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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Looks like problems with the server again.I've joined this game at the worst time in it's history.The malicious hacks have messed up this game.As i play WOW as well it won't be long until some idiot tries it on that game as well.


      Took me many attempts to get online yesterday evening but once on it was fine. At lunchtime it was 2 attempts to get on and then fine, but when it came to logging off it just stopped on 'receiving messages'.. I had to cut the power without a proper log-off ><


        Very frustrating,but i won't give up on this game.Enjoy it too much.
        They must be as annoyed as the players,but i should imagine the problem won't take long to fix.


          ****ed up again huh ?_` sigh, this was my only chance tonight to have play. Got an history essay and football to watch. `-`. Might try get one a little later.


            Well our on going server outage seems to be here for the night and probably the rest of the week. I don't get how they've not managed any sort of guard against this yet.

            Oh well enjoy the try to log in mini game, see the amusing numbers. Collect those rare codes, if you get bored you can always try the fobbed off by SE support event.

            I love the way all servers show as up, time to put amonitor on the lobby cluster!


              At least i'm not paying for it at the moment as it's my 30 day free period!!!
              The footballs good mind!!!!


                grrr... sucky party experience and a half tonight ><

                Going to crawler's nest to fight the rumble crawlers.. on the way in the party leader ran in front of a beetle with only sneak, we were all spread out because folk had made their own way down so I started casting escape, dont know what happened but there were like 3 beetles and a musshusu on us.. I got us out but one died on the way (body appeared in rolanberry fields) and one was left behind who died as well.

                That's bad, but not the end of the world - on the way back in (again all spread out) our rank 10 beastmaster gets aggro and zones it, bringing it on to the two who had just arrived after dying.

                As a result, about 15 minutes later we're finally on our way back down, ninja casts in front of a water elemental and hits his mijin-gakure. He then announces he's leaving (Talizker it was the ninja from our awful Quicksand caves night, the one with no tools).

                I need to run to the camp before my sneak wears, at this point party leader announces he's invited Tsingtao... sneak wears off as I arrive at camp, and there's a rumble crawler on me. There were only THREE party members there (with Tsingtao still in Jeuno), so I started escaping again.. beastmaster announces he can take it - I figure no way, they were what we were there to kill as a whole party! So I let escape continue, and take the three of us out.

                I then get berated (called a f*&king retard) for escaping when there was no need, and party falls apart. Hmmm. In future I'll disband before casting and leave everyone to die then.


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  ninja casts in front of a water elemental and hits his mijin-gakure. He then announces he's leaving
                  Sorry to hear of your bad experiences but it sounds like your NIN was looking for a way out of the party cheaply by the sound of it.

                  Just so you know for future reference, casting of Ninjitsu does not attract the attention of magic aggro monsters (neither do BRD songs iirc). Him simply casting a spell in the vicinity of a water elemental would not have caused it to aggro.

                  Casting magic on the elemental would be a different matter obviously ^_^


                    Thanks for the clarification Rare, that's possibly what he did (I only assumed it was via casting cos it was an elemental he picked up).. if it was intentional then he was a real c*ck because at that point he was the only one still holding things up.


                      vana'diel paging talizker... me & tsing have a red mage shaped gap in our party... lol


                        Damn you people that said i should try this game!!!
                        This is worse than crack!!! After playing WoW it's took me a little while getting my head round the basic concepts and how to use the interface.
                        But what a rich deep game this is,Wow is amazing but as it's been said on this and other forums,it feels a bit cut down.
                        Because of the downtime with the server i've not been really able to play this game a lot but one thing i've noticed is how much more willing people are to helping any new player.The mentor idea is a stroke of genius,something that could be implemented in Wow,some times your just left to your own device's and it can be frustrating when you get stuck on a quest.
                        I think Wow is a victim of its own popularity with so many people,but as FF has been going for two years or so most of the problems seem to be ironed out.I know that this game will take more time to lvl than Wow but you know i don't care,being a part of this game seems to be the main driving force of this game.I would'nt say that it's better than wow,i'd say FF is a game that you have to spend a great deal of time to enjoy and discover,while wow is a game that can be played at a mixture of levels and ability.
                        Anyway must go must get some sleep as i'm off work tommorow and i'm going to put some serious playing in....only if real life let's me..or the wife!!!


                          Nice one bagpuss

                          I often worry that I'm going through it too quick, cos the world is simply so rich and there are so many unknowns in it (even after having played it for approaching a year) that I'm always finding things that intrigue me but that I know nothing about..

                          I wonder if after reaching the end in terms of character progression I will ever be able to actually see all there is to see.. I doubt it somehow.


                            THey are now offering incentives to get people to encourage their friends to play, special items handed out to inviter/invitee.. to get around the potential for people signing up themselves using the 30 days free you get additional items after set periods of time (the last I think being a year!). From the notes on PlayOnline the items look mostly like novelty items (mandragora belts, guide beret etc) however there was also a new issue of the tribune that covers this too.

                            Seems there will also be a pair of mandragora caps, which complement each other, and the tribune article hints that when used together in battle they have a special benefit, lol. Wonder what that could be.. doesn't matter to me because anyone I could convince to play is already playing. :-(

                            Really enjoyed the contributor's article this time around, 'against the grain', about defying stereotypes.. an issue I feel quite strongly about! It covers a galka white mage and a tarutaru paladin. I hope the message of diversity and fun gets through to some of the more fascistic players, lol.


                              erk, 3 posts in a row...

                              However was thinking about how I had been playing for almost a year... checked back through ntsc-uk history and it turns out I missed the 1 year anniversary, which was last week! 21st April

                              So in the tradition set by all the US import PC version players, here's my 1st ever post about experiences in Vana'diel taken from the long extinct PS2 version thread (very embarrasing!!)

                              Originally posted by Darwock
                              Was 'born' in Bastok, Seraph last night... as a human Black Mage called Darwock. I basically just ran around town, talking to a few people. Really started feeling the experience when a guy near me did some flashy spell, I said well done and he 'bowed courteously'... Stopped to ask a guy fishing on the bridge if he was catching much.. lots of small talk. And danced happily with a tarutaru harpist

                              I asked another guy where I could find monsters.. he led me through the entire city (such a big place!) to the gates, then cast protect on me and left me to it. What a guy! So I killed a worm and a big bee, but then was low on health so went home and logged off as my mate had turned up.

                              I wanted to have something to aim for, so I chose Bastok as my home city, but I really want to get to see Windurst (home of magic and all that).


                                how many of you have done the somthing in the new event, i not been able to get on this week dammit (combo of server crashes, football and my own connection), it sound liek the Twinkling treant event in '04, but everyone get wooden G.K to smack the crap out of samurai mob's

