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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I'm getting POL - 011 Error.A friend of mine just waited 1 month to get the game(it was out of stock), and is installing it, and he is going to get pissed. And I still haven't bought him a worldpass thanks to this.


      I have been on holiday this week and it just happened to be during the worst week of FFXI maintenance ever.


        Back to WOW then people!!!


          Originally posted by talizker
          Darwock, what do you think about subbing SMN and letting Carby pull the NM to a safe spot (there is an area leading to a well that looks ideal)? This will prevent links if the surrounding Orcs respawn.

          I think I will enjoy that very much! Was going to sub SMN anyway since you scoped out the area and said it was easy to get to, meaning I wouldn't have much requirement for sneak.


            Well i can log on now,and it looks like a 9hr download!!Thats with a 2mb connection!!
            Well I'm busy tonight,taking my wife to see lemar....don't ask xmas present thought her sister would i'll just leave my computer downloading.It should be done by tommorow.......just in time for the WoW update.
            Just read an article in this months pcextreme about online Mmorpg's and how much time it can take up in your life,obviously they mean time downloading patches and update's and surely not actually playing the games!!!


              It won't be 9 hours, my update last night said 6 hours at the start and it took just over 1 hour to finish.


                I just did the 1 person ENM.

                I lost >_< but it was close, I think if I had two more Hi Potions I would have won, also when I got in I didnt know what to attack as there are two mobs, only one actually attacks you. Im quite confident I can beat it on my next try.

                This fight is different for each job, the mob you fight will be the same job as you.

                For mine, being Bard the mob really for a while just hit away at me with a dagger, I used hp regen food and songs to try and make myself last longer.

                I think next time im going to go in with melee equip, armour based on def and attack.

                At one point I was about to lose and the Goblin that rolls a dice actually healed me.

                Also biggest thing to remember is you do not have a subjob when doing this fight, so I had no whm spells to help.
                Last edited by mikewl; 21-04-2005, 16:24.


                  darn this update. takes too long. from the timer it says 7 hours and 45 minutes. and i already started downloading 1 hour b4. grrrr.


                    Yeah friend of mine had to leave it overnight after only getting to 10% after 1 hour O_O I take back what I said to bagpuss, it obviously does take that long now!!

                    Thinking about the way we handled Purpleflesh mmmmBop this morning (anyone who's interested we got it to 50% with a 44 PLD, 43 RDM and 42 BLM - doing fine until he used manafont!!)... a couple of levels more will help us but I still think it's achievable at the moment. If you think about it, tal you never used convert did you, so basically that was 50% of the way through on just the first pass of your MP.. I would have manafonted at the end as well so things would have sped up a bit then.

                    I dunno, just speculating but if tal had backed off when he hit his 2 hour then maybe he wouldn't have used so many AoE spells, also maybe 2 or 3 hi-potions to top up your HP before converting? I was also able to keep up the pace, so could maybe stretch to subbing rdm and throwing out a few cure IIs.

                    I can't help wondering if he used manafont cos he was out of MP. If he was we'd have been laughing ^^


                      I reckon he was aobut out of MP but unfortunately so was I and pretty much out of HP to. Without any cures it had to be a bug out while I had invincible up.

                      The manafont has little effect on me once I know what he's doing all I can suggest now that we know he uses it is as soon as he does Tal disengages and gets out of AoE range. I sit there with invincible up and tank it. After it's done we go nuts and finish him, key is me getting invincilbe up and tal getting out.

                      Will try to get 45 tonight anways so I get my new armour and another level to use.


                        Purpleflesh mmmmBop????????????

                        Who comes up with these names?


                          Yeah it was a boss orc with these three little obnoxious high-pitched blonde orcs to support him. Erm.. actually names may have been changed to protect the innocent. I think it was Bruk'dok or something.


                            If anyone can get it I suggest going and taking alook at live Vanadiel on playonline. Theres a tiamat fight going on, it's quite impressive to say the least.


                              Originally posted by Darwock
                              If you think about it, tal you never used convert did you, so basically that was 50% of the way through on just the first pass of your MP.
                              Your right, I didn't. Problem was I was <50% HP and (obviously) low on MP. If I had used convert there was a reasonable chance I would have been hit with an AOE before I managed to Cure sufficienly. Even then with <50% HP after Convert and a couple of Cure III's I would still not be in good shape.

                              Your right in saying that staying out of AOE range may have worked, we just needed to be careful of the NM Slime that hangs about by the well. With near full HP Convert may have given the MP to make the difference.

                              Thanks to Bayan for the offer of coming back with us to take care of it. Last night I got an exp party so couldn't take him up on his offer. Thinking about it today I would like one more try with (at least) the three of us once we pass 45. If after that we are still having problems I think a bit of friendly help will be appreciated! Stupid thing is my current weapon (Buzzard Tuck) is better than the AF1 anyway O.o

                              Bayan - hows things with you? Not heard from you for ages... it was nice when I got the /tell asking how we had got on Still doing all the endgame stuff with your other LS (lol, no idea what this involves so won't make myself look stupid by asking specifics^^)?

                              More exp'ing tonight in the push to 45! Tsing, are you on tonight? Maybe you, Darwock and I can start a party? Save all the hanging around! If not I will make a plan to do something else in game, put my flag down and then once I am deeply involved in that i'm sure to get an invite!

                              **btw, would love to get a Silence to stick as he uses Manfont! Mhahahah!
                              Last edited by talizker; 22-04-2005, 13:29.


                                Where to Start Without Adding Spoilers So Darwock Can Read This
                                Post I Will Try To Avoid Explain End Game In Detail.

                                Because The Servers Have Gone Down So Much Recently, 5 Times In Last
                                1.5 Weeks My Sleep Pattern Has Been Awful. My HNM Linkshell Is Half
                                American/Japanese, Its Really Fun Place To Hang Out With People On 24/7.
                                We Do Alot Of The BIG HNMs, Especially The "Big 3" Behemoth, Fafnir And
                                Adamantoise [If you want more infor on these HNMs look on allakhazam]

                                When the Server goes Down all NM spawns Are Reset to the Beginning Of There "Pop Window", So Its A Mad Rush To Logon, Claim And Kill HNMs.
                                This Reset Is The Really Reason Updates Take So Long As Everyone Is
                                Rushing Back On. So Its Been A Busy Week.

                                I Am Currently Lvling Both WAR and THF to 37, And Maybe WAR to 75.
                                RNG is Really Fun But The Whole "omg we need more RNGs" Thing is Beginning
                                To Bug Me. On Are Server We Are Very Lucky, There Are Only 3 Big NA HNM
                                Linkshells So Competition Is Low, But There Are 3 More Ones Growing To Maturity. So Glad I Have Also All My End Game Armor.

                                I Anyone Has Any Questions Or Information You Want To Know About End
                                Game Then Please Ask Me Here Or Ingame. [Halfpint Might Be Able To Answer
                                It Too If You Post Here ]

                                Sorry For Typos In Advance

