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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I don't know what impression you have picked up Bayan, but Hicory was with me, Talizker and Tsingtao when she got her beadeaux items (note: this was weeks/months ago), we needed her assistance at our level and it was not a case of her coming along simply to freeload the drops.

    I think her reactions are quite understandable given the mean spiritedness of the responses to her (rightful) sense of achievement on rank 5, also surprising which post you chose to take offence at when none of this was started by Hicory.
    Last edited by Darwock; 11-05-2005, 14:57.


      Originally posted by vwilsonuk

      you're an insecure, immature, antagonistic, ungrateful, judgemental, aggressive two-faced little **** who indulges double standards wherever he goes and never accepts responsibility for any of the problems he causes. I hope this clears up any confusion for you.

      This Is What I Found Offensive, I Am Not Defending Tobals Posts. I Was Attempting To Point Out Maybe This Disagreement Has Gone To Far When
      Posts Like This Are Made On A Public Forum.

      Tobal Has Always Taken A Very Firm Stand On His Views On These Sorts Of
      Problems. I Cannot Agree That He Choose The Best Way To Handle This But
      From What I Can Read Neither Of Them Handled This Very Maturely.

      You Can Play This Game However You Want [Within The Rules ] But Sometimes People Will Disagree With Your Methods, And Even Protest Them.

      I Am Not Attempting To Target Hicory Directly, If I Had Read Forum Before
      Today I May Have Said Something To Tobal Online. What Has Been Posted Is
      Here Now, But Can We Stop With The Insults And Remember We Are Playing

      Congratulation On Rank 5
      Last edited by Bayan; 11-05-2005, 15:15.


        I did i have long post part this now being lowered to 'swears contest'.

        I'll keep in short instead, i was very unhappy about being flamed for a post regarding welcoming the patch, it was certainly not directed at anyone, it just about me getting a 2nd wind after losing a fair few mates along the way and this game being a really slog about then. So to have Hicory turn up in the LS and boast about getting rank5 really set me off after her 'Double Standard' view on Hard work and the blood,sweat and tears that goes in to leveling a high end character, over the patch argument which i hadn't forgotten. While all hircory's character flaws she mentioned can be leveled against me quite easily, but then that can be said many others, but 'Double Standards and Two-faced' are not of them.

        After this post i won't say another thing about this arguement, im sorry i went all childish but i couldn't help it.
        Last edited by Tobal; 11-05-2005, 15:28.


          I Think This Issue Is A Problem For Alot Of People Not Just The People
          Involved At The Moment. Peoples Sense's Of Acheivement Are Different And
          Everyone Is Allowed There Opinion, But Not When It Becomes A Flame War.
          This Game Is Very Time Consuming And People Below Level 50 Have Alot Of
          Other Things Minus Rank 5 to Worry About.

          AFs, Genkai, Rank 6-10, Zilart Missions [Sky] and COP, Bring On The Fun!


            hand bags ladies =P


              What time is this piece of **** back up?


                Originally posted by Apathye
                What time is this piece of **** back up?
                1am if it runs as long as it has been scheduled for. We've veged in front of Simpsons, cooked, eaten, and watched the last in the series of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on DVD. If it doesn't come back soon there'll be nothing for it but washing up.

                Tsingtao is already working on circumventing this possibility by going to sleep.


                  12:00pm tonight...then 3-4hrs downloading the patch!!!


                    need to upgrade computer and re-install FFXI. wont be playing until the weekend.

                    anyways, is it possible to use the EU registration code for FFXI(not the playonline) on a US copy of FFXI? i have the US dics for FFXI but i dont have the codes for playonline, FFXI and rise of zilart. what i do have is the EU codes for all of them. i think i can solve the playonline code problem as i already have an account, but what about the FFXI and rise of zilart?

                    any help is really appreciated. i will try this on friday(morning) to see if it works. but if you guys have any opinions, pls let me knw.



