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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Well AF2 is well and truely in progress I've got my leggings and I think I've just got to find another guy in South Sandoria. Once again help turned up in the form of a rather helpful MNK who deceided to prove a point to the BLM and solo the NM. Rather impressive, managed to find the pool no problems and caught the fish 3rd try.

    Unfortunately failed to get very much further last night as some inconsiderate scousers decided to play out the most astonishing game of football I've seen in years. I only hope the Wedensday can give me the same reult on Sunday and get us 1 step closer to top flight football.

    All I can sat though is Obtained: Gallant Leggings

    The next one though I beleive is the worst for me, another trip to Eldieme Necropolis this time for a coffer key. The time has come though to get to level 53 before I take that one on.

    Also decied I'm going to get the tele-scrolls for Bastok and Sandy with the mules in the respective cities. They seem easy enough to get with a little bit of effort and some sneak oil and prism powder. Time to cash in for some money


      I'm also going to need a coffer key for the necropolis it seems. Don't suppose they drop off Lichs too? That'd be nice since Talizker still needs to kill them as well. Not likely I suppose.

      As long as I get my AF3 logged I don't mind waiting until 60 to go after my coffer keys - you can't wear all the gear until then anyway and I'm sure it'd be much easier at that stage. Saw another blm shouting about a Davoi key, which is another of my least favourite places ><


        Give me a shout when you guys want to head to Eldieme Necropolis. If we can take care of three things in one all the better! Will try to push towards 50 while waiting for a suitable time for us all to go. I go on Holiday for two weeks on June 4th so hopefully we can do much of this stuff before then as you guys are likely to be pushing 60 when I get back :P


          Originally posted by talizker
          you guys are likely to be pushing 60 when I get back :P
          Not a chance! Not for me anyway. I don't want to move on from 50 until I have more gil, and ideally not until the next CoP mission is out of the way.

          However a few more levels would help us survive the necropolis as well! Hmmm, what to do.


            It's possible that I'll be somewhere around there, my plan is to get each AF peice as I need it so now I'm aiming for 53 then I'll got for the Eldieme coffer key. I think that drops off tougher mobs than the liches though in a similar area so we could cover off both bases. Will probably go in as a skill up pt and grab anyone that'll come, the necropolis is horrible.

            I'm just about sorting my gil out now so I'll be ready to push on and the bonus is now all my new armour is free, even if it will be a pain to get! Think my galllant gear will last me till 70 when I'll need my adaman kit and then on for the Koenig kit.

            Personally I wouldn't mind doing an ENM Dem and maybe a Mea right now just to level and get my hands on an easy 3k for each. Not sure on hics plans but if we could convince her and lay our hands on 2 rangers then we could pick up 6k tonight easily. Wonder if Jsttrx and Princesblade are busy?

            As for the Distant Beliefs quest I was kind of waiting for hic to hit 40 and then go and do that and Riverne Site #A01 in one hit. Think it may be one for a Sunday the Distant Beliefs shout up an alliance in Jeuno and go when we have around 12 or 14. Not sure what time Tal could join us if we picked a convenient day, we could either post on here or drop you a text or something when we're set?
            Last edited by Tsingtao; 26-05-2005, 09:43.


              Could I just ask a favor of Darwock and Tsing. Please, please, please, don't do the Shadowlord without me! Before my hols, after my hols, this year, next year, I don't mind - as long as we do it together


                Heheh, as if you needed to ask! I only went and did 5-1 cos I thought you were calling it quits.

                Tsing remember that Vanicent and Rarehero need to get through chapter 1 of CoP, once they have done that I figured we would all be taking a crack at the next chapter as a group... that's what I was waiting for anyway.
                Last edited by Darwock; 26-05-2005, 10:22.


                  Shadowlord I can wait for, I can get us some help with 5-1 I think but all we really need is a MNK and a tank and bunch of healers. Given we have most of those bases covered all we really need is a MNK or 2. We could pick a night next week for 5-1, maybe Monday and get that one done with you Tal?

                  Ok I'm good with that, will give hic chance to level up as well. I may level ranger to do the promyvions with those 2 unless they have it. Otherwise we'll end up with 3 tanks and a lack of DD. Rare should be able to tank them both that way I can push up our DD numbers. Has Wedgemoon comleted his promyvions as well?

                  I'll look at taking ranger out a bit over the next few weeks, mines 10 right now so I reckon it wouldn't be to hard for me to get it up there. Suppose I could raise SMN as well but I have avatars as yet ^^

                  Anyways what do you think of an ENM blast starting at 9 tonight if tal can get on? Wouldn't mind fighting the 3rd floor NM as well if we see and start getting maps for everyone, I'd like to make ENMs a weekly jaunt for xp that's fun and friendly, save all that LFP and though 6k for 2 hours isn't amazing it's good enough and most of all gauranteed near as damn it ^^
                  Last edited by Tsingtao; 26-05-2005, 10:35.


                    I'm game for that, but not if ENMs require as much support gear as the regular Promys! My finances just won't stretch to stocking up on hi-ethers etc right now.


                      Nah I did an ENM Dem for the first time a week or so again, just ran to the top of the spire slaughtered the boss and had just one death in the BCNM. There's no xp loss in the BCNM so you just raise the person before triggering the treasure and they get there 3k to.

                      The boss I would say is about half as tough as the main one, has about half the HP. I did it WAR/NIN at the insistance of the party ft: and basically tanked without Shihei because I forgot to use them half the time and the other half got interupted. Used basic food for the job and nothing else, no meds or regen juice.
                      If we could get 2 rangers in it would be easy, be nice when hic hits 36 and we can just tele to each crag.


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        Tsing remember that Vanicent and Rarehero need to get through chapter 1 of CoP.
                        Chapter 1 is the Promyvion areas, isn't it?

                        If so, then I'm 1/3 of the way there. I'll do another area ASAP once I continue playing.


                          Yup you cleared promyvion-dem with me if I remember rightly. The others are much tougher but I enjoyed them all the same. Well apart from hola, I may have cried had we lost again!

                          If I remember rightly I still have 2 animas in my mog house, a psycho and a terro.


                            Originally posted by Vanicent
                            Chapter 1 is the Promyvion areas, isn't it?

                            If so, then I'm 1/3 of the way there. I'll do another area ASAP once I continue playing.
                            if your doing a promey, i still have gear for my rng/pld/war so i willing help as i pretty much got nothing important happening (just leveling subs and making gil)


                              I still need to do all 3 promies

                              I'm amazed at how little of this game I've actually seen since having owned it for about 2 years now. I still can't settle on a permanent job either, which is probably holding me back. Not sure whether or not I want to take thf further than 47 simply because of the hours of waiting involved for an invite. Farming does help pass the time, but I feel that if I'm not sat waiting in Jeuno then people tend to ignore me. Seeking as a blm however and up goes the flag and within 10 minutes I have 4 people asking me to join their groups - this wouldn't be an issue for me if I wasn't so hideously poor ft:


                                I wish it was like that for me as blm!

                                Lots of people who still need promyvion then, in which case I'll step out of it until Chapter 2 comes around. I'll be there if a summoner is needed though.

