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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Erm, it was a widescreen LCD TV he was using (although he connected via VGA as his video card isn?t DVI) >_>

    We?re just waiting on restock to replace it. Being only 14, Moot doesn?t have ?230 to add to the ?250 vouchers he has.


      The BCNM 20 should yield the casah for Utsusemi:Ichi for you, if we get the mannequin body drop you'll just ahve to stick yourself out on bizaar till it sells. Just one of those should be 600k - 800k (depending on how fast you want to flog it), so how about get NIN to 10 which isn't to painful. Then we'll do the BCNM, once your drop sells then xp on to 20. NIN is basically solo until 12 anyways as until then it sucks somewhat, I don't mind giving you a helping hand to get the first ten levels if you want. I need to skill up my healing magic on PLD...

      I feel for Moot it's anoying when they do that, don't suppose Argos online can help at all? Sometimes have the stock when the branches dont?

      Oh and here's my next monitor...

      this thing rules, then I just need sky multiroom to go with it


        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        The BCNM 20 should yield the casah for Utsusemi:Ichi for you, if we get the mannequin body drop you'll just ahve to stick yourself out on bizaar till it sells. Just one of those should be 600k - 800k (depending on how fast you want to flog it), so how about get NIN to 10 which isn't to painful. Then we'll do the BCNM, once your drop sells then xp on to 20. NIN is basically solo until 12 anyways as until then it sucks somewhat, I don't mind giving you a helping hand to get the first ten levels if you want. I need to skill up my healing magic on PLD...
        That is what I plan to do. Either an ENM or WHM party tonight (want to get those last 500 exp to hit Lv20 when I can sell some of the gear) then take NIN to Lv10-12. That should be fairly straight forward and much quicker than doing mages - if you want to throw a few Cure's my way then feel free Get all that done then be ready for BCNM20 when Darwock gets back (is the one we are doing a 6 man?).

        I just bought this TV. FFXI is superb @ 1368x768 and should look sweet at 720P on XB360...


          The BCNM we've been talking about is a 3 man one, Crustacean Conundrum if I remember rightly. Plan is NIN/WAR + RDM/NIN + RDM/NIN, though if I'm honest I don't understand the /NIN on the RDMs

          Tonight I'm going to kick off with going for rank 5 but I may well take some xp if there's any on offer. 23.5k xp to make next week to hit 64 and starting to dent that would be nice...


            Originally posted by Tsingtao
            The BCNM we've been talking about is a 3 man one, Crustacean Conundrum if I remember rightly. Plan is NIN/WAR + RDM/NIN + RDM/NIN, though if I'm honest I don't understand the /NIN on the RDMs

            Tonight I'm going to kick off with going for rank 5 but I may well take some xp if there's any on offer. 23.5k xp to make next week to hit 64 and starting to dent that would be nice...
            I asume that Dual Weild (I) has a slight speed boost and that 2 x fast delay weapons + En-Thunder is the best option...

            3 people - Cool - maybe we can get that done in the next week or so then. So who was going to do this?

            NIN/WAR - Tsing?
            RDM/NIN - Tal
            RDM/NIN - ???


              Think wedge is our other RDM/NIN if I'm not confused...

              I thouhgt Dual Weild I had no bonus you just get 2 weapons but you attack based on both their delays added together. In effect as far as I know having just 1 low delay weapon would have the same effect. Ninja confuses me I think I need rares help on this one.

              I could theoretically also go as RDM/NIN if I put 10 levels on my red. Think for me I'll be dual weilding Vulcan swords for this.


                Originally posted by Tsingtao
                Think wedge is our other RDM/NIN if I'm not confused...

                I thouhgt Dual Weild I had no bonus you just get 2 weapons but you attack based on both their delays added together. In effect as far as I know having just 1 low delay weapon would have the same effect. Ninja confuses me I think I need rares help on this one.

                I could theoretically also go as RDM/NIN if I put 10 levels on my red. Think for me I'll be dual weilding Vulcan swords for this.
                Hmm I would not use swords, every attack you do will do 0 damage 1 damage or maybe on a critical 2 damage, its all about speed of attack which is why daggers are the best option.


                  Some tests on Dual Wield (by basing it on TP return) have been done and the general consensus is that DW1 does offer a % reduction in your delay (and this percentage rises as you get DW2, 3 and 4).

