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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    What Wyverns lack in strength they make up for with a range of abilities that can benefit the group/dragoon. For one their breath attacks can be SCed nicely and their healing breath (which increases in potency as the dragoon lvls) can be VERY useful in a pinch.


      Except sadly, DRG hardly ever get invited as it is with a 'melee friendly' sub like /war or /thf so none even attempt to go as DRG/whm.

      I have seen a DRG/whm soloing and it is very impressive. Having the Wyvern perform a Healing Breath of an equivalent strength of Cure 3, but at the MP cost of Dia is clearly very good. The difficulty is the lack of direction on who receives that cure. In the instance that both the DRG and another member is on low health (say the tank for example) the Wyvern will always heal the DRG in priority which would not be the correct choice.

      I?ll be honest. I don?t think this change will make a great difference to the public perception of DRG. I don?t think the issue with DRG is that the loss of Wyvern impacted their damage.

      I?ve worded that badly.

      Obviously losing their Wyvern impacts their damage, that is a given. What I mean is that the playerbase?s issue is not that their damage is poor when they lose the wyvern, but because they believe (wrongly) that their damage is below par in general. When people invite a DRG (or not as the case usually is), I doubt the thought process is thinking ?this player will be powerful until they lose his wyvern?.

      So making Call Wyvern now a 20 minute timer may not make any difference.

      However, on the other side of the coin?

      What I have noticed is how the majority of players are the ones who believe whatever they read/are told and put so much faith in that.

      Even if nothing really changes with regards to a DRG damage output, the very fact that S-E have made an announcement that essentially says ?DRG will be improved in the next update? may lead to the average player believing that DRG is now more powerful even if the change is minimal. We have precedents for this. There are still people who think that the Utsusemi ?nerf? recently means that NIN can no longer hold hate and tank when the actual impact it had was small. Perhaps more fittingly is the misconception that RNG are now a subpar damage dealer when in actual fact, if a player adapts to the changes, their damage output is largely unchanged.


        Not posted in a while ^^;

        I think as rare said we will have to wait and see what becomes of DRG!
        On another note i started a Live Journal Here
        Last edited by Bayan; 23-11-2005, 13:23.


          Dam bloody cat, barely anything done at all yesterday, before the Attohwa trip which was a bit of laugh as the NM we thought put up a sterner challenge than expected, resulting in us fighting it at Full Hp a dozen times until we uss?d it. The trip up the mountain didn?t go well either, fell and got lost multiple times till time ran out, got there in the end and will try it within the time limit when I get back on.


            Well last night mainly consisted of the CoP 3-3 leg in Windurst as Tobal said the NM which I thought we would kill in minutes turned out to be a royal pain. We must have taken 6 or 7 near enough full health bars from it before it went down and then came the hill.

            First run up was so close to being right then fell near the end, second time up ran out of time but made the top. Had to go get the key item again and head back up the hill, this time though it was as one would say a flawless victory. Afterwards back in windy completed the rest of the cutscenes. Nearly to the Diablos BC now but hell this has been a lot tougher than I expected it to be.

            Now finally I may finish getting my cooking to 60 so I can tick that one off the list. Think I need a break to level some and get some Zilart missions done, this last CoP leg has been a harsh trial but chapter 4 is getting close now!


              Hmm, seems like I have alot of work to do to be ready for the next mission.


                Me too. In fact it looks a lot like I'm not going to be able to get it done. Think I'll have to make my apologies and bow out of it.


                  It's on!

                  Gives official confirmation that the new job already seen in the video is actually called Blue Mage (as opposed to a job with Blue Mage abilities under a different name).


                    how long the ther server down for,i somehow completely missed this one.


                      So CoP then guys, looks like we're going to need a regroup...

                      We've lost our RDM and our BLM, so here's my thoughts:

                      1) We have to get a sleeper for the cap 50 battles, particularly Oryu.
                      2) We're going to need a refresher as well if we're going to survive the 50 caps.

                      Based on that I've had a chat to Iceze and Hicory spoke to Mosley last night. That would leave us RDM for sleep and refresh and a SMN for blood pact buffs + the mighty Astral flow. The problem is we're obviously all at very different places in CoP. Mosley has promyvions to do, Iceze is on the mammets. Other obvious person is Truehero who I did see on a mammet run but not sure where he is in reality, may have compelted it and just be retrying.

                      What do people think, we could do one promyvion per week as part of our ENM runs for Mosley to get him up with us. Basically do one ENM for xp after we do one promyvion, depends obviosly on anima etc.

                      Obviously these are just ideas, we could go pick up but my pick up experiences aren't great. Equally Underpants gnomes have a few people around our position in the missions. Whatever the choice its going to take us a little while to get back on track so what do people feel is the right choice?


                        I don?t know, I?m in to minds. I don?t want to wait but we will have to anyway for the lvl.50 cap as hic?s a couple of levels away from it at the moment, but then I really don?t feel like do a Proper Promey again but would help if it was properly done and there a DD short (I?ll come as RNG). As for the mammets where Iceze is.. will we need to help him through it or is he arranging something himself?

                        The other option is for us as an LS, is lead Mosley and other LS members who haven?t completed CoP1 together do there work and find out what jobs they need, collect anima and do it, this will put them on the same ground Rare/Vani/Moot/Apa are on and should make a trip to the Aqueducts easier. Once complete Iceze can join them for the Mammets challenge.

                        That then leaves what 1st group with 4 (me,tsing,hic,wedge), we can leave the level 50cap alone for now as it not problem right now, but we would be short of 2 people 1 DD, 1 multi-role (Healer/debuffer/DD), im keen to have crack at this next mission as it seems rock solid, so I wouldn?t mind if you find 2 trusted people from the GnomesLS.


                          I shall have a word and see if anyone would be interested, the only ones on diablos right now are Ceth (DRG) or Edwardo (NIN - PLD). However they do have Miloco, Phosusoon and Phoblade who are both RDMs and Jezzi has just done Diablos as a BLM. I'll ask after the thanks giving weekend and see how it sounds.


                            There are quite a few people who still need the Promyvions too. If we're going to take Mosley through it would also make sense to get as many of them through the Promies as well at the same time - the more the merrier. Anyone level 30 who wants them, as long as the jobs fit the setup, lets do it.


                              Tobal - am getting a taste for levelling again, going to see how I get on at the weekend, should give us an indication of how long it'll take me to get to fifty. Am 41 right now.


                                f*&king hell, what I said was based on the understanding that you were planning to do the next BCNM this weekend - however if you're prepared to wait until replacements have been ushered through Promyvion, are you not prepared to wait for me to find a way of beating the NMs?

