like to do the next Promyvion mission (Ancient Vows) soon (another level 40 cap) and I have also opened The Crimson Trial (RDM AF1) which initially requires killing a NM in Davoi...

                              Cool action shot from Distant Beliefs in Phomiuna Aqueducts.

                              Clearing Quadav in Beadeaux during Magicite.

                              Entering the BC!

                              Don't think the last Mandy stood much chance...


                                I'll come along for your AF (if level 40s are any use, I've still not tried mine to get an idea) but can't do anything regarding CoP as I've not done the mission before that one yet.

                                At the moment I'm just farming like crazy trying to get my 660K up to 750K before the price of dark spirit pacts rises to 1 million again ><

