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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Hey bargpuss not seen you online for a while how's ita ll going, say hello when you're on next. Have you migrated to the new LS?

    For me today I managed to get goldsmithing to 18, alchemy to 33 and paladin to 53. Not a bad day all in all.


      Thanks to Bayan and Darwock for coming with me, Daragon and Akashi into Eldieme Necropolis last night in the search for Ancient Papyrus for our Genkai 1. We had 66% luck in that we got 2 drops - unfortunately due to Tals annoyingly bad lotting I didn't get mine! Going to head back on Wednesday night and hopefully I can get it sorted then.

      I think Wednesday will be my last night for a couple of weeks as I head off on Holiday at the weekend. If anyone has anything fun to do tonight give me a shout!


        Next time I go in I'll remember to sub red mage >< thanks for your patience with all the casting of sneak.


          Originally posted by Darwock
          Next time I go in I'll remember to sub red mage >< thanks for your patience with all the casting of sneak.
          Was thinking about this, your pulls with Carbuncle were needed so it was probably the best option anyway. At least as we have got to go back I can take my clay for the Batallia monument


            Good point tal. Anyway at lunch time there I was browsing some level 50 gear on Jeuno auction house.. dagnabbit I want some sly gauntlets! And an intellect torque! Would give me nice int boosts and reduce my reliance on the wisdom rings, so I could wear a sorceror's ring instead. Just when I think I've got my major purchases out of the way along comes a couple more, lol. Trouble is there have only been 3 recorded sales of either bit of equipment :-(

            Sly gauntlets sold each time at 500K and the torque sold at 10K, then 1 million, then 77,777... crazy pricing. Not that I have the gil for it right now anyway, but judging by the infrequency of sales I might have to try and discover where these bits of kit come from and hunt them down myself.
            Last edited by Darwock; 31-05-2005, 12:06.


              Oh man... quick google and I didn't even have to open the link - both those items drop off a 3 man BCNM 50. Have I told tsingtao and talizker lately how great they both are?


                Originally posted by Darwock
                Oh man... quick google and I didn't even have to open the link - both those items drop off a 3 man BCNM 50. Have I told tsingtao and talizker lately how great they both are?
                You certainly have

                BCNM50 - Yes Please!


                  Feeling as appreciated as I do right now I'm sure you could cajole me into the BCNM 50. Sorry I missed the Eldieme run last night, had I known you were going down there I would have come with you. Unfortunately I don't think I can make it on tonight but hopefully with just you needing it it shouldn't be so tough.

                  Anyway while we're giving the big up to each otehr I'd like to give a word of thanks to Bayan for saving what was left of Rargh and starting to grow it again. Great work mate and I'm sure I speak for all the members of the shell when I say a big thankyou for making the effort.

                  Once tal is back from his holidays I think it may be time for the Shadowlord!

                  Akashi have you done 5-1 yet, monks are most handy in that BCNM.


                    Hi Tsingtao ,not on the new linkshell as i'm another server now,major pc f~@k up!! A re-install e.t.c. I started again just as the last linkshell finished.
                    Still enjoying the game,have'nt touched wow for two weeks now since i started putting more time into the game.My only big problem with the game is the manual doesn't really give you many pointers in how to play.Luckily i managed to get a hold of the strategy guide,just to help me get going.But after my early attempts at playing the game i'm glad i've stuck with it.


                      Dude, if you have any regrets about the server you are on I would suggest recreating your character sooner rather than later - seriously. Tsing was initially created on my POL ID and had to re-start when his copy arrived about a month later, and that was painful enough. If you're still level 9 war a group of us could get you up to that on Seraph in about 2-3 hours if you wanted.

                      Aside from that I'm glad you're enjoying the game. The best way to learn how to play is to observe the parties you're in - the ones that work well and the ones that don't. You can read all the guides there are but they won't mean anything until you've seen it in action. Also note that almost all of them get something major wrong! I personally don't think the Brady guide is so bad, but it can send you're ideas about a job spinning in the wrong direction. And anything any one individual says has to be considered in the context of all the people who have given you suggestions. If all you know is that any party will contain damage dealing, healing, tank to hold hate, enfeebling and enhancing, that will get you off to a good start. Just see what the gaps are in your party and do your best to fill them according to your job.

                      Hope that helps


                        Just about to start another character using the world pass.Be there soon ,should have the same name bagpuss or bagpuss66.Hope to see you all.


                          Oops need a world pass as the one i was given before does'nt work!!


                            Sorry mate only just seen this, Tsing will sort you out with one tomorrow morning ^^


                              Thanks to everyone who's helped get my Ancient Papyrus the last two nights! We finally got the drop around 12.30am tonight!

                              Here a couple of screen shots showing tonights action - its great to see a full Rargh! lineup again


                                Last night was ****ing boss. To me, it felt like old RARGH and having Vanicent return to game after a few months off due to exams was awesome.

                                Well it was old RARGH! except:

                                Bayan was an uber RNG decked out in relic/god gear (Kirin's Osode? - I DO hate you )

                                Tobal was a mega ass kicking SAM who used SATA on swish looking weapon skills (Tachi: Gekko is the business)

                                Wedgemoon was a BRD/drk

                                I hope plans for ENM are still on for tonight and if so I will put my name forward early to get involved. Tobal has kindly offered to lend me some gear at level 30 to enable me to come as THF. I have:

                                Nadrs (Off Hand weapon)
                                Chakram (Ranged)
                                Emp Pin (Head)
                                Dodge Earring (Ear)
                                Custom M Gloves (Hands)
                                Nomad's Mantle (Back)
                                Winged Boots (Feet)

                                Ces' RNG also has Noct Brais+1 which he has kindly offered to let me use (DEX+2) so all I need really is a Dagger and body piece but obviously if people have some spare Balance Rings and a earring/belt I can use then I can be fully equipped.

                                Can't wait guys

