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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by mikewl
    That strategy sounds good, its just going to be real essential to beat the first crab quick as the bound crab wont be bound for long, we are going to need macros for potions I think.
    Yup! We can always rebind and move position if we need to (maybe!)... I bought 6 x Yag drinks and Rolenberry Pie. What HP food do you recommend - Pamama au Lait? I only have a few item spaces left so may need someone to carry them for me...


      Think tonight I?m going to try and finish off the stack of Tree Cuttings that have been n my mogsafe for months. Another 250k on top of what I?ve farmed the last couple of nights should be more than enough. Once that?s done I really should head to Ordelle?s Cave and get myself a second Shikaree Ring and my WAR equipment (along with upgrades needed at 36) should be sorted and I can get the last 2 levels on my SJ cleared.


        Think it'll be another gil generation experiment tonight, either tele-taxi (having collected Teleport-Altep), harvesting or mining. Am not really looking forward to two hours of any of them, though harvesting is my least favourite having spent so much time doing it in the past and I'm not even considering crafting; 30 minutes of solid synthing is enough to do anyone's head in. Missed the GP item last night again too ;_;

        Would offer to help with the big ugly dangerous monster but doubt I'd last ten seconds against him, or be able to keep up with the damage he dealt.

        Of course I might get distracted by a real life money making scheme, but half an hour of that usually does my head in too at the moment!


          Well last night was good.

          I started the day by making a trip from Jeuno to Bastok on foot, which I think will have got me about 70k from farming on the way, not bad.

          Then me, Talizker and Tsingtao did some BCNM20's and won easily everytime, although a problem on Tsings one where we left the zone before sorting the rewards left us needing to do it again, which we did easily.

          The setup worked so well, having a ninja made such a difference.


            That?s good to hear. I?ll keep you 2 in mind when it comes to sorting my own mannequin out

            Only got the feet at the moment.

            Had to go out last night so never got as much online time as planned. However when I did get on around 9pm I spotted that Ordelle?s Cave was empty so decided to get Stroper Chyme sorted for my second Shikaree Ring.

            Sure enough all 3 of the spawns I kill were up (there is a 4th but it?s so far out of the way it?s not worth bothering with). Spent about 90 mins killing (3 spawns every 12 mins, missing only 1 as a MNK passed by about an hour in) and got the drop. The stats on their own don?t look anything special but when you have 2 (and put with my Federation Tekko) I get Accuracy+7 and Ranged Accuracy+7 for level 30 cap events which isn?t too shabby.

            Tonight I definitely need to sort out those Tree Cuttings >_<


              Tobal, how did your party go yesterday, would you be up for more tonight.


                It went well, Whm,brd,blm, War, Nin(Meav, that guy selling 200m of items in jeuno), Sam. Did a lot better this time, we partied the other side of the tunnel from where we camped before more demons on that side with the big demon doom things in small pockets far away, taking notice from bayan pulling deaths, I used Flee for pulling war?s and 3rd for everything else. Basically the war and nin asked not to sc for some reason so I basically saved my TP for SATA to transfer hate around, usually waiting for the war to pull hate with his weapons skills. Worked quite well, managed 4.5k exp within the hour before the party disbanded, the nin also tanked the Doom monsters backwards if that helps but I brought Holy water with me anyway.

                I?m up for another round tonight, and I?m gonna have to get the map of the place soon to.


                  Tsingtao, Talizker do you both want to try the other BCNM20's, im going to start looking up strategies etc for them.


                    Originally posted by mikewl
                    Tsingtao, Talizker do you both want to try the other BCNM20's, im going to start looking up strategies etc for them.
                    Sure thing. Not sure what jobs are needed so this is what I have:

                    RDM60 / BLM30 / WHM22 / NIN10(soon to be 20!) / WAR10 / SAM10 / SMN3^^

                    I have enough seals for 2 more runs at present...


                      Emergency maintenance begins at 5pm tonight for 1.5 hours.


                        If that lasts only 1.5hrs I?m the queen of England.


                          It?s actually 6pm ? 7:30pm.

                          Remember we are currently in GMT+1 time due to the daylight saving time changes. From Sunday onwards we will be back on GMT.


                            This is one of the next BCNM's, looks like Samurai, Warrior and Whitemage are suitable jobs for this, I can do any of those jobs.


                            War/Nin or Sam/War - Wedge
                            War/Nin or Nin/War - Tsingtao
                            Whm/Blm - Talizker


                              We had a power cut here (right in the middle of a PT!!!) only just got back electricity so this has'nt effected me!!


                                Why don't they just change the name to "Final Fantasy XI: The Chains of Maintenance"?

                                Ok, sorry, bad attempt at a joke, but work was mental, and I was looking forward to levelling RNG for a couple of hours afterwards. But, surprise, surprise, I can't because of maintenance.

