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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by Tsingtao
    Great to hear the xp parties showed up Talizker, he who seeketh shall find and be rewarded with new flashy spells and armour. ^^

    I'm good to give your AF1 a go tonight if you like, I'm not fancying xping (had an awful party last night) so something fun would be good. Heppy to roll it over into a 5-1 run for you if we have time afterwards. All we'll need is a MNK and another healer, the 6th member then can be a make weight.

    The other one we could do is go and get an Exoray mold for you and Darwock if he's on. They con tough to me these days so I can tank them happily could use a bit of extra DD or some TH if we can get it. If we did this then we could pick a night later in the week to get you a papy Tal.

    I'm personally in the middle of my AF2, so my next stop is castle oztroja to catch the big one. After much searching a 64 BLM and I found the Dreadbug spawn point and beat it, was closer than I thought though. Had it just been the 3 of us we may have been in trouble.

    Anyways let me know I need some fun to make up for 4 wasted hours yesterday
    you can wait wait for my monk which is at 34 right now for that genkai 1 item...particularly papy
    Last edited by bokawel; 23-05-2005, 16:51.


      Damn! Found the storage chest but it was on the center island bit with the rock hard mobs - couldn't find a way to get to it...

      Hopefully it will be in an easier location tomorrow!

      Thanks to Darwock and Tsingtao for the help killing the NM - it was a glorious victory
      Last edited by talizker; 24-05-2005, 06:50.


        I think that the only way to that section is through the monastic cavern, no idea how though. Then you have the small matter of dropping sneak and invis and trding the ket before been eaten alive by farkillers etc.

        Like you say can't be in a worseplave today so good luck ^^

        As for the fight another stunning victory, going to look at my AF2 later. Working from home for the morning and then off this avo to have my heating fixed.


          Well that is it for me and FFXI.

          Wedgemoon is gone, deleted, no more.

          I started the 30 second count when deleting the character and just walked downstairs, came back up and it was on the menu screen saying I had an open character space to use.

          Its something I have been debating over and over about staying on the game, what my reasons were and this just feels like the right time to quit.

          Everytime I would log on I would want to enjoy the game world, but then comes the exp grind, the very hard to organize missions, the farming and I just realise im not willing to go through all that anymore, the parts of the game I enjoy are just stuck somewhere in the middle of all the parts of the game I cant be motivated to go through anymore.

          I wanna say thanks to all those I met in the game, I had some truely great times and I wish you all well.

          When I think about having lost my character and all that I put into it im pleased to say im not feeling down about it, I left the game at the right time for me.

          I will be logging on tonight with my mules, have loads of stuff on them which might as well go to others, one in each country, mostly just loads of stuff which I didnt yet get full stacks of, lots of low to mid level equipment on another.

          This is definetely a tough situation, I was going to just disable the account like Mihki and Mahlory but even though I think I could have got back into it at some point the time spent was already many many many many times more than I could ever have seen myself playing a game and got a huge amount of entertainment from it all.

          I will add this though: the Return to Vanadiel Part 2 starts in June so you never know, maybe I should make a mule to just hold my old character name for me just in case.
          Last edited by mikewl; 24-05-2005, 11:35.


            You're probably right not to feel sad about it, I mean the good times you had will always be there whether the character is or not... but it is certainly a shame that you've drawn the curtain on the game. I think 2 further expansions were mentioned at E3 so there's a lot of life left in it, but if you feel you've reached the end of your enjoyment then fair enough. You will be missed! (christ it's like talking at a funeral lol)


              Sorry to see you go Wedge.

              The decision was yours, and it's probably just as well that you don't regret deleting your character (I would).

              See you around, and take care bud.



                  I'm very sorry to see you go dude. Thanks for the help you gave me and the adventures we took part in! I will always remember you arriving in Bastok to give me the Rargh! pearl on my first night (also you taking on the Sea Horror single handedly on the ferry while I layed dead on the deck!!!)



                    Ok, im not done yet.

                    Email has been sent to support requesting my character back.

                    Hopefully they can do this.

                    Talk about stress I dont need right now lol.


                      Let this be a lesson to all of you, impulse decisions are not a good idea!


                        ^^ The problem is part of me was sure about it, I dont know, just keep changing my mind and cant decide on it.


                          erm, WTF is going on here?


                            Originally posted by talizker
                            Thanks for the offer Hic but you maybe right - our NM has some nasty AOE attacks...! What are you up to in game right now? My BLM is still 30 if you fancy a bit of company doing anything.
                            Indeed, Tsing did tell me yesterday alvo that I was best off out of it ... did you find the hole in the end??

                            I will let you know when I take the white mage out to party in Garliage Citadel if you fancy boosting the blm a bit. Right now I'm just getting clothcraft to 30 (reached 28 last night) then I'll be spending some more gil on weapons and spells for my 25 red mage and putting her on an airship to Kazham. When she reaches 30 I'll be improving my white mage kit and heading out to Garliage.


                              Originally posted by vwilsonuk
                              did you find the hole in the end??
                              What's this hole I keep hearing about, i don't remember any hole? lol Sounds 'dubious'.


                                Originally posted by mikewl
                                ^^ The problem is part of me was sure about it, I dont know, just keep changing my mind and cant decide on it.
                                Dude! I hope you get this sorted out.