                  Makes sense really as there would be little point in dual wielding. The only benefit would be gaining in stats or having 2 kinds of Additional Effect and the number of weapon options before 25 (where Dual Wield 2 kicks in), especially in terms of katanas, are fairly limited and don't offer many benefits at all.


                    Idea with Vulcnas is that they have an elemental effect I beleive, I can go dagger but I'll have to go get some skill up done. Think my dagger skill is only around 20 at the moment, will look into raising that up to abut 60.

                    Seen the update has been anounced as well, as per usual its slap bang in the middle of UK prime time on Monday. Not amused as currently I'm off Monday as I have to work the following weekend. Think the site will be back at around 23:00, I do beleive SE hates us in Europe.


                      Last nights party was just superb. As the ENM party was full I decided to level WHM to get past the Lv20 mark I just missed out on in Valkurm. Knowing that I may struggle for an invite I decided to form my own party from the start. After 10 minutes we ended up with a fairly reasonable looking setup of WHM, SMN, THF, DRG, NIN, WAR.

                      Things went great apart from Wight agro at a camp I have used twice before without any problems. I went from 600 > Lv20 to 1k > Lv22 in 3 hours which I was well pleased with.

                      The Japanese SMN was just superb. She used the Avatars in an offensive capacity using Blood Pacts and then assisted with Cure's so I had MP to handle enfeebles as well. This totally eclipsed not having a BLM in the party. I am even more looking forward to leveling SMN after seeing this one at work.

                      I also got the opportunity^^ to use Benediction for the 3rd WHM party running and again it was timed well so there were no deaths which pleased the whole party who showered me with praise afterward which was a great ego boost for Tal the WHM lol

                      Back to Bastok to start on NIN tonight...


                        Rare - Are the Lv15 Elemental Ninjitsu spells used much (at all) during Lv15 > Lv20 (or indeed any level) usually?


                          Think I used them in that level, the expense is the tools. I think I may have only used the ones the toold were cheep for, which although a bit of a skank was to dire.


                            Just a quick ask. I need to skill up my Sword from 145 to 175. Does anyone else have any weapons that need skilling up in this range as I would like to try and get a party together to do this soon.


                              Level 15 elemental are pap. They take about 4 seconds to cast and only do about 10 damage at best. They do lower a mobs elemental resistance to a specific element by 30 tho so can maybe used before a skill chain to help the resulting magic burst.

                              The spells are as follows:

                              Katon - Fire Damage, Lowers resistance to Water
                              Hyoton - Ice, Damage, Lowers resistance to Fire
                              Huton, Wind Damage, Lowers resistance to Ice
                              Doton - Earth Damage, Lowers resistance to Wind
                              Raiton - Thunder Damage, Lowers Resistance to Earth
                              Suiton - Water Damage, Lowers resistance to Thunder

                              If you do purchase the scrolls, don't buy them from AH. They are about 1500 gil each from tenshodo vendors. I would probably recommend you use Hyoton if you can to ensure your Ninjustu skill gets leveled (relying Tonko and Utsusemi doesn't level it very fast). Hyoton tools are the cheapest (and are a level 6 Alchemy recipe so you could actually synth your own with 0 skill).

                              I know you will unlikely take it to this point in the near future, but the second (Ni) tier elementals are really, really good. Unresisted between levels 40 and 60 they can anything between 80 and 120 damage and only take 1.5 seconds to cast each one. If you add that up it is a really nice amount of damage in short time and definately worth using. We use what is referred to the 'Elemental Wheel'. Start with the element that the mob is naturally weak too, such as Thunder on a crab. This in turn lowers Earth resistance so we do Earth next, which in turn lowers Wind resistance etc. And you go in a cycle. Really nice damage although sadly from 60 I've noticed the spells get resisted an awful lot so it is actually more beneficial to just swing my katanas for more damage (although I still use on magic bursts). Also, the casting time on Ni elementals is so short that it is possible to double magic burst on Fragmentation or Distortion skillchains (if timed correctly). Very cool ^_^

                              My marksmanship is 145 and I'd like to get it to 175 for Slugshot. Whether I can afford bullets tho... >_<
                              Last edited by C'; 08-10-2005, 11:08.


                                Thanks man - exactly what I wanted. Need to get my head round the Ninja Tools thing... I am used to just using MP for spells

