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    Just so you know, the San d?Oria Escort quest is in Eldieme Necropolis, not Crawler?s Nest. Did it a few weeks ago when me and Wedge tried to duo it but just as we started another group of 4 asked if they could help (only one party can have the NPC active at any time) and even with 6 of us (many higher level than me) it was quite hectic.

    Bastok Escort is Crawler?s Nest and Windurst is Garlaige Citadel I presume)

    Like Eco-Warrior you can only have 1 Escort quest active at a time (and this includes the All By Myself quest in Bastok and I think The Big One) but at least S-E saw sense with implementing this and allow you to cancel your current one to enable you to activate another.

    Your Eco-Warrior plan sounds fun but sadly I don?t have the space in Mogsafe/Storage to hold lvl 20 gear along with the lvl30/40 stuff I have >_<
    Last edited by C'; 06-10-2005, 10:56.


      Chakmool will need the rank 3 dragon soon, when I reach l20. Worth saving it til then?


        I'll come with when you need it, I'll hang onto my armour. I need to get my rank back up to 5 sharpish as it does affect party invites having a level 63 PLD with rank 2 looks odd and too many will say gil seller.

        Only took the 3 of us about 30 mins to do it last time, including travel time. I just beat it to a pulp while wedge and true healed and nuked. Was over very quickly. I was thinking of trying to solo it but haven't got the extra gear yet, will have to try another time


          I'll help with whatever you want tonight Tsing. Will be on normal time...


            Bah! Good ina good party which lasted 1 and half hrs, managed to get 5.5k exp which just 1.5k to tnl so it was of to Solo ENM, which turned into the worse ass whooping I ever had, not only did I miss my first ws, the first dice roll was 2hr ability for the puppet which totally mullered me, 3x ws with 2sc effects, killed me dead, manage to get 1 potion off but it was in vain?

            Revenge was at hand, tsing went to do his last dragon I dressed up as Mnk/drg, if some very nifty gear, all I had to buy was some 1k h2h weapons and we killed the dragon very fast.

            Hopfully today ENM?s will go ahead and can level to 73 woo ^^


              I had my flag up for a few hours last night but no party invite. I?m sure my LFG flag has some kind of party repellent attached to it as the invites seem to dry up whenever I use it. Those times when I?m busy doing other things (like when I am farming to save for equipment or in the middle of a Temple of Uggalepih party) I seem to get regular tells {Party} {Do you need it?}

              Still I managed to farm about 220k in just over 2 hours so it wasn?t a total loss. Really want to get to 69 this weekend though. Hopefully we can get the 2 ENM runs in tonight and net ourselves 6k, leaving me with 24k to get from EXP parties.

              It?s doable I suppose.

              My main concern at the moment is my Throwing skill is underleveled. At 68 I think it should cap at 235 and mine is currently residing between 230 and 231. Really difficult to find Even Match mobs to skill off now in a save place. Tried Cape Terrigan and managed to find raptor that conned as Even Match. Started fighting where I thought I was save (and away from EXP parties) only to find myself harassed by a Decent Challenge Robber Crab. Had to use a Warp Scroll when my HP hit 400.

              Had my NPC out at the time as well and once again I deserted her. She is gonna be so pissed at me >_<


                Well last night was a trial as doing anything in Windy always is, spent most of the night running between NPCs. Evenetually got to rank 3 with help from Talizker, Wedgemoon and Tobal. In a very anoying manner I forgot to start the mission in Bastok and only realised when I got all the way out to Palborough.

                Got myself into a psotion finally though where I can start my run to rank 5. Back in Windurst this morning and ready now to move onto the next mission. At last the gate tag will be mine along with a couple of quests that I've been waiting ages to clear.

                In other news the ninjitsu earing sold last night so gil is in the mog mail.

                Got a couple of skill up issues to dweal with myself as well, my shield is under cap by about 18 and my parrying is roughly 80 under cap. In addition to that one my staff is also about 70 under as well. Parrying and staff I could use doing as a pair, shield is going to be harder I think.
                Last edited by Tsingtao; 07-10-2005, 10:32.


