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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Originally posted by vwilsonuk
    It certainly does. What level do you think would be necessary for that Wedge?
    Its lvl 40 cap I think, a single party at lvl 40 should be fine, think thats what it was when I did it before.

    Also he sometimes fishes up items, not usually anything great but its still something.


      Incredible in game moment last night.

      Before my hiatus from FFXI I used to camp the following NM on a semi-regular basis in Korroloka Tunnel.

      AK details here:

      He's a pretty easy kill for me solo but has absolutely insane defence levels so the fight takes a while with me chipping away slowly at his HP. Anyway before my break I must have killed about 7-8 times but not got the drop I wanted (especially heartbreaking when you consider it would sometimes take him 5 hours to respawn).

      The drop he has isn't particularly valuable. In fact apart from dropping a decent amounnt of gil, the only thing worth camping him for is this sword:

      As you can see it is Rare/EX so it cannot be sold on AH so the NM is only usually camped by people wanting the sword to use. For me, it caught my eye as being a good off hand weapon when I level my THF again. The design just looks so damn good I had to have it.

      However, logged on yesterday (I even managed to get home for work early so shouldn't even have been in game that time) and whilst chatting to Apathye (who has also camped this NM without success) headed over to Korrloka Tunnel with the intention of farming. However I pased by his spawn point and he was up. In fact a BLM was running towards him but I luckily had a Dart equipped and got the claim.

      The fight took ages as usual but when he finally died there it was in my chat log.

      Rarehero finds a Nadrs on Cargo Crab Colin.
      Rarehero obtains Nadrs.

      I was so happy. I sent Apa so many tells but I was clearly giddy with excitement and was barely able to type coherent sentences.

      Now all I need is a pair of Leaping Boots and I can go back to my THF and level that instead of NIN.


        GJ rare!

        I keep forgeting about the rare/ex items in this world mainly becuase inthe world of samurai's all our rare/ex weapons are +65 weapons and need Alliances of 65+ against the Ancient Goobue for a pee poor drop rate ;_;

        The only rare/ex im realyl interested in is that on in CoP siteA that drops the rings and the V.Sallet


          Yeah congrats Rare. What level is your thief anyway?

          Shattered this morning after Promyvion giving us a nice 'welcome back' and putting us through hell on the way to the spire last night. Having a party member lose connection and regularly stop dead in the middle of packs of the empty does not make for smooth sailing! Still we made it in the end and beat the ENM-Dem boss, so nice rewards ^^

          It's great and I look forward to the next one but I can't see that as a viable replacement for regular xp partying. For starters if you relied on it you'd never get any chance to keep your skills capped.


            Originally posted by Darwock
            It's great and I look forward to the next one but I can't see that as a viable replacement for regular xp partying. For starters if you relied on it you'd never get any chance to keep your skills capped.
            Yeah, I'm not convinced. From what I'd heard it was a lot easier to do the ENM and that Dem was a doddle to get up, but clearly not. Was the first time I've managed to use reraise and not got killed again within the next five minutes though, so that was good.

            Guess it could be handy if you had a job you were really struggling to get through a level or two.


              Never thought it would replace normal xp parties but would be nice to sort out how to use these best. Asked Toxicforce if he wanted to come last night but he's part of a static that does them every 5 days for xp so might ask him what they're doing. I suspect the answer maybe they have a butt load of rangers ^^

              Don't think IO've surrendered on these just yet, will have a think about what we can do. To be honest last night was bad as well, I've never had to check every MR on every floor before to get up the spire.


                Wasn't meaning to imply I don't want to do them... just that they are not the fantastic way of levelling up they could have been. Also the thought of doing them every 5 days would be more than I could handle, I love Promyvion at the moment but going in that regularly would kill the fun pretty quick I reckon!

                I mean last night's struggles were good fun, but if the trip to the Spire was something we'd done a hundred times and things went badly, we'd all have been really pi$$ed off rather than... enjoying the challenge

                I do at least want to clear Mea and Holla but after that I think I'd prefer to do it on an ad-hoc basis.


                  Would be nice to go back and get the maps, but funnily enough it was following our big run of Promyvions that I seemed to almost stop playing for a month ... its great to feel tested and to be put in situations that demand good teamwork and reaction speed that can only really be achieved by knowing your job so well its second nature, but getting to bed at 1am and losing most of the night for anything else once a week would put me off. It becomes more like graft than a game/challenge/pleasure. And 3.5 hours is probably over half of the time I have in the working days of the week for this game anyway.