                      Originally posted by bokawel
                      need to upgrade computer and re-install FFXI. wont be playing until the weekend.

                      anyways, is it possible to use the EU registration code for FFXI(not the playonline) on a US copy of FFXI? i have the US dics for FFXI but i dont have the codes for playonline, FFXI and rise of zilart. TY
                      Not optimistic on this one. We had US installs of FFXI with Rise of the Zilart. When CoP came out we bought an EU copy thinking we'be be able to use the CoP expansion from that (you do need to install them separately anyway) but it woudln't have it. Think the reason was that you had to register the expansion pack against your POL ID, and you can only do that kind of account maintenance (registering expansions, content IDs, change credit card details) with the correct client for the region of your POL ID. A couple of people have fallen foul of it with Japanese POL clients too, where the warnings have come up in Japanese to say their credit card payment's been bounced but they've not realized, then they've been kicked off. They can't get in on a US client to do anything about it, and they can't understand the Japanese client menus.

                      Good luck with this, I hope it does work for you, but don't get your hopes up just yet as we had to import a CoP expansion each from the US.

                      Also, was that the smallest POL update in the world ever (to take 7 hours)?? Bad news about having to upgrade the PC, that sucks >.<


                        There was an update last night, whoa I didn't even know or notice, I think im really just about done now on FFXI, having not played it for a few weeks properly I just don't feel that connection with my character anymore, when I have logged on its been for a matter of minutes I think im worn out of the whole mmorpg thing, im only playing short arcade type games lately, stuff that's easy on the brain.


                          Wedge sounds like you need a break dude but don't go and do anything to drastic. You just know in a few months you'll be itching to come play tunes at monsters again and you don't want to have to start from scratch.

                          As the levels have got higher I've noticed it getting tougher, as much to find people who are decent players as much as anything. Grinding the xp out though is still a reward for me so far, last bank holiday monday made 3 levels in one day, it was amazing to at last get there. Just lately its started to get really fun, out after my Genkai 1 items now and then AF2. Won't be to long after that before we go after the shadow lord and see the rank 6 and look to start the ZMs.

                          If there's anything you fancy doing online mate to try to rekindle the fires, drop me a line. Always got some spare time to help out the good guys, not many of you out there and losing another 1 is another 1 to many

                          Hope to see you back in the high life soon wedge, was out with Iceze and Toxicforce last night in Eldieme was good fun.


                            Originally posted by mikewl
                            There was an update last night, whoa I didn't even know or notice, I think im really just about done now on FFXI, having not played it for a few weeks properly I just don't feel that connection with my character anymore, when I have logged on its been for a matter of minutes I think im worn out of the whole mmorpg thing, im only playing short arcade type games lately, stuff that's easy on the brain.
                            yeah take a break. you dont want to end up like me. i was too hasty in giving up the game 7 months ago. now im back from square 1


                              Lots and lots of D/c's last night, not for me but it seemed alot of americans are having trouble, which is a pain when you fighing something and half the party disappears, so you get 2-3 parties running for zone ><, still managed some how, a Sam tank, Thf(me) a arrowless rng with 2x swords and 2 mages and lucky 2 PL's there waiting for there buddies to come back from the d/c.


                                Right come on people let's hear your adventuring statistics from the moogles!

                                Chat frequency (what is this?) : 38,400
                                NPC conversations: 19,739
                                Parties joined: 312
                                Alliances joined: 17
                                Battles fought: 10,978
                                Times KO'd: 342
                                Enemies defeated: 10,069
                                GM calls made: 1

                                Surprised at the number of parties, it seems low.. also if that's how many battles ended in the death of either me or the monster, does that mean the difference between those totals and the number of battles fought mean I successfully escaped from over 560 battles!? Quite chuffed if so.

                                I couldn't wait for a party so I went and spoke to the Windurst person anyway, she gave my assessment and said that's it, so I hope I've not cocked it up by talking to her solo. Anyway she rated me average for the number of kills and excellent for the number of KOs... this might be what she says to everyone though so I'm curious to hear what other people get told.

                                I don't know anything about San d'Oria so I've no idea who the relevant NPC will be over there. Bastok is pretty obvious.

                                edit - I can't be right in my assumption about the totals.. a friend on another forum has posted his results and he has taken part in 16,300 battles but only defeated 8,000ish enemies, with 370 KOs. I seriously doubt that means he has escaped from 8,000 battles!
                                Last edited by Darwock; 13-05-2005, 14:22.

