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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Im off work now untill Wednesday so I should have some time available to get ready for CoP.

    On other news, Rare and Tobal im not going to be on tonight, im going 360 hunting.

    So will have to pass on the next Mission tonight, sorry


      Anyone manage to get their XBox360 then?

      Last edited by vwilsonuk; 02-12-2005, 07:59.


        Originally posted by vwilsonuk
        Anyone manage to get their XBox360 then?

        hehehe, mine is safe and sound in Game waiting for me to find a few minutes to nip in and get it =D


          I was surprised to see queues in Glasgow when I went for my train this morning - including some poor kid's mum (I presume) stuck right at the back, she'll be lucky!

          I don't actually want one, so I'm alright!


            Well that's it, last nights lantern farming was a success with 2 drops being got. Talizker, Tobal, Mosley and I all have unlit lanterns now and we're ready for ZM4. Think this is going to be interesting we've got a nice mix that should mean a challenging fight. Partin set up is:

            66 PLD/WAR - Tsingtao
            73 SMN/WHM - Mosley
            75 SAM/??? - Tobal
            67 WAR/NIN - Kerushi
            60 RDM/BLM - Talizker
            60 BLM/SMN - Darwock

            The start time is Sunday 20:30 from Jeuno or as close as we can get everyone to gether and geared. If everyone could be there on time and with all their meds that would be a bonus.

            Any advice from anywhere would be welcome!
            Last edited by Tsingtao; 02-12-2005, 10:23.


              Surely we can't fail with a couple of 75ish people? My main concern is getting there alive, not that I know where we're going - just I know from when I went to fight Leviathan that we had a hell of a time in the temple/den.

              edit - I won't drop out if there's no alternative at this late stage but are there any other people who need it that could replace me? Looking at the line-up, I'm level 60 which is widely considered to be too low for this mission, so I predict I will have no meaningful input, and will be more or less a spectator while the high levels do the work - this is pretty much my number one problem with the game, and I don't want to exacerbate things. I hadn't realised we were going in with a party like that. Also I don't have a lantern so I'm more expendable.

              Of course this might have a level cap I don't know about..?
              Last edited by Darwock; 02-12-2005, 09:17.


                We can't really replace you, you an talizker are the pirme sleepers for the group without you we're stuffed pretty much. Guidelines for this I thought were melee 65+ mages 60+.

                Only possibility is if you can get Apathye to come with us.
                Last edited by Tsingtao; 02-12-2005, 10:25.


                  OK fair enough - just one thing more, you do realise I'm short of a Sleepga II? The lottery moogle hasn't dropped a million gil into my inbox lately


                    Originally posted by vwilsonuk
                    Anyone manage to get their XBox360 then?

                    Yup, been on a Mission to get me and a mate a 360 each, I had my preorder at HMV so I was ok but my mate didn't order one so we went down to Southampton at 6am this morning, got there to find about 10 people lining up outside, we waited it out and got my mate a core pack, there were only two left after he got his.

                    Then a short visit to HMV to pick mine up.

                    Not played any games yet, just messing around with the dashboard features


                      No worries my hope is that between you and talizker we can keep sleep stuck. Don't have any illusions here I think this one is going to be tough to say the least. Tobal and Mosley give us some serious firepower but we have no main healer and sleep may be hard to stick. The mobs we're fighting will use 2 hours and that means manfont, astral flow and perfect dodge, throw in throat stab for good measure and this won't be simple. A single screw up and I could be dead before we get anywhere in the fight, thats the reason we have 2 tanks in case I get wasted by any of the various nasties they have.

                      Think rare went in a pick up of mostly 70s and said it wasn't fun, enough fun for him not to come back again
                      Last edited by Tsingtao; 02-12-2005, 10:19.


                        Tonberries that manafont, that means uninterruptible ancient magic O_O

                        I might throw together some silencing potion as well just in case....

                        As for astral flow, is it the same as the Yagudo astral flow in that when they use it, the avatar appears instantly? (i.e .they don't need to summon and the attack comes straight away)? I have got no way at all of dealing with that, it wiped me out in the Balga contest and I'm pretty sure it would do the same here.
                        Last edited by Darwock; 02-12-2005, 10:27.


                          Think Stun will still interupt so I'll be hanging onto shield bash and flat blade for dear life. The other idea is to have mosley Astral Flow the mob to get it out of there quickly. Question is what to do with the SMN whether to save Tobals 2 hour for that or use that on the first mob. Was thinking of getting you and tal to 2 hour the first mob while I hold it with invincible. After that we have Kerushi's in reserve if things go wrong in some way...


                            as far as I know nothing*, not even stun will interrupt if manafont is active - which has saved my neck in the past

                            *disclaimer - apart from sleep and silence obviously
                            Last edited by Darwock; 02-12-2005, 10:40.


                              Not sure if people want to hear my thoughts but I?ll give them anyway. I honestly don?t know how well you are going to do. On the one hand your mages are very low, which in terms of support (i.e. healing, refresh etc) isn?t much of an issue but when the responsibility of them is to stick an enfeeble (i.e. Sleep and Stun) the issue of resists may come into play.

                              But on the other hand, you have a SMN73 and SAM75 which means you have damage by the bucketload. I can honestly see this one going either way.

                              I actually enjoyed the fight when I did it (just the hell in Den of Rancor beforehand was miserable) but our group was more balanced level-wise than yours. We had a NIN72, NIN70, BRD61 and a WHM, BLM and WAR each between 63-67. This setup was strong but obviously had nothing like the kind of DD potential you will be going with. Things were slower and the NIN72 got hit with a massive Everyone?s Rancor on the THF pretty early on, despite my pleas to have everyone erase hate beforehand. Things got a bit crazy when the SMN woke up before THF was dead and the elemental caused havoc toppling the BLM and almost finishing off the BRD. Had that happened we were likely done for.

                              I don?t think you?ll lose, you have too much DD for that, but should either Sleep fail to stick then you may have trouble.

                              EDIT: Tobal sent me a tell beforehand saying this BCNM can **** you over in a second. So obviously caution is advised. Throat Stab is probably main concern as it basically takes you down a small percentage of your HP (never kills outright). With a NIN tank this is not so much an issue as they have Utsusemi to absorb next few hits whilst Curing takes place but a PLD would not have this luxury.

                              I?ve never actually had hate after it though anyway. Not sure if the move erases hate (ala Sand Trap) or whether the damage dealt is so high that hate is lost as it would be normally.
                              Last edited by C'; 02-12-2005, 10:54.


                                has anyone got the paintbrush that we ened to enter the den? oh and by the way ... ya it is gonna be a tough battle ... but i was lucky ... only 2 hour that was activated was perfect dodge .. the order in killing the mobs is thd >> blm >> smn i think and the smn will already have its avatar out getting there is the main pain ... defenatly ... i think on my 2nd attempt we each ahd 1 death on the way there but lets hope none of us have that problem

