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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Ahhh, the auction house. Silly question, the crystals aren't stacking. I'm getting them killing my inventory at 1 at a time. How do I stack em?


      Originally posted by edandersen
      Ahhh, the auction house. Silly question, the crystals aren't stacking. I'm getting them killing my inventory at 1 at a time. How do I stack em?
      Triangle button (or "+" on numeric keypad) then choose "auto" to sort. They'll stack to 12. You can sort manually as well, if you're a masochist.


        I'll be online about 7pm tonight,i'll catch up and give you a hand.


          Great in game moment again yesterday, but this was of a more human nature as opposed to NM drop or other material possession related.

          Back in my early NIN days (over 12 months ago) I met a small RDM Taru by the name of Maitreriz when levelling in one of the Kazham jungles. I was invited one Sunday morning to a PT which he was in. He was quiet during the PT but things went quite well which made me feel pretty good as the day before I had been in a PT where I had tanked horribly and pretty left the PT saying I was crap. At the end of the PT with Maitreriz he sent me a /tell saying he was impressed with how I played and thought I did a really good job.

          Later on that week I went back for more levelling and got invited to another PT (by a player whose name began with Xiao who some of the older LS members may remember as being as mad as a bag of cats and was rather worryingly obsessed with me O_o) and when I arrived Maitreriz was there again although he was leader of his own group and asked me to join (Mihki and Mahlory was also in his PT) and I would liked to have done but I had already accepted an invite from the other group.

          After this we kept in regular contact. Much like Apathye these days, he kept me motivated during my lowest farming periods (although back then mining was my thing) and I even helped him out a few times camping the NM that drops the Moldavite Earring in Labyrinth of Onzozo (again, spookily, just like Apathye). He was also in a static with a NIN so was able to provide some advice regarding equipment decisions.

          When you consider that the majority of my in game contact is restricted to LS members, Maitreriz was one of few players that I became friends with.

          The around September/October last year he disappeared. I didn?t hear from him saying he was quitting but I did notice that he never seemed to be around. I spent a fair few weeks doing /sea all to see if he was around but I became resigned to the fact that he had quit.

          So months pass and I myself stop playing the game for a short while only to return refreshed and ready to try for my Scorpion Harness.

          So last night I log on and first of all start chatting with Kojima (edandersen) and head over to San d?Oria to get him linkpearled up (welcome ) then head back to Jeuno to decide where to farm. I do a search in Sanctuary of Zitah to see how many people were there. The list only contains 8 names but one halfway down stands out.


          I couldn?t believe my eyes. Not only was he back in the game but after leaving as a RDM63 he was now a RDM71 so clearly he had been back for some time. I fired of a /tell half expecting a ?who are you?" response either that he had forgot me or had sold the account to someone else.

          ?HOLY **** IT?S RAREHEEEEEERRRRROOOOOO? was the response.

          Turns out he did stop playing as he needed a break from the game but was only able to return when he had some more free time. Turns out he thought I had quit as we worked out that he had returned around the time I stopped playing and after a few /sea all results had failed to show me online he had presumed I had quit too.

          Anyway that?s my story for this Friday morning. Is good to have a familiar face back in the game.
          Last edited by C'; 10-06-2005, 08:47.


            nice story rare, i wish something eventful happened to me this week, managed only 1 party this week and that only lasted 1hr ;_;

            Wedge you on tonight? if so do you feel like hitting lvl68


              Nice one, there was a player I had a similar sort of relationship with, AnthonyL - we both were in our first ever party on the konchstat highlands, and our paths crossed through various circumstances (eco-warrior, sealed portal opening etc) many times after that, but he never shows up on my friend list anymore and hasn't done for around 6 months so I think he definitely cancelled.

              Just think, one day we'll all just be a bunch of names we used to know ^^


                Originally posted by Tobal
                nice story rare, i wish something eventful happened to me this week, managed only 1 party this week and that only lasted 1hr ;_;

                Wedge you on tonight? if so do you feel like hitting lvl68
                Tobal, I wont be on tonight, got to go to the pub tonight.


                  This is getting daft. My laptop used to cope with this game at my current settings just fine - I mean, I bought the damn thing almost specifically to play the game. Its running a mobile P4 at 3.06Ghz with a 512Kb L2 cache, an ATI mobile Radeon 9700 with 64Mb of its own dedicated memory and 512Mb DDR normal system memory. In short, its one of these.

                  Now ever since the update they put in to stop the DoS attacks it has struggled in areas where it never struggled before. Yesterday I got lag in an empty Sarutabaruta, and this morning I got lag coming out of my mog house because someone was doing a synth there (hardly anyone around though).


                  So, I need to do something useful with perfmon to figure out whats up with it (and keep my fingers crossed its something I can do something about). The settings on FFXI are quite good at the moment and I'm loathe to turn them down but if I have to I will. If its a problem with the amount of normal memory I can do something about it, video memory I'm not sure I can.

                  I tried perfmon yesterday without much success ... does anyone have any ideas which of the millions of stats I should be recording to detect where this problem lies? Yesterday I ended up with too many lines, all squidged on the left hand side of the screen with a big gap in the middle.


                    This is one of those times when I'm glad to be on the PS2 version, even if the screenshots do make people want to vomit.


                      Heheh ... but that way you just get poor graphics *all* the time

                      I am thinking of getting an X-Box actually when they come out, for FFXI, even though they are the evil that is Microsoft trying to break into a market I'd not want to see them succeed in. That'd be the second console I will have bought for this game - got a silver PS2 (one of the big ones) last year thinking they wouldnt' bring out a silver slim line one and the ba$tards have. Will probably have to buy a slim one too if they're fairly cheap, just to have one. Have barely ever touched the one I've got though, couldn't bare to send to have it chipped in case they damaged its wonderous silvery coating.


                        Looks like it'll be on the ps3 as well!!!


                          Hicory, I used to play FFXI on a laptop as well and for ages it worked really well, just the usual lag in busy areas, then suddenly it started to perform real bad, I had no idea what caused it but there were times when I had to tell party's to give me 5 minutes while I rebooted, this would often sort it out, usually I would log back on and it would be running so much better.

                          I think in my case it was down to the laptop being over used, I would be working on it all day and then go strait into FFXI without shutting down untill late evening, the laptop now has alot of hardware problems and I hardly use it just because it takes ages to boot.

                          I dont know exactly what you should do, I never really found changing the graphical settings would make much difference.

                          So all in all, try rebooting when its running slow see if it makes a difference, if not umm /sigh.


                            Hmmm. I got the claim on Cactrot Rapido. Not that I wanted it ><

                            I was fighting a flesh eater, when a sabotender linked on me. I hit it with sleep II, and finished off the worm. I had about 30mp left, so rather than hang about waiting for the sabotender to wake up I started running for the distant zone point. A few anticans in my way, nothing major, I was home and dry. Then when I was 30 seconds from zoning...

                            Cactrot Rapido hits Darwock for 518 points of damage. I never even saw him coming and he finished me in one hit.


                              Winnah! . As you can tell, had a good day today


                                Got more than 150K in the back pocket of my Gobbiebag earlier (for the first time ever) ... that was nice. ^^
                                Last edited by vwilsonuk; 11-06-2005, 08:05.