                    Grats Rare! That Fly In Riverne Site #Aoo1 Tobal Is Actually 10 Flies
                    That Link The Moment You Hit Any Of The 10 =_=
                    But Each Can Drop All Of The Items :S
                    So With A Decent Setup And/Or Reraises You Can Do It XD

                    Also That Great Katana Is Dropped In Bosta Obx Under Sandy


                      i killed those flys few times, 4 smn 1 pld and 1 rdm and u can kill np. 4 smn pull out avatar, pld target 1 of hte fly, all smn rdy astral flow, pld voke, once all 10 fly are swarming the pld use invcible, all 4 smn astral flow, rdm chainspell and heal pld coz the fly will start to cast aero 2 on pld. then death to the fly =)


                        Originally posted by Bayan
                        Grats Rare! That Fly In Riverne Site #Aoo1 Tobal Is Actually 10 Flies
                        That Link The Moment You Hit Any Of The 10 =_=
                        But Each Can Drop All Of The Items :S
                        So With A Decent Setup And/Or Reraises You Can Do It XD

                        Also That Great Katana Is Dropped In Bosta Obx Under Sandy
                        Shii sound nasty to beat... other RARE/EX onthe dream list

                        Tonbo-Giri - polearm, SAM/DRG only with +agi,enmity and Double Att
                        Murasame - GK,means beating the Ash Dragon
                        Ushikirimaru - GK, +hp, str, enmity,acc
                        Ridill - Swrd, im sure everyone knows about this

                        Originally posted by Toxicforce
                        i killed those flys few times, 4 smn 1 pld and 1 rdm and u can kill np. 4 smn pull out avatar, pld target 1 of hte fly, all smn rdy astral flow, pld voke, once all 10 fly are swarming the pld use invcible, all 4 smn astral flow, rdm chainspell and heal pld coz the fly will start to cast aero 2 on pld. then death to the fly =)

                        looks like im levleing a SMN then ^^;


                          lads, r u guys done with papy run in eldieme? if not please let me know when ur going back again. this time im coming, im almost 50 and a monk so it might help with punching those lich's face. hoping to hit 50 this sunday and on monday we might be able to do it. let me know so i can come



                            Well totally non-ffxi related post...

                            Yesterday was a day and a half, up at 09:00 with a call frommates on the way to get me to head to Cardiff. 09:45 they turn up and after a quick cup of tea we're on our way to the Millenium Stadum. Turn up at Bristol Parway around 12 just in time to have missed one train and it be an hour for the next one, we may have even made it had last night thai curry not played me up around Michael Wood services forcing a quick pit stop.

                            Anyway we managed to get ourselves some breakfast, probably a good thing the guys had left Sheffiled before 08:00. Well eventually the train turned up and it was on to the last leg to Cardiff. Got there and the place was a sea of blue and white not seen anything like it for years with the owls. The 3 of us managed to lose everyone else we were with so just opted to get in the ground. Was an amazing site, about 42,000 wednesday fans there to around 19,000 of the monkey hangers.

                            The game itself was the sual fare from the Wednesday, by far the better team but never killed it. By the half 1-0 up, by 12 mins to go 1-2 down, then came the great escape a penalty won and a sending off for hatlepool. MacLean slots home from the spot in his first match since around Christmas. Then we're bossing the game!

                            Into extra time and Wednesday are in control, then comes the inevitable we score. This signals an attempt to defend a lead, something we are milanesque in our ineptitude at. So 25 minutes of cold sweat and panic before talbot settles it with seconds to go. For the last 30 secs we can actually enjoy the game!

                            The return home was a mare, over an hour to get to the train, then it was the wrong train, trying to get a cab t the the right station and thenthe long haul home. All I can say is who cares there, magic day that will live in my memory forever. Got a mate buying the local sheffield rag for me to day which will be framed with the ticket. One day it will go on the wall beside the Munich ticket for the england gerrmany 5-1 win along with that morning Munich paper.

                            Today I am happy, very happy that is all!

                            To the premiership...


                              Well I've already managed to get rid of the 3000xp points we won from the ENM last Thursday. :-(

                              Having spent the evening searching for the Castle Zvahl keep and then looking for the objective of my quest I've come to the conclusion FFXI has been mislabelled as an RPG - it's not, it's survival horror ^^ Only in my case I tend not to survive much. Three deaths tonight. Damn that's a scary place! Exploration is made harder by the fact you have to drop invisible every 2 minutes so you can open the gates/doors.

                              All the demons on the slopes of the crevasse are now DC to me, but the ones in the keep go up to very tough. I think I might have to kill a few of them so a few more levels are probably in order. Good news is that I used escape so much that I've now memorised the route to the keep off by heart ^^


                                Anyone reading this thread who have not started playing should.
                                Okay the rest of the guys here are way ahead of me,level 9 warrior.
                                But i've had more fun playing this than wow,as for everquest 2 i started that and soon cancelled my account.Full of dull people and you need a super computer to run it!!
                                FF xi is best enjoyed when in a party the only downside i've found to this is that the games not worth playing early in the day unless you have mates playing it.It's tough to play but more rewarding,and once you get the hang of the interface a more enjoyable game than any other online game i've played.

