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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    Check them from very far away, behind a rock


      Originally posted by Tobal
      It was dammed ace, I hope you caught the awesome vs tanaka match, which had some crazy ass bumps and crap load of shoot interviews
      First off, sorry FF fans for taking this OT.

      I did indeed get to see the Awesome/Tanaka match. The number of sick looking powerbombs was insane. Was good stuff. Dramer/Sandman vs Dudleys was classic ECW stuff too.

      Sadly I missed Sabus match (was it against Rhino?) which I am gutted about.

      I saw Paul Heyman?s shoot and laughed out loud regarding his Bradshaw/Triple H not working Tuesday?s comment. The Matt Hardy comment at Edge I didn?t get (been out of the WWE loop for a while) but I looked into and found out abou the whole Matt/Lita/Edge situation.

      Very messy

      Sadly I haven?t seen RVD?s shoot which I heard was IMMENSE.

      I hope they release it on DVD (unedited) at some point. Really want to see the whole event.

      Anyway back to regular FFXI posting.

      Farming last night was messy and on the whole unproductive. Couldn?t get decent control of the mob spawns. Normally in Korroloka I have a route that I take which gets me back to the first spawn at around the time it is due to repop. Once I get this pattern down I can be at each spawn at just the right time and get the claim. Because of this competition doesn?t matter as they will rarely cross my path at the exact time they need to. Sadly last night there was a lot of competition prior to me arriving and I simply couldn?t get a fix on what would spawn where and when.

      Hopefully tonight will be more productive.

      Also, Ed. You should be able to check mobs from a distance. Nothing reacts to a check command. Goblins react to sight only so if you stay out of their line of vision you can avoid them. Some mobs react to sound so tend to aggro you once you get within a certain distance, regardless of where they are looking. Some aggro to both sight and sound and are a pain.


        Originally posted by edandersen
        Except when I "check" Goblins they immediately come and twat me.
        Wow, well it's good you learned that early then?. Have you read the manual?

        Monsters will agro you if certain condition?s are met

        Beastmen(and anything nasty looking) will attack you on sight, sound, low Heath or smell, if they check(con) Easy Prey to Incredible Tough, beastmen hate us, its that simple, the most common

        Goblins,Orcs,Yag?s,Demon?s- Sight/Low HP
        Qud?s, Undead ? Sound/Low HP
        Elementals, Slime - magic

        Some more normal creatures will also attack you based on the above, an example would be King?s Tomb(which you?ll be seeing soon if plan do mission2) in East Ron, fairly low level area at the start but mob?s will gain levels the deeper you go and the Bat?s and Worm?s attack on sound if you Decent prey+ to them.


          Also as funny note when i started out, until I reached lvl 10 I thought the con order was Weak, Easy, Even, Decent, IT ><; that lead to a few deaths I can tell you?.


            Originally posted by C'
            Farming last night was messy and on the whole unproductive.
            Likewise for me... I've actually met the target I wanted for beastmen seals, and Zepwell island is under beastman control now so I'm not getting crystals, but due to force of habit I found myself out there on the hunt again...

            I switched to desert dhalmels (which I can take down provided I bind them and keep them at a distance) but fighting them brought me in range of the cactuars. There was one threatening to come over and do me in, and I had my 2hr so I decided to kill it.

            Went through the usual motions, no problems, the cactuar was missing a lot and paralysis from my spikes was working well.. then 'The Sabotender readies 1000 Needles'. I'm like woah!! I wonder if that's the same move from the other Final Fantasies? Got hit for 1000 damage, it's the same b@$tard move. Bah. You won't catch me back in the desert for a loooong time after all the cactuar trouble I've had.


              The guys are there, you can con from behing most mobs safely in East adn West Ronfaure the exception are the undead hounds and skeletons that pop duing the night, those boys all agro to sound. One thing to note is that just because mobs look the same they're not, things that are non-agro in one zone may well deceide to beat the crap out of you in another.

              A good example of there are the fungars that sit around nice and quietly in Ronfaure but the poison fungars in La Theine Plataeu will give you a good beating till you're level 20 or so given half a chance.

              Hopefully you've sorted your armour et al by now, getting to level 10 without getting full leather gear at level 7 is something of a challenge. Having out of date armour severely restricts the xp you can go after, at all levels you should aim to be in the right gear. Not the crazy 1 million gil a pop gear but the standard stuff is pretty much a given. The same goes for both weapons and spells, you need to be up to date or you'll suffer.

              The last thing is food, food is great but not cheap. Just as an idea the food I use as PLD contirubtes about as much bonus defence as my armour. As a WAR my food contributed more attack bonus than anything else I owned. As a mage my food increases my MP pool and regen rates. Take look, you'll be amazed...


                Oh and don?t forget enemies that ?link?.

                There are some types of enemy that will normally ignore you until you attack them. However should they notice you fighting a same type enemy as they are they will start attacking you. This is referred to as ?linking? and should be avoided unless you are certain you can handle both enemies.

                Linking is separate from ?aggro? in several ways. Like I said, an enemy can be tame and not ever aggro you and still link. IIRC Wild Sheep in the Ronfaure zones are an example of this. You can run around them all day and they won?t bother you providing you don?t hit them but should you fight one whilst another is closeby you will likely have to contend with both.

                Linking is also different from aggro in that your level in relation to the enemy is irrelevant. Whereas a Too Weak enemy will never aggro you, they will still link even if they are 30 levels lower.


                  Ok and one last way to die just to round off the full set...

                  Some mobs have AoE (Area of Effect) Attacks, if you happen to be in the range of these when someone else is fighting the mob you can also take damage. Goblin bomb tosses are good examples of these, an even better one is Serket on the bottom floor of Garliage Citadel the git killed our RDM with an AoE while Serket was miles away fighting with some other party.


                    Oh cool, you?ve seen Serket?

                    Never had the pleasure personally (although I believe he is quite a sight) but me and Apa have already agreed that once I am 70+ me and him are gonna camp that bastard and duo him as revenge for this farming torture his Venomous Claw is currently putting me through.


                      Serket sucks. Ours was stolen yesterday by gilsellers then they CFH -.-;;




                          called for help


                            I assume you were kind enough to leave them to be wiped out before reclaiming Serket. I've seen him 3 or 4 times now while I've been xping in Garliage Citadel, got to go back to his room at 55 to get my Garliage Coffer key from fallen majors etc.

                            If I'm the right level I'd love to come along, I can't wait to tank my first HNM. May start with something simple like Bloodtear or Steelface and move on from there...

                            Think I may try for Dark Spark tomorrow night if anyone wants to come with. Would imagine I'll be online around 18:30 and start putting it together from there. Would be nice to head out on holiday with my first 3 AF peices in place. When I get back that homo the shadowlord is going to get some from Darwock, Talizker and I. Rank6 and the Zilart missions await, I'm so over excited I think I may need a lie down.


                              I guess I may be either too low (51) or not allowed to join the dark spark fight, but I'll help if you need it.


                                Once serket is CFH'ed it's impossible for it to go yellow again unless everyone camping it dies or zones (which isn't going to happen). So we just killed it orange.

