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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Bomb Coal is cake.

    Exoray Mould is fairly straightforward. Most people tend to pick one up during an EXP party.

    Ancient Papyrus is usually a horrible experience for anyone who tries it and ?back in the day? was a major cause of people quitting.

    Interested in hearing your WoW experiences Mihki. I?ve also got a Rogue on the go (Orc) called Rare ^_^. (Arathor server). The Rogue class kicks so much ass. Comparing it to FFXI jobs it?s easiest to describe it as THF and NIN combined. Perhaps you?re the same as me but after playing a tank class in FFXI, taking the role of a pure DD is so cool. I feel liberated

    I never intended to get into WoW at all. I feel I ?lost? a lot of gaming time to FFXI (not that I regret it) so didn?t want to get involved in another MMORPG. However, Ces had expressed a desire to try it so I got it as a birthday present for him. Again, I didn?t want to get into it but as he got 8 character slots I was too tempted to give it a try and once again got engrossed. My first few days were strange. I spent so much time comparing it to FFXI (FFXI does that better, I don?t like the way WoW deals this etc.) but then things started to click and I came to appreciate the differences in the games.

    Although both may be MMORPG the execution of each is sufficiently different that they create their own identification. Certainly can?t pick a ?better? game.

    Anyway, Ces? horde character on Hellscream is named Gujurati (I think ) so if you get a minute and want to chat with with him, send him a whisper ^_^


      Originally posted by Darwock
      This is a felt-tipped marker burst
      I see a new macro in my future ...




        Originally posted by talizker
        How about trying a BCNM30 to raise some funds? Our last BCNM40 run has nicely financed my levels 40-50 I would be happy to come along (BLM) even if I don't bring an orb (I only have enough for another BCNM40 run atm) - i'm not worried about taking a slice of the gil. BCNM30 Fun!
        Sounds good to me. Am hoping to have a bit more time to spend on the game in the near future. Have got about 80 beastman seals at the moment. Which jobs would we need for a BCNM30?


          I'm thinking the pappy run should be ok, most seem to have got it in 3 - 5 hours with a TH2 thief with them. Have to see how it goes...

          Darwock what the gate breach in Garliage, never heard of that one?

          As for the LS when Mahlory vanishes into the ether I suspect the pearls will break. It's probably time we thought seriously about Wedges idea for starting RarghLives or similar, mind you I don't want to be shell holder was hoping Wedge would do that. We should get people migrated before the 2.5 months is up if we want to continue the LS.


            I don't think its a good idea for me to br the LS owner, right now im uncertain about re-joining FFXI, my account is still cancelled and I think the likely outcome will be: me will be to sign back up soon and send back borrowed equipment and then cancel it again, I think its likely I will be back after the summer.

            I know I could easily get back into it but right now im getting back into console games and playing golf when its warm weather.


              I'm starting to look at other Linkshells now, mainly other uk/european places... lets face it, the LS is dead and somehow truehero is only person consistently on other an me(maybe Brooker and akashi now) and as the last original member i'm going to give up on it when it ends or if i find another Ls home im comfortable being in before then.


                Fair enough there doesn't seem to be a great desire to take the LS forward from here so I guess that's where we call it quits. These days I'm on ArchAngelz with Hicory and I've noticed Apathye is on there as well now. As Tobal says it's pretty quiet on Rargh now, it's a shame it was a nice little LS would have been good to carry it forward. If people are interested let me know and I'll do something otherwise we can let it go quietly into the night.

                Well it was most definitely fun and it's a shame to see it goping this way. Hopefully most of us will wind up in shared LS's, it's a shame to see so many people go just as the LS was reaching the point where it could have started to reach sky etc. I suppose I've not seen much of the story yet as I'm only rank 5 and just starting Promethia but with the Zilart missions just agbout to start I'm looking forward to the summer with Hicory, Darwock, Talizker and Caladbolg as we open up more of the game.


                  Originally posted by Darwock
                  Well blow me down, that's me made level 50!! Somebody pinch me. Astonishing to think that if I'd been playing before the expansions this would pretty much be me at the end of the game!

                  Now I might as well get comfortable cos I intend to be at this stage for a looooong time. I don't want to move on until I've cleared rank 5 and got as many of the level 40 missions out of the way as possible.

                  Completing quests and obtaining gil are going to be my main objectives from now on.
                  Congratulation dude - nice one I asume you also made 50 Tsing? I'll be on tonight I hope trying to push on from my 46+1.2k...

                  Hic - I didn't do any BCNM30's so I am really not sure. Darwock, didn't you do a BCNM30? (or was it a 20???).

                  As far as the Linkshell - I have been going between Rargh!, Moogle Vengance and ArchAngels (this is different to ArchAngelz right?) and have still not found anywhere like the Rargh! of 6 months ago was. All I want is to be able to stay in regular contact with everyone regarless of whether its RarghReloaded! or some other one.


                    I don't have any linkpearls at all at the moment, but having one was always just a kind of security blanket and I rarely equipped anyway. I find this sort of thing (a shared website) is a far better way of arranging things because it is not dependant on everybody being online simultaneously in order to discuss stuff. It would make sense to have an in-game alternative for this forum though, inhabited with the same people.

