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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    More Rare/EX excitement for Rarehero.

    After farming Korroloka Tunnel I decided to head by Falcatus Aranei's spawn room and cleared out the placeholders and sure enough he popped when they started to reappear. I was actually in the middle of fighting another spider when he popped so I changed target and had to combat 2 spiders (which made it more awkward).

    Having 2 mobs hacking at my shadows meant things were't super easy. I even got hit with Sickle Slash for 220 although I was over 50% HP at all times. Also, I had switched my Emporer Hairpin off and equipped NIN AF (don't know why) just minutes earlier and I fought him using Great Katana so the fight was more drawn out than was needed.

    Incredibly considering this was the first time I'd fought him, he dropped his Rare/EX item, the Webcutter, first time so it is another for my collection. Not something I was particularly after but will come in handy should I decide to level BST.

    It seems that my luck in obtaining Rare/EX equipment is improving and last night I also grabbed another Tonberry Rattle used for the infamous 'Katana Run'. If a few peeps would be willing to tag along and try again for that in the near future I would be most appreciative (Apathye, Bayan, Tobal and Wedge, I'm looking at you ^_^)


      Finally got to lvl 10 today!!!
      Two minutes later some person walks up to me and ask's to trade.
      Suddenly i've got 20,000 gil !!
      Asked them why? They replied that they just felt generous!!
      I love this game people do help,Wow does seem to be more populated with people just scrambling to get to lvl 60.
      I had to stop playing Wow yesterday after being cheesed off with some guy just following me everywhere asking for 20 silver.I know you can shut them out of the game but it does piss you off.
      I still enjoy wow but this game does have a more settled community.


        Bloody hell bagpuss, trust me that's not normal behaviour for this game! lol


          I decided to start another new character today . Galkan red mage -.-;; should be interesting for the summer :P.


            Originally posted by Darwock
            Bloody hell bagpuss, trust me that's not normal behaviour for this game! lol
            Could be a person just getting rid of their stuff giving up the game.
            Then again could be a complete nutter as they sent me an e-mail to be their friend!!!



                Originally posted by bagpuss66
                Could be a person just getting rid of their stuff giving up the game.
                Then again could be a complete nutter as they sent me an e-mail to be their friend!!!
                Welcome to the select group of players who have their own in-game stalkers.


                  Originally posted by vwilsonuk
                  Welcome to the select group of players who have their own in-game stalkers.

                  Would you believe i bumped into him totally by accident in the valkurm dunes!!!
                  Luckily i was just about to logout!!
                  Why could'nt it be a nice young lady!


                    Well not to much play this weekend, made it to 54 in the Boyahda tree adn then went after my coffer in Eldieme Necropolis. Spent about 4 hours on Sunday morning / afternoon with rare opperating the switches running round like an idiot trying to find my coffer. Eventually found it after about 2 1/2 hours onlt to see another PLD open it just as I arrived at the spot ft: ...

                    Eventually had to give up as we hic and I had things to do and shot off out. Had a bit of free time around 10 and logged back in on the off chance and would you beleive it found the coffer solo at the first pop point I checked.

                    Thus the weekend ended on a high note, now I need to go give DArk Spark a whooping and I'm sorted.


                      Good to hear Tsing. After narrowly missing that coffer earlier in the day you deserved to have an easy find I reckons.

                      Wasn?t so good for me yesterday. Got Bayan, Tobal, Iceze and Truehero to come along for another attempt on the NM in Temple of Uggalepih for my Rare/EX katana. We had 2 spawn items which meant 2 attempts and this time the fights went much easier then previously (although everyone was obviously much higher level nowadays). Mijin Gakure was a joke most likely thanks to Truehero?s group Stoneskin and the NM died quickly.

                      However, one thing remained the same. He never dropped the katana either time.

                      0/9 now on that thing. However, I don?t plan on levelling any time soon so hopefully we will get a few more attempts in. I actually came back on last night and was able to find another Rattle so that?s at least 1 more attempt.

                      Scorpion Harness fund is coming along nicely. I?m just under 3.5 million at the moment and the price of the Harness is hovering around the 7.5-7.7 million mark. Another million from farming then I can sell some of my old equipment and should be enough. Providing I can get the motivation to farm this week, I could be harnessed up by the weekend.

                      However, can I just ask again, if anyone is sorting a BCNM40 soon and wouldn?t mind a NIN/war tagging along can you let me know as soon as possible. Once I?ve sold my gear I won?t have anything appropriate for a level 40 cap for a while but I can hold off selling the equipment for a short time if it means a chance to use this orb that has been in my mogsafe for over a year.
                      Last edited by C'; 13-06-2005, 08:05.


                        Rare if you want to put together a BCNM 40 or 50 and want a PLD I'll come along. After hitting 54 I'm now in need of some serious gear upgrades, Vigor rings alone are 600k each and obviously I need 2. On top of that I still need my Earth and Dark staffs and the Glutony sword is getting real close. I reckon totting that lot up I need about 3 million so any way to make some is more than welcome...

                        I may eventually put my money where my mouth is and try camping the emperor soon and see if it really is as hard as folks make out.

                        One thing I forgot to say in the earlier post was thanks for all the help yesterday Rare, might not have got it on that run but I did find out how to get around in Eldieme Necropolis which was worthwhile in itself. Now I still have 2 other coffer keys to use up in Kuftal Tunnel and Quicksand Caves to get maps for those 2...

                        G1lz u g1v3 m3 s0m3, u r h1 l3v3lz
                        Last edited by Tsingtao; 13-06-2005, 08:37.


                          Originally posted by Tsingtao
                          One thing I forgot to say in the earlier post was thanks for all the help yesterday Rare, might not have got it on that run but I did find out how to get around in Eldieme Necropolis which was worthwhile in itself. Now I still have 2 other coffer keys to use up in Kuftal Tunnel and Quicksand Caves to get maps for those 2...

                          G1lz u g1v3 m3 s0m3, u r h1 l3v3lz

                          Lucky both those are easy as pie to get, I had the exact same coffer?s for my af?s both keys can be gained exp?ing in your 50?s as they are dropped from exp mob?s if you party outside of the Tree, if not the mobs are that drop keys are all at the start of the zone?s (crabs and Ant?s) and the coffer?s are well easy to get with just sneak?s.


                            Good to hear that Tobal, I've got both keys already from Xping in those areas so it's just popping there and finding the coffer. Might give it a try later on, I love my maps ^^


                              On the topic of BCNM's are we still all wanting to do a BCNM60. I finish mt exams on wens, but im going out that night. As a Start shall we try get it sorted to go on Thursaday night, meet in Jeuno at 7pm.

                              I was hoping the party would be RareNIN TobalSAM BayanRNG IcezeRDM WedgeBRD and meBLM. If you all could post if your avilable or not ^^ then we can confirm on reschedule it^^

                              +With reagrds to people not 60 yet, we can allways do it when needed.


                                im up for that, as i'll need to start putting cash together the lvl70 jse(which at the moe i can afford the body armor of the bat)

