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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    I remembe when Ni was 50k. People were "shocked" because at one point it flared up to 200k for a couple of weeks, then went back down again. Look at it now.

    Also, on Bismarck, for some reason, Jujitsu Gi and Fuma Kyahan have doubled in price in about 4 days. Weird.


      Originally posted by vwilsonuk
      If you spend all that time trying to keep up with someone else, you'll miss out on the real point of the game.
      Yeah, that's true.

      When he and I first got the game, Rare had more time to spend on it than I did (and I think he still does, tbh) and I wanted to stay at the same level as him. So, every time I was online, I went lfg straight away, for about 6 months.

      Then I wised up (supposedly) and realised that levelling isn't the only thing in the game, and started to simply go at my own pace.

      Now, I'm miles behind the majority of the LS, but I don't care. I'm having fun with the crafting, farming, and exploring (where possible) so it's worth playing the game even though I'm not levelling much.


        Last night was pretty annoying, 67-70 getting 160exp a kill, fairly fast but I still ended up with 3.5k for the hour before the 2 japanese in a party said <sleepy>, I just don?t understand at this level, no matter the language you should tell you party that you plan to leave with at least good 30min warning, let alone join a party for an 1hr, which is a waste my time and gil(in food poped).


          What server are you bums playing on? I've cracked and am off to purchase ff11 - any chance of a Worldpass?


            seraph, as for a worldpass i think vani brought some yesterday so he should have 2 of 3 still space (iirc)


              You right folks,i was'nt moaning about the game just that i would love to join in with the adventuring your all involved in!! Just being in the game is enough for me ,its really a game you can lose yourself in,as the 20 odd hrs of play prove!!!
              Edandersen when you join i'll meet up and give you a hand in the game.


                Mr. Danderson is joining our server? lol, I expect the language on Seraph is gonna get a whole lot worse!!


                  MMORPGs can be a dangerous business!!

                  BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service


                    Good man Ed, if you're in need of a world pass drop me a PM and we'll sort you out. We're all on Seraph the finest of the servers where the gil flows freely and all the players are happy to help all the time

                    As for the game it looks like it's in for another big boost come december with a new expansion and xbox 360 version coming out. My aim now is to reach 70 before December so I can blaze the trial and die horrbily in the new places first.

                    One last thing, welcome to our addiction, it's like crack but legal ^^


                      I didn't get a worldpass, but I can do if no one else has one.


                        Well I've PMd Tsing, but if anyone wants to deliver the goods while I'm installing this beast (7CDs???) then punt us a PM and I'll be very grateful.


                          On it now ed, your world pass will be woth you in moments...

                          Or I would be if it didn't keep saying world pass centre unavailable please try again later, will try later I guess.

                          To be honest after you've fully installed your updates will take around 4 hours to download,i fit's anything like mine so you should have a pass in time.
                          Last edited by Tsingtao; 08-06-2005, 17:42.


                            Okay, I'm bored of installing this now.


                              Originally posted by edandersen
                              Okay, I'm bored of installing this now.
                              Tsing just told me about the difficulties he's had with the "world pass server" ... (there's a "world pass server"??) ... am going to have a go at getting you one in a minute.

                              I really wouldn't sit and watch the progress bar if I were you, its the most disheartening thing in the world.


                                Originally posted by Vanicent
                                Yeah, that's true.

                                When he and I first got the game, Rare had more time to spend on it than I did (and I think he still does, tbh) and I wanted to stay at the same level as him. So, every time I was online, I went lfg straight away, for about 6 months.

                                Then I wised up (supposedly) and realised that levelling isn't the only thing in the game, and started to simply go at my own pace.

                                Now, I'm miles behind the majority of the LS, but I don't care. I'm having fun with the crafting, farming, and exploring (where possible) so it's worth playing the game even though I'm not levelling much.
                                Aha ... someone else who understands the pain of living alongside someone who is (relatively more) ffxi obsessed.

