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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Yeah based on what was said here (wedge reckoned 60 was a little high and rare reckoned 50 was too low..) I'd probably like to tackle that mission at level 55.

    It's looking pretty unlikely we'll have Talizker around for the effort though so I don't know how easy it will be to gather a balanced party for it. Also I'm still at the first limit break, so rank 6 cannot be a short term goal for me at the moment.


      As for moaners, I exercised my right to be a twat the other day when I went with a party advertising for 5-1... the monk was taking the piss, asked us to pay him for his help, pay for his teleport, moaned all the time about having to help 'noobs' with this mission (he was apparently repaying a favour to the party leader), moaned at me for not being high enough to have Firaga II (even though the fight is capped at level 50!) We finished the battle in record time, 2 mins 46 secs I think.. still wasn't good enough for him.

      Afterwards I offered to warp the party back, and at the same time he says "Warp please. I think it's the least you can do." I'm like eh?? Didn't like the implication that I hadn't been pulling my weight.

      So I warped everyone else, then told him he'd have to pay 500 gil He didn't reply after the 2nd time I asked so I warped out of there myself and left him alone with his ego. I'd like to hope he realised that if he had just waited for the offer he'd have been warped with everyone else.. acting like a d!ck didn't do him any favours.


        You = Genius


          Originally posted by Darwock
          As for moaners, I exercised my right to be a twat the other day when I went with a party advertising for 5-1... the monk was taking the piss, asked us to pay him for his help, pay for his teleport, moaned all the time about having to help 'noobs' with this mission (he was apparently repaying a favour to the party leader), moaned at me for not being high enough to have Firaga II (even though the fight is capped at level 50!) We finished the battle in record time, 2 mins 46 secs I think.. still wasn't good enough for him.

          Afterwards I offered to warp the party back, and at the same time he says "Warp please. I think it's the least you can do." I'm like eh?? Didn't like the implication that I hadn't been pulling my weight.

          So I warped everyone else, then told him he'd have to pay 500 gil He didn't reply after the 2nd time I asked so I warped out of there myself and left him alone with his ego. I'd like to hope he realised that if he had just waited for the offer he'd have been warped with everyone else.. acting like a d!ck didn't do him any favours.

          lol, thats brill


            I thought I was making a guilty confession, didn't expect to be applauded for it!


              Originally posted by Darwock
              It's looking pretty unlikely we'll have Talizker around for the effort though so I don't know how easy it will be to gather a balanced party for it. Also I'm still at the first limit break, so rank 6 cannot be a short term goal for me at the moment.
              Hi folks!

              Nearly got the first three weeks of the new venture out of the way and am hoping to dab my toes back into the game in the next day or two. The short term goal is going to be 50, AF1 and then limit break but it will all come down to whether or not I can advance from 46 in the 3-4 hours I will have in an evening. It is certainly getting more difficult to get a party starting in the 9-10pm time slot...

              I would really like to go through the 50's with you guys and at least get the Shadow Lord fight done before I get left behind with no friends...!


                lol a similar situation happen to me, resulting in me leaving a rng stranded in Kutal Tunnel. Funny thing is im good friends with him now XD


                  AHAHAHAHHAAA!!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!

                  For the 2nd time in history FFXI has just had me jumping around my flat gibbering like a fool...

                  I've just gotten my ancient papyrus!! Solo!! WOOOO!!!

                  I camped that mofo lich for an hour, waiting a couple of hell hounds to clear out of there so I could hit him with freeze and manafont and see what I could do - never imagined I'd beat him, let alone get the papyrus on the 1st kill!!

                  Oh **** I love this game


                    Originally posted by talizker
                    Hi folks!

                    Nearly got the first three weeks of the new venture out of the way and am hoping to dab my toes back into the game in the next day or two. The short term goal is going to be 50, AF1 and then limit break but it will all come down to whether or not I can advance from 46 in the 3-4 hours I will have in an evening. It is certainly getting more difficult to get a party starting in the 9-10pm time slot...

                    I would really like to go through the 50's with you guys and at least get the Shadow Lord fight done before I get left behind with no friends...!
                    Hey mate, sorry missed your post in my excitement. Well I'm one step closer to moving on now but I still don't think my progress will be quick, so don't worry just yet ^^

                    P.S. Doubt I'll be online this weekend as my brother is coming to stay
                    Last edited by Darwock; 19-05-2005, 21:06.


                      Well that is the most impressive thing I think I've ever heard Darwock. Top work BLM escaping fella ^^

                      If you just need your mold now I'll come with tonight if you like and help get that done. Not to rare a drop and should be ok ish at our level. Think exo's will con around T so if I pull you drop a few nukes I think we'd be ok. Would be nice to have a healer, caladbolg may be up for it think he needs all 3 items.

                      Can have a nosey for both our AF2's while we're there.
                      Last edited by Tsingtao; 20-05-2005, 07:58.


                        Originally posted by Tsingtao
                        Well that is the most impressive thing I think I've ever heard Darwock. Top work BLM escaping fella ^^

                        If you just need your mold now I'll come with tonight if you like and help get that done. Not to rare a drop and should be ok ish at our level. Think exo's will con around T so if I pull you drop a few nukes I think we'd be ok. Would be nice to have a healer, caladbolg may be up for it think he needs all 3 items.

                        Can have a nosey for both our AF2's while we're there.
                        Hey Am I too low to help out here Tsing? If not then you can count me in for tonight...


                          Ah, problem is my bro is coming to stay tonight and I think I'd never hear the end of it if I made him sit and watch me playing an RPG... There was actually one other thing I wanted to take care of before I went questing in the nest - having got the battalia downs monument now I only need to find one more for the nest map.. and this is probably the one place where I'd be quite happy to get the map first

                          I've already spent several hours in the hunt for that final monument though. Need to take a more systematic approach.


                            I've got my CN map, I picked up up a while back but I still haven't done the batalia monument or the one in Saramogue Champaign no idea where they are or how to get to them. All the others were pretty straight forward except maybe the one if East Sarutabaruta that was a swine to find.

                            If you're on later Tal I probably could still use a hand with my AF2 no idea how hard or easy it would be. Definitely think you could help with the exoray mold as well, could even get yours while we're at it ^^. If you're not on tonight Darwock we could always pick a night next week for it if you like, give us a day and I'm in. (mind you Saturday I'm playing cricket, Sunday I'm off to Sheffield to get play off final tickets)

                            By the way Tal good to hear the latest venture is starting to get sorted, been wondering where you'd got to. I'd have to say that 3 - 4 hours a night should be plenty to keep you moving on, it's generally all the time I've got unless I use the odd day off work or Sunday. Most days my playtime is around 3 - 4 hours max, I need my sleep
                            Last edited by Tsingtao; 20-05-2005, 08:50.


                              Hmmm, that's odd! Actually I forgot about Beaucedine and Xarcabard.. so I guess I still have three more to find (assuming expansion areas don't have monuments in them). But from what you say I shouldn't need to find them all anyway.


                                Think mine we're based purely on what the dude was telling me, and someone telling me about the one in Saromogue in a party. There might be more, I hadn't really thought to check have to find out if I ever manage batalia.

                                I love the story on the monumnets, starting to wish I've taken screenies of them.

