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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I reckon you'd be useful Darwock, the things a level 55 mob and supposedly dangerous but hell should be good fun. I'm just looking for as much support as I can get. You'll need sneak and invis up there I'd guess


      Forgot earlier but I must give a special shoutout here to Super-Taru Clothcrafter Nyoneme.

      As well as my Scorpion Harness, Promyvion is another aim of mine at this time which means I need some level 30 gear.

      Some items I already have. The level 28 katana Fukuro will make a great off hand weapon (and I got it for free for a quest ages back but have yet to use it). Emporer Hairpin is, natch, my headgear of choice and my Dodge Earring will occupy one ear slot. Federation Tekko and Nomad?s Mantle have been with me for over a year which will make perfect hand and back slot armours and my Winged Boots will be feet armour (if I sell them for Harness I will camp/rebuy to get them back).

      One of the most expensive pieces for Promyvion would be a Federation Gi (body piece). I had one a year back but sold it on for Jujitsu Gi. On Sunday I was clearing some stuff out of my mogsafe to sell on. I had a complete set of Mercenary gear which I kept hold of for level 20 cap events (such as Eco-Warrior) but I rarely use it so decided to sell it. However I remembered that the Mercenary Gi could be used to synth Windurstian Gi and if done by a high level clothcrafter it may HQ into a Federation Gi. I sent Nyoneme a /tell on Sunday asking what he would need for the synth and it turned out one of the ingredients I already had and another was easy to obtain. I sent them over to Nyo and he said he would hold onto them until 7pm last night when the moon/day combination was best for HQ results.

      Well, this would be a crappy story if he never pulled it off and luckily he did the business and I know have a Federation Gi again. He saved me a small bundle of gil and turned an item that I was never going to use again into a premier piece of equipment for my job in Promyvion.

      Thanks man.


        Originally posted by Tsingtao
        I reckon you'd be useful Darwock, the things a level 55 mob and supposedly dangerous but hell should be good fun. I'm just looking for as much support as I can get. You'll need sneak and invis up there I'd guess
        Getting around in Xarcabard and Castle Zvahl is 2nd nature to me now

        Actually I sense an opportunity to take advantage of the situation and get my AF2 finished off at the same time... I'll go back to the Keep tonight and if I can find out what needs done beforehand, maybe I can hijack your party after dark spark lol.


          Sounds good, if you can find out what you need to do I'm sure we can sort it. May well have a few folks around, a couple of the guys I know from ArchAngelz (RIP) have offered to help out up there.


            RIP? Did ArchAngelz disband?

            P.S. just logged on and I notice there's 3hrs downtime tomorrow from 10 o'clock PDT
            Last edited by Darwock; 14-06-2005, 17:18.


              Originally posted by Darwock
              RIP? Did ArchAngelz disband?

              P.S. just logged on and I notice there's 3hrs downtime tomorrow from 10 o'clock PDT
              Yep noticed that yesterday,better get some play in today then!!
              I'll just catch up with some wow playing while it's offline,not as good but it'll do!!


                EAnderson ... 10 hours is a lot of time to anyone who is new to Final Fantasy XI, I would agree!! I think my play time is now about 25 days and I have three jobs to level 30 and have been playing about a year. It took me about three weeks to get my very first job to level 10, and I've learned an awful lot since! Its easy for those of us who have so much time in game under our belt to forget how tough it is for new starters who don't have a sub job, and I was amazed when I did get my sub just how much of a difference it makes. Sub job quest is level 18, btw.

                Of the low level slog I find 7-10 the worst, though the red wasn't as bad as the black or the white. You're still solo (so its a bit dull) but the xp just never comes fast enough. Food might help (I've never used it at these levels but am currently learning it does make a huge difference certainly higher up). How often are you taking deaths? When I was levelling WAR to 10 (subless) on my second character I got to a stage where almost every third or fourth fight I'd take a death, which was just soul destroying. I was taking on Decent Challenge high defence of Even Match (as I had been able to earlier) but it was one step forward and three steps back. One afternoon, about an hour before a server maintenance slot, I decided to try and get as much xp as I possibly could, taking slightly lower mobs - some getting 15xp, most about 25 - fight times v. short, recovery times short too, overall the xp per hour was better than I'd been getting before. If this is happening to you, it could be worth a thought.

                Also these days when I level a job 1-10 I usually try and find a craft I'd like to do and take the opportunity to farm a mob that drops materials at the same time as I level, makes it feel a bit more worthwhile.

                I keep looking for you online when I'm on - if I catch you I'll pop over and give you a boost. If you quit before you reach level 10 you'll never really have played the game.


                  Originally posted by Tsingtao
                  Sounds good, if you can find out what you need to do I'm sure we can sort it.
                  OK I fannied about in Castle Zvahl again, in the end I asked a high level BLM if it was a random drop I needed and he confirmed it. The locked door I found previously is indeed where I need to be, and the key drops off demons.

                  Was optimistic for a second as a lot of the demons check as DC, but he said he got it off the nastier demons in the low level areas (which check IT++ to me.). That doesn't mean it *won't* drop off the easier ones, but that doesn't seem likely.

                  Would need a carbuncle pull to fight the IT ones safely anyway so I'll probably sub SMN tomorrow just in case we do have a go, and bring oil/powder for getting to the dark spark fight.

                  I'm really not a fan of these quests where you need an unspecified item that only drops off high level monsters that you would never be fighting anyway. Unless you have a group of very tolerant friends prepared to fight anything and everything for hours on end, the only way to find out what you need is to look it up. That sucks. ><


                    If anybody is interested, I've started a LiveJounral for my FF exploits :S

                    lupinebismarck - the new blog in LiveJournal. There should be new interesting records soon.


                      Yup ArchAnglez died a spectacular death, most of the LS is now part of MaverickHunters. Unfortunately the level requirement is 65 to get in there so I'm out of it for a bit but at least there's a spot being kept warm in there

                      As for the maint most anyoing but that's life, they seem to know when I actually want to get something done. it'll be back at 8 so it's not to bad, at least Cow and folks will be on by then.


                        when and how long is the server down for today?




                            I'll be ready for whenever you want to go Tsing, my HP is in Xarcabard so I'll just warp up and catch you there.

                            After some thought I'm not going to worry about my AF2 for a while, if the demons were checking any less than IT++ it'd be different, but I'd rather get to a point where I can realistically fight them with help, rather than have them killed for me. I'll probably go back nearer 55.

                            Incidentally when are you guys off on holiday?


                              Originally posted by C'
                              Ah bugger, when I did the calc I missed that it was PDT, thought it was EDT for some crazy reason.

                              Damn ... well, for Tsing at least, I'm at Japanese until 8:30 on Wednesdays anyway.


                                About the BCNM's, slight problem with me on these, I only have enough seals for 1 BCNM60 or 40, I have already said to Apathye I would do the BCNM60 though so it would seem im out if there is a BCNM40

                                Ive not been on for about a week now, enjoying the weather alot spending insane amounts of money running my car going all over the place.

                                Also bought lots of games, some new and some old, for some reason though I always end up playing the old games and giving up quick on the new

                                I am still unsure about really playing FFXI properly again, to be honest I get anxiety panic attacks when I think about how long I have played it and how if I get back into it how much longer that could go on for.

                                Anyways I will be on Thursday for some BCNM if its still on.