                  Can I just confirm with you guys following on from the chat last night - going to next COP mission as RDM/SMN is going to be a good combination for kite duties. If so I plan to get on with this as I am itching to progress COP and SMN20 will be an ideal Sub for taking WHM to Lv40.

                  Also related...

                  Would people be up for fighting the Crimson-Toother Pawberry in the Temple Of Uggalepih for Carbuncle Mitts? Many of us need to go back to the Temple for ZM4 stuff along with Rare's Katana and i'm sure there are many people on the LS that would like the Mitts... It looks to be a difficult NM but should be challenging and fun. I'm not sure if Darwock still needs the Mitts but maybe this is something we can do in a few weeks when he is back?

                  *btw - the Mitts are a 100% drop ^^
                  Last edited by talizker; 07-10-2005, 11:06.


                    I would like my Carby mitts even though I won't need them for a good while yet...

                    RDM/SMN may struggle as a kite but you could try it, your avatar will get wasted very quickly by the epsilons. You may be ok as long as gravity and binds stick well otherwise you'll have a problem on your hands.

                    I suggest we do just continue with the preapartions int the temple, getting keys and unlit latterns. What do we need for carby mitts?


                      Carbuncle Mitts NM is a forced spawn in Temple of Uggalepih.

                      The trigger item is Uggalepih Offering that is obtained from a ??? point within the temple. However to get the offering you have to zone into the Temple via Den of Rancor (not the usual Yhoator Jungle entrance). The NM is spawned when you trade the Uggalepih Offering to a second ??? (this is a very similar process to the one I have done to try and obtain my Hototogisu except the item in that case was a Tonberry Rattle).

                      I?m not certain of the strength of the NM but I believe it is incredibly high level. Also as it?s a SMN type NM it will almost certainly use Astral Flow which can be extremely powerful.

                      I?m not really interested in obtaining the mitts myself (SMN is a long way down on my list of jobs I want to level) but I wouldn?t mind coming along for the battle. Think it takes place in an area of the temple I have yet to see and I?m always interested in exploring new places. I?m willing to tank it too if you wish me to (obviously clearing Tonberry hate beforehand).

                      If it matches up with my katana NM system (and they do seem very similar from what I can gather) the ??? spawn point for the offering is likely to have multiple spawn locations (but can only be at one at a time). Also when you grab it, the ??? will not respawn (at any point) until 2 hours have passed. This means it will be best for anyone who wants to get a pair of Mitts to go solo at different times.


                        Ok sounds fair rare, I have no desperate need for carby mitts. I would like them for when I start SMN but I'm not going to begin until I have obtained all the avatars via the level 60 battles. Coincidentally if anyone wants to go some avatar battles I'm up for it! However if we go to get the offering I'll get myself one then so we can treck back up to the Temple at a random time in the future to do it.

                        My major need right now for Tsing is my Jelly Ring, dinged 63 last night and now I need the bad boy. I think I may be able to make tonights ENMs if there's any space, not sure whether to come WAR/NIN pr WAR/THF or PLD/WAR if there's space.

                        Hows Moot's monitor coming along rare?


                          same as tsing, mitts after getting all the avatars. We could start a 3man Smn team ^^


                            He took his TV back the other day but they had no replacement in stock so Argos gave him ?250 worth of vouchers. He?s checked 4 different Argos stores and none has a suitable model in stock so he?s waiting on deliveries really.


                              You know I think your right. Maybe I should concentrate on making the 600k for Utsusemi-Ichi and do the RDM/NIN thing for COP. We can then maybe look at doing the Prime Avatars as a LS which will make leveling SMN from scratch a whole lot more fun. Had a quick look at the Prime fights and as long as there are a few Lv7x DD's, Lv6x can make up the rest of the party.

                              Am I correct in saying you need to be sucessful in each battle once to get the Avatar then do them all again to be able to take on Fenrir?

                              I quite like the idea of spending time on COP, ZM and Avatar Prime stuff for a while. I've been doing a whole bunch of Exp leveling so this will make a bit of a change.

                              Whats ENM's are being done tonight? I would like to get back into doing these regulaly (still Lv30 ones?). Is there a space for a RDM if the start is 9.30pm onwards?


                                do what i did, spend ?480 on widesceen lcd tv and DVI your pc connection.

