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Final Fantasy XI Then...

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    World pass bought and sent, hope you maange to get it installed today ^^


      Cheers, I'm on Seraph now. Character name is "Kojima". Everything else was fricking taken!

      The funny thing is, I'm far more facinated by PlayOnline Viewer than anything else at the moment. Its a shame that the game has to render to a power of 2 texture too Plus on my LCD native resolution, text is barely readable. I'll give it a proper sesh tommorrow.


        Good to see your online now.For the resolution prob try here for a way to get higher resolution on your pc


          More desert 'antic's (boom boom) for me last night, but this time I was also getting teased by that little bugger Cactrot Rapido! Every time I was fighting I would see the plume of dust in the distance, then I swear he would run circles around me just to piss me off ><

          Finally, I caught sight of his incoming dust cloud while resting after a fight, quickly got up (I reached my feet as he shot past me) and hammered my stun macro. It hit him!

          He resisted it and kept going! lmao

          Probably just as well, because the easy prey Sabotenders give me a serious run for my money at the moment so I doubt I'd last long against a NM cactuar.
          Last edited by Darwock; 09-06-2005, 08:30.


            For me last night was a return to Eldieme Necropolis i a key party. Rather luckily for me I got picked up by some guys going down for a Red Mage they knew and they invited me along. Was a slow start as our 73WAR fell down the wrong pit and wound up dead and then got killed again after a raise. To follow up he then DCed so I mamanged to rope in Toxicforce to come help the cause. After getting everyone together the WAR reappeared as well and after about 90 mins we had 2 keys and it was time for me to call it a day.

            Now my next job is some coffer hunting, I have keys for Quicksand Caves, Kuftal Tunnel and Eldieme Necropolis. I think in order to save me megabucks in sneak oils and prism powder I'm going to have to get WHM to 25 so I can sub it for sneak and invisible.

            And now once again work appears to have urinated liberally in my chips, duty calls.

            Ed congrats on making it online, it's an arduous task, not sure I'll be around tonight beer and curry beckons but others should be around to furnish you with a link pearl etc. Someone at least be a good chap and sort him some level 1 armour.
            Last edited by Tsingtao; 09-06-2005, 08:55.


              Don't you get armour when you start? I don't remember having to buy any.. or do you just get your onion weapon and that's it?


                Originally posted by Darwock
                MMORPGs can be a dangerous business!!

                LMAO. I could so see that happening to some people i know in game.


                  Rofl, that article was pretty funny. Just goes to show how far idiot gamers will go. Legend of Mir is a piece of crap anyway, why the big deal? Its always featured on that pointless italian video games channel on Sky.

                  "We want Qiu to die, and immediately," <----- that line had me in stitches

                  Edit: BLM is the second job I've hit 50 with this week and I really do need to get Genkei 1 completed. Volunteers anyone?
                  Last edited by Daragon; 09-06-2005, 09:43.


                    I thought you'd done it Daragon? I'm sure you were in the party when we were after 3 ancient papyrus drops?


                      Zenith Mitts Getto! /yay


                        Originally posted by Darwock
                        I thought you'd done it Daragon? I'm sure you were in the party when we were after 3 ancient papyrus drops?
                        I was, sadly I'm still missing the bomb ash and Exoray mould


                          Ah I need to pass through garliage soon again, I need the Sauromgue Champaign monument, to find the incinerator for the windy quest and get my coffer for AF4. Having said this I need to get my garliage coffer key first and level 55 for a start.

                          If you need a hand though gimme a shout I'm up for helping out.


                            So I'm running around twatting rabbits and the odd worm thing. I'm a red mage level 4 at the moment, started in San'Doria or whatever its called.

                            I assume I'm meant to start tackling these missions? Hunting Orcs or some ****? I have no money and rubbish equipment and nothing drops gil. Ho hum.

                            Any tips?


                              Originally posted by edandersen
                              So I'm running around twatting rabbits and the odd worm thing. I'm a red mage level 4 at the moment, started in San'Doria or whatever its called.

                              I assume I'm meant to start tackling these missions? Hunting Orcs or some ****? I have no money and rubbish equipment and nothing drops gil. Ho hum.

                              Any tips?
                              "San'Doria or whatever its called" lol

                              Can't see you on the server mate. Basically:

                              1) kill stuff to a) get drops for selling b) get experience points c) improve skill
                              2) make sure you have signet on (check your gate guard) so the things you kill drop crystals. Everyone likes crystals, especially fire.
                              3) Make sure if you sell stuff on the ah you set a minimum bid (I *didn't* for the first 3-4 weeks - ouch).
                              4) Buy the best gear you can but try shops and other npcs before the AH, they're generally cheaper, check allakhazam (item search) to find out which npc sells stuff, or do it the Darwock way and just ask them all.
                              5) Do a bit of reading and figure out the weapons you have aptitude for on your job. Concentrate on them before the others, as that will allow you to be most effective at killing things (for RDM try sword and dagger). As a mage make sure you keep your magic skills capped as well (for RDM focus on enfeebling and enhancing).
                              6) Missions and quests are something you can start now but you will also need to level up to continue them, as they get harder. Also more quests become available to you as you do them, as your fame increases. Missions are the main guts of the story, and there are new sets of missions for the different expansions (Zilart, CoP). They are what sorts the men from the boys.

                              Play solo until about 10 then go to Valkurm Dunes (a short hop from Ronfaure) and learn how to play alongside others in a party. Pay attention to what goes wrong - it'll teach you more than what goes right. Don't forget everyone is continually learning and we all make mistakes. Get your chocobo pass asap (you'll need 20 to do the quest). Red mage is a cracking job - well done on a good choice there :-)

                              HTH - drop me a /tell if you're on in the next hour or so
                              Last edited by vwilsonuk; 09-06-2005, 15:59.


                                the mobs ur hitting should be dropping crystalls(earth 1k a stack), rabbit meat(1k)/hides(2k), batwings/fans(3-5k), ores(100g usually) to sell onthe Auction House which is more than enough to get the next set of equipment around lvl 7 for most jobs.

