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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    ^^ ok 2 down 4 to go XD


      I'm game


        I don't mean to sound pushy guys, but I can't continue to level without completing G1. I spent an hour last night in Jeuno trying to ask around for a group to help me with it and no luck. If at all possible, could we arrange for a visit to Garlaige and Crawler's Nest either tonight or tomorrow?
        I'm done with farming for the time being as I've just purchased all the BLM gear that I hope will take me to 60 (other than spells) so I really need to get back to the grind.



          not sure if im on tonight, ECW pay per view i missed last night is repeated and it looks like drinking session tonight

          tomorrow would best, as i really wanna hit lvl68 if im on tonight.


            How much does this cost monthly with the UK version?

            I have the US version and im just woundering if there is much difference cost wise?


              Its the same price per month regardless. Only your location in the world determines whether you pay less or more.

              On a completely unrelated note, I have just completed G1 after joining a party who were also after the items so obviously I will no longer be requiring assistance probably until I hit 55
              Last edited by Daragon; 13-06-2005, 23:01.


                Exactly the same. UK customers are charged however much the US dollars is in pounds at that moment in time.


                  Originally posted by Tobal
                  not sure if im on tonight, ECW pay per view i missed last night is repeated and it looks like drinking session tonight .
                  I didn't have a clue what were talking about when you posted this (ECW? I thought they broke years ago etc etc).

                  However just tonight I got you and saw that One Night Stand was on Sky Sports 1. Only problem...


                  Please tell me you recorded it or something. I really want to see the whole (f'n ^_^) show.


                    Okay, this game is seriously flawed when TEN HOURS IN, I haven't left the fields outside San'Doria(sp). How many ****ing rabbits have I killed?

                    If Squenix want to put people off sticking with the game, they've done a good job of it. Where are the amazing looking locals from the website and the badass monsters? It could at least give you a teaser of what to expect later on.

                    I'll still slog at it though. Nowt better to do.


                      This isn't a game you can just run into and expect to know everything there is from the outset. As far as mmorpgs go, its the most in-depth and complex one I've ever played (coming from a UO, SWG, WOW, EQ player).
                      You might want to check out some of the newbie guides on Also, this is one of those games where you're really going to need to read the instruction manual if you haven't already. Something that you need to take particular notice of while you're hunting is the /check system - basically it rates your opponent one of the following and awards you with exp depending on it's difficulty:

                      1. Too weak to be worthwhile (worth 0 xp, regardless of your level)
                      2. Easy Prey (Bare minimum exp about 25-30 pts max)
                      3. Decent Challenge (50-75 pts max)
                      4. Tough (100 exp pts)
                      5. Very Tough (125-150 pts)
                      6. Incredibly Tough (175-200 pts)
                      7. Impossible to Gauge (Notorious monster rating - much harder than the average monster of its type with no exp reward but a chance at a unique and in most cases highly valuable item drop)

                      At your level, you should be fighting Decent Challenges (probably nothing higher) until around 13 or so when you join a party. Incase you don't already know, you can examine a monster by selecting the "check" option which is one of the commands that appear as you are about to engage something. One final thing to note, only Beastmasters can effectively solo DCs and higher past level 15.


                        Edandersen stick with it,i've got to lvl 10 and the game really opens up.
                        Yes it's a hard slog at the beginning,but keep going it's only now the game is starting to open up to me.I felt the same that i was'nt getting anywhere but there will be a moment it starts to fall into place.It does have a steeper learning curve than wow or any other game ive played but its more satisfying when you complete quests missions,and the party side of the game really is great fun.


                          Sh!t man, 10 hours is nothing, that's a drop in the ocean. You don't have to just kill things by the way, there's lots of stuff you can do. Most of the early quests don't even require leaving the city.

                          Also I still haven't seen all the locations in the game after over a year of playing. That's one of the reasons why progress is so rewarding.

                          Your teaser of what to expect later on comes when you do the final rank 2 mission. That's also when you 'officially' become an adventurer.. until then you're just a bob-a-job man!
                          Last edited by Darwock; 14-06-2005, 08:20.


                            Just need to be pedantic for a second...

                            Originally posted by Daragon
                            4. Tough (100 exp pts)
                            That's 'Even Match' for 100 points

                            Originally posted by Daragon
                            7. Impossible to Gauge (Notorious monster rating - much harder than the average monster of its type with no exp reward
                            You do get experience for killing NMs. If they are around the same level range as you, you get normal xp levels. It's just impossible to know what that level range is since they are all 'impossible to gauge'.. so most people will only defeat NMs that are way below them in terms of strength.

                            I got 18xp for killing Bubbly Bernie, lol. And I was narrowly defeated by the Buburimboo and the Ahru so no doubt they would have given xp if I had won.


                              Originally posted by C'
                              I didn't have a clue what were talking about when you posted this (ECW? I thought they broke years ago etc etc).

                              However just tonight I got you and saw that One Night Stand was on Sky Sports 1. Only problem...

                              I MISSED THE FIRST TWO HOURS OF IT!

                              Please tell me you recorded it or something. I really want to see the whole (f'n ^_^) show.
                              It was dammed ace, I hope you caught the awesome vs tanaka match, which had some crazy ass bumps and crap load of shoot interviews


                                Originally posted by Daragon
                                This isn't a game you can just run into and expect to know everything there is from the outset. As far as mmorpgs go, its the most in-depth and complex one I've ever played (coming from a UO, SWG, WOW, EQ player).
                                You might want to check out some of the newbie guides on Also, this is one of those games where you're really going to need to read the instruction manual if you haven't already. Something that you need to take particular notice of while you're hunting is the /check system - basically it rates your opponent one of the following and awards you with exp depending on it's difficulty:

                                1. Too weak to be worthwhile (worth 0 xp, regardless of your level)
                                2. Easy Prey (Bare minimum exp about 25-30 pts max)
                                3. Decent Challenge (50-75 pts max)
                                4. Tough (100 exp pts)
                                5. Very Tough (125-150 pts)
                                6. Incredibly Tough (175-200 pts)
                                7. Impossible to Gauge (Notorious monster rating - much harder than the average monster of its type with no exp reward but a chance at a unique and in most cases highly valuable item drop)

                                At your level, you should be fighting Decent Challenges (probably nothing higher) until around 13 or so when you join a party. Incase you don't already know, you can examine a monster by selecting the "check" option which is one of the commands that appear as you are about to engage something. One final thing to note, only Beastmasters can effectively solo DCs and higher past level 15.
                                Except when I "check" Goblins they immediately come and twat me.