                    I tried a 20 seal orb battle (Wings of Fury) a couple of times, but it was very hard, I underestimated it on both occasions. I watched people beating it (it was at the Ghelsba battlefield) while I waited for my turn and they were using beastmasters.

                    Tsing the gate breach thing I mentioned is just a handy auto-translate term for getting through the banishing gates, lol...


                      Hey Rare, yeah same here, Rogue is very much like THF and NIN (though THF mostly because of Backstab and Pickpocket and Nin mostly due to Dual Wield and Stealth)

                      I'm also playing hunter which is a combination very much BST and RNG, basically the pet is your tank and you're a RNG blasting from a distance (and only a distance, you can't shoot somethingwith a rifle when it's standing in front of you - ranged weps in wow truly are ranged)

                      Shame to hear Rargh might come to and end now ; ; it was a fine little linkshell.


                        If there is a way to keep the LS together, please try to do it. From the sounds of it there is a vicious circle going on with regards to RARGH!.

                        People are logging on and joining the LS only to find it empty or close to being empty so changing shells. However, by doing this it only further contributes to the barreness of the LS and so the next person who comes on finds the same and the process repeats. However, if people were to stay with it, each person who would log on would see more names and hopefully it could build from there.

                        Perhaps my reasons for wanting RARGH! to continue are selfish. I'm in a transitionary period where I am not playing but I haven't quit either, nor do I want to take the final step of cancelling the account and having the knowledge that the LS I am part of will still be there. I really wish I could do my part and return to the game but at the moment the thought of needing 5 million gil (at least ) is just too overpowering to return.

                        Obviously the Mahlory issue is a difficulty with her being the official leader and what would happen if she was deleted. However, there are some definite strong personalities on the old RARGH! who would make great 'frontmen' for a continuation of RARGH! (I'm thinking specifically of Apathye and Wedgemoon both of which have shown great loyalty to both the game and the LS in the past).


                          I see no reason why we cant keep it going, to be honest when I check Rargh I will usually only stay on it if there are some from here on it, I think its a losing battle to try and actually make it an effective LS in terms of getting Missions and Quests done, its just not got the userbase, its a shame that the game seems to require alot of alliance situations later on, earlier in the game you could do most stuff with a decent party.

                          CoP Missions from what I have seen take real effort to organize and same goes for Zilart Missions which the one im on now seems so tedious and it just feels like my only chance is to get lucky and get in on it when a big LS has got it going, even then I think I have to expect it to go on for many many hours meaning it would have to be a Friday or Saturday or I can expect to be late for work the next day.

                          I really do want to go through the missions, but sometimes it feels like the game is demanding so much from me to complete them that I just think I cant be bothered, just watch a movie instead or something.

                          Rare im starting to see how you feel about the money situation, beleive it or not the lvl 70+ Bard equipment is quite pricy and I just dont have it in me to get that sort of gil.

                          Oh, and about WoW - im a Tauren Hunter lvl 9 I think and I didnt know about having a pet, really I have tried a few jobs and character types and could not decide on what I wanted to go with, also the server Earthenring seems under populated in my opinion, since Pie disbanded it feels like an empty game world, how is this on the servers your on?


                            Hey guys... the linkshell will disappear when Mahlory does, which was why I had to create the new one when I deleted the Akasha character way back. I didn't think about that at all when we stopped playing so sorry about that. But all it needs is 8000 gil, so I suggest that someone (anyone) buys and makes a new Rargh linkshell and distributes the pearls that way you will be in the same situation as now, and you can make the decision to stick with it or not later on. Our characters will still exist for at least another month so there is plenty of time for this to happen.

                            It is a shame that we have left for good but we are having so much fun with WoW that it's silly! You are rewarded for everything that you do and the quests are really motivating so you level up without even thinking about it. There is no 'grind' like in FFXI and that is in terms of crafting, questing and leveling, and the graphics are beautiful.

                            Anyway love you all.. I'm still here so don't be a stranger lol

                            Mahl x


                              Well, I Decided to Buy a Linkshell Today, Anyone Who Would Like A Pearl Is
                              More Than Welcome, And Nothing Is Going To Change. I Will However Try To
                              Spend As Much Time Helping Out As Possible And Also Will Be Able To Draft In
                              Help From Other Friends If People Are Looking For Mission Help. Please Send
                              Me a /tell In Game And Ill Get you a Pearl

                              Rargh Can Be Like It Was Even Tho People Have Moved On Or Got Higher Level But It Was A Great Linkshell And I Would Love To Keep It Alive.


                                Originally posted by Bayan
                                Well, I Decided to Buy a Linkshell Today, Anyone Who Would Like A Pearl Is
                                More Than Welcome, And Nothing Is Going To Change. I Will However Try To
                                Spend As Much Time Helping Out As Possible And Also Will Be Able To Draft In
                                Help From Other Friends If People Are Looking For Mission Help. Please Send
                                Me a /tell In Game And Ill Get you a Pearl

                                Rargh Can Be Like It Was Even Tho People Have Moved On Or Got Higher Level But It Was A Great Linkshell And I Would Love To Keep It Alive.

                                Will catch up with you later on this evening

